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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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But I don't need your social contract. And I don't need anyone to "give up" loot for me. Since I don't expect anyone to give up anything for me, why would I give anything up for them?

I'll just quote myself:


"Answer is "to maximize the group efficiency". Since in the flashpoints only the players are present it's better to socially allow need for those who would make direct use of it to help the group now and in the future and maximize the chance that each class/character will be able to roll for "his" gear. If there are more than one character who can make use of the loot it's acceptable to allow them all need for it.


If there is no need for character then many people take greed as default. To sell it, to give it to a companion and so on. Some ask if they can take need for a companion and I saw no one who had a problem with it.


There are people who will take need for a companion over the player on any loot. While they are allowed - by the game mechanic - it can be viewed as socially unacceptable. Why? Because he can take need for anyone's gear as (s)he see fit. Social contract which allowed you to take need for "your" type of gear case to exist. It's obvious that this person is a danger to all people in the group and will be alienated.


That's why people taking need for a companion before asking first (or discussing the loot rules) are not welcome by many people".

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Newsflash: This is SW;ToR not Wow..




Who else would they be rolling against? Themselves?




Assumtion or do you have some facts to back this claim up?




So you know everyone personally, their living arrangements and what time they walk their dog I guess. Must be a heavy load having so much knowledge of everyone else. Me, I think you pulled that statistic out of somewhere smelly.





I knew I should have stopped reading when you mentioned WoW, that told me all I needed to know.


Fine by your logic, news flash this is swtor and players will roll against you main spec for the companion, you just got served-1ouch!!!

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Why is it "empathy, compassion and respect for equals" when you're rolling on what you want, but "greed" when someone else is rolling on what they want?

What the #$#@ are you talking about, seriously? It's really simple: if it's an upgrade for you, roll Need on it. If it's an upgrade for someone else, roll Greed or pass. True greed is rolling on everything and anything regardless of whether you can use it or not.

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Fine by your logic, news flash this is swtor and players will roll against you main spec for the companion, you just got served-1ouch!!!


If someone rolls and wins, I'm delighted for them. If I roll and win, I'm delighted for me. it's just a shame others can't share that view and instead want to be selfish little brats.

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Why is it "empathy, compassion and respect for equals" when you're rolling on what you want, but "greed" when someone else is rolling on what they want?


Because if you want it for your companion their their need is more paramount. Think about it, we look to gearing our own characters before gearing our companions, so obviously the player character is more important in the long run. If you both can use the item being rolled for, and I mean YOU, your character, not your companion, and I mean USE, as in actual, measurable value, then you should both need it.

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What the #$#@ are you talking about, seriously? It's really simple: if it's an upgrade for you, roll Need on it. If it's an upgrade for someone else, roll Greed or pass. True greed is rolling on everything and anything regardless of whether you can use it or not.


You're proving my point for me, even if it lacks eloquence. If it's an upgrade for me, I will roll Need on it.


"Me" is defined as "My character, or one of my companions", and items to be rolled on include "Items that I meet class restrictions for, items that have even one mod in them which would upgrade a version I currently have, or items that will upgrade a companion of mine."

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If someone rolls and wins, I'm delighted for them. If I roll and win, I'm delighted for me. it's just a shame others can't share that view and instead want to be selfish little brats.

The hypocrisy in this post is so rich that you could stand a spoon in it.

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What ignorance exactly ?


If you are gonna grief someone over breaking an unstated rule


unless you're some chemically imbalanced sociopath I'm assuming you know the difference between right and wrong ..and/or socially acceptable.


unstated rule ...pppttth

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Because if you want it for your companion their their need is more paramount. Think about it, we look to gearing our own characters before gearing our companions, so obviously the player character is more important in the long run. If you both can use the item being rolled for, and I mean YOU, your character, not your companion, and I mean USE, as in actual, measurable value, then you should both need it.


This is untrue.. I play consular sage. I gear my tank, that's my companion, before I worry about me. So your argument has no basis in fact.

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Because if you want it for your companion their their need is more paramount. Think about it, we look to gearing our own characters before gearing our companions, so obviously the player character is more important in the long run. If you both can use the item being rolled for, and I mean YOU, your character, not your companion, and I mean USE, as in actual, measurable value, then you should both need it.


Their need is only more important than mine if I happen to think so. No one else gets to make that determination for me. I value my companion's upgrade needs higher than another player's upgrade needs, which is why I will roll Need on upgrades for companions, just as I'll roll Need on orange items with even a single mod that would upgrade what I or a companion currently have, even if the other two mods have stats which are useless for me (but are very likely useful for a companion).

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Run an FP solo. What loot drops from bosses? Loot for your class only, or loot for all classes?


That answer should settle this rolling nonsense. If it's for all classes, then BW wants you to roll for your companions in FP's, thus /thread. If it's for your class only, then BW wants you to roll only for yourself in FP's, thus /thread.

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You're proving my point for me, even if it lacks eloquence. If it's an upgrade for me, I will roll Need on it.


"Me" is defined as "My character, or one of my companions", and items to be rolled on include "Items that I meet class restrictions for, items that have even one mod in them which would upgrade a version I currently have, or items that will upgrade a companion of mine."

Nice try. You have that definition of "you" that the vast majority of players do not share. You damn well know it, hence your refusal to meet my challenge of posting your character name and server so that the rest of us can see you putting your words into practice. It's also something that none of the other people who share your views (all 4 of them or so) will ever do.


I don't even know why you bother posting in these threads. Do you honestly think that you're going to convert everyone to your way of thinking?

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unless you're some chemically imbalanced sociopath I'm assuming you know the difference between right and wrong ..and/or socially acceptable.


unstated rule ...pppttth


#1 - You posted two quotes from 2 different people.

#2 - Do you have some form of expert medical training in personality disorders? Or did you pull that nice word out of the dictionary to look important? Either way, you used it wrongly.


#3 I play the game my way not be acceptable to you, or indeed, anyone else.

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If someone rolls and wins, I'm delighted for them. If I roll and win, I'm delighted for me. it's just a shame others can't share that view and instead want to be selfish little brats.


But as long as they play by your rules and basically don't roll if the upgrade is .000001% better for you, or don't roll need for their companion if it's an upgrade for you.

I am sorry but I don't see how you are delighted if someone rolls against you and wins, you end the thread wit brats that doesn't sound like delighted to me.


SIDE note these threads are not iPhone friendly

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unless you're some chemically imbalanced sociopath I'm assuming you know the difference between right and wrong ..and/or socially acceptable.


unstated rule ...pppttth

I'm thinking at this point that he's just trolling for lack of anything better to do, possibly because he can't do much in-game due to being blacklisted by everyone.

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Think about it, we look to gearing our own characters before gearing our companions, so obviously the player character is more important in the long run.

If you do this, that's fine. Personally, keeping my tank companion's armor upgraded is far more important than keeping my own upgraded. If you're always doing you first and your companions second, it's no wonder you think your companions are useless.

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This is untrue.. I play consular sage. I gear my tank, that's my companion, before I worry about me. So your argument has no basis in fact.


I play a Sage too, and I agree that gearing your tank is very important, but you still need to heal him, and to do that well you need gear, it's not like he's doing all the work.


And besides, in a flashpoint your companion isn't a factor. What good is a piece of gear on your companions going to do for your group going through game content?

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Run an FP solo. What loot drops from bosses? Loot for your class only, or loot for all classes?


That answer should settle this rolling nonsense. If it's for all classes, then BW wants you to roll for your companions in FP's, thus /thread. If it's for your class only, then BW wants you to roll only for yourself in FP's, thus /thread.


Then roll greed ...chances are others will have companions that could also use it.

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Try playing that way in a guild, which you'll need to be in to organize a large enough group that can work together to do end-game content, and we'll see how far needing on everything gets you.


See I'm in a guild, in the guild I care what other people get, in a PUG I don't give a rat's **** about you and you should feel the same.

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They should make it impossible to hide your legacy name.


That way, once you've totally smeared your Legacy by following the "everything that drops is mine" approach to Flashpoints, you'll be completely screwed until you reroll on a new server.

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