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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Problems with PvP


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TL;DR Version.


1. CC, Stun, Knockbacks etc.


2. RNG Bags (no need further elaboration... )


3. Armor Skins are absolutely hideous in design and low resolution


4. Same class, same look for everyone.


5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.


6. Skills not activating, bugging out (ok nothing to do with the PvP dev)


7. Open World PvP = Joke


8. No progression - no stats, no titles, no basic creativity i.e unlock new pvp skin based on valor <-- Sounds neat? Dang 5 years can't think of that?


9. Medal system is terrible. Objective points is broken.





Just a simple question, what's the point?


First fundamental statement I would like to make about humans is that we enjoy progression. Progression drives many people, and can push someone who's unmotivated into a driven person if he starts seeing results.


Context based off my server population, not others.


Valor 1-10, discovery of PvP mechanics


Valor 10-20, playing to have fun


Valor 20-30, ah nice title, nice PvP leveling gear.


Valor 30-59, usually reach Lv 50 somewhere here, grind for RNG based Champ bags to open 10-20 empty bags. Great feeling of euphoria baby! 1 bag = 800 WZ commendations, ~80-100 per win, so about 10 wins = 1 bag. Each match ~10-15 mins. That's about 2 hours+ per lottery ticket.


Valor 60+, after many hundreds of hours of PvP, huzzah Battlemaster. Oh RNG hi. 10x worse, limited to 2 per day, MINIMAL stat improvement. Thanks for giving me +4 Expertise, +5 Endurance. I love it. Oh and full accuracy in every single armor slot enhancement.


After facing hundreds of hours of imbalanced PvP frustration such as the plethora of CC, buggy unresponsive skills not activating, stuns, knockbacks, roots, slows, it culminates to two lottery bag a day with nothing else?


Add on to PvP frustrations => bad public teams so Operatives = kill you before you get up, or unable to burst down a healer by yourself.


Typical scenario: Oh, you've interrupted Heal A? It's okay! I have Heal B! Aw, your interrupt's on cd? :( (I play a Marauder, we have no stuns other than choke which frequently bugs out yet another issue).


We finally reached Battlemaster to get 2 lottery tickets a day. Hm, so why PvP then. 'For fun brah' I've had plenty of 'fun' till I'm sick of Huttball (even other maps are just as dull) for the past hundreds of hours, so what do I get when I play now?


Nothing, no stat tracking, no ranking, no rewards, no titles, nope - definitely no progression. Oh did I mention that the PvE armor looks waay better? And that everyone looks the same in their respective class. Aw, dang, it took 5 years to design tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 PvP armor to only change their color palette. Great artists.


Hmm.. so all the PvP gear, what do I use it for? In warzones? Where's the open world PvP? Oh, you mean that giant block of ice battlefield that's nothing more than a huge expansive warzone with empty space? The place where there's soooo few republics (on my server about 5 max, rarely 10+) because they don't even bother coming.


Lucrative PvP system much.

Edited by Rezenith
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The PvP system is fine, just because you dont agree with it, doesn't mean its bad.


What they need to do is change the Bags to 1000 WZ / 1000 Mercs a bag and give it a Token that you can buy pvp gear with.


In example


battlemaster Bracers == 1 token

Battlemaster Belt == 1 Token

Battlemaster Chest == 5 Tokens

Battlemaster legs == 3 Tokens

Battlemaster Hands == 3 tokens

Battlemaster helmet == 5 tokens.


Battlemaster relics == 5 Tokens

Battlemaster ear piece == 3 Tokens

Battlemaster Implants == 3 Tokens.


this way you have a timesink, you get to have fun and you wont have the horrendous Random bags.

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I'm pretty sure we could add to your list as well. I recently read an article that this game took 6 years to make. This is all they accomplished in 6 year? An extended beta test phase. I guess their team is a group on monkeys in a room banging symbols together during that time. There are so many bugs and exploits I was suprised they would release a game as anticipated as this one in its current state. Most of my server just coordinates valor farming between factions. That's how lame it has gotten. I just stand there in amazement.
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TL;DR Version.


1. CC, Stun, Knockbacks etc.


2. RNG Bags (no need further elaboration... )


3. Armor Skins are absolutely hideous in design and low resolution


4. Same class, same look for everyone.


5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.


6. Skills not activating, bugging out (ok nothing to do with the PvP dev)


7. Open World PvP = Joke


8. No progression - no stats, no titles, no basic creativity i.e unlock new pvp skin based on valor <-- Sounds neat? Dang 5 years can't think of that?





Just a simple question, what's the point?


First fundamental statement I would like to make about humans is that we enjoy progression. Progression drives many people, and can push someone who's unmotivated into a driven person if he starts seeing results.


Context based off my server population, not others.


Valor 1-10, discovery of PvP mechanics


Valor 10-20, playing to have fun


Valor 20-30, ah nice title, nice PvP leveling gear.


Valor 30-59, usually reach Lv 50 somewhere here, grind for RNG based Champ bags to open 10-20 empty bags. Great feeling of euphoria baby! 1 bag = 800 WZ commendations, ~80-100 per win, so about 10 wins = 1 bag. Each match ~10-15 mins. That's about 2 hours+ per lottery ticket.


Valor 60+, after many hundreds of hours of PvP, huzzah Battlemaster. Oh RNG hi. 10x worse, limited to 2 per day, MINIMAL stat improvement. Thanks for giving me +4 Expertise, +5 Endurance. I love it. Oh and full accuracy in every single armor slot enhancement.


After facing hundreds of hours of imbalanced PvP frustration such as the plethora of CC, buggy unresponsive skills not activating, stuns, knockbacks, roots, slows, it culminates to two lottery bag a day with nothing else?


Add on to PvP frustrations => bad public teams so Operatives = kill you before you get up, or unable to burst down a healer by yourself.


Typical scenario: Oh, you've interrupted Heal A? It's okay! I have Heal B! Aw, your interrupt's on cd? :( (I play a Marauder, we have no stuns other than choke which frequently bugs out yet another issue).


We finally reached Battlemaster to get 2 lottery tickets a day. Hm, so why PvP then. 'For fun brah' I've had plenty of 'fun' till I'm sick of Huttball (even other maps are just as dull) for the past hundreds of hours, so what do I get when I play now?


Nothing, no stat tracking, no ranking, no rewards, no titles, nope - definitely no progression. Oh did I mention that the PvE armor looks waay better? And that everyone looks the same in their respective class. Aw, dang, it took 5 years to design tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 PvP armor to only change their color palette. Great artists.


Hmm.. so all the PvP gear, what do I use it for? In warzones? Where's the open world PvP? Oh, you mean that giant block of ice battlefield that's nothing more than a huge expansive warzone with empty space? The place where there's soooo few republics (on my server about 5 max, rarely 10+) because they don't even bother coming.


Lucrative PvP system much.


my favorite part, is when all this is said and done all you get to do in your fancy new gear is the same old 3 warzones ( unless your imp then its just huttball )

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I love 'empty' Battlemaster bags. 3 champion commendations. 67 required for an armor piece. That's 11 days of 'empty' Battlemaster bags to get 1 piece of champion gear.


Love the logic.


I'm on day 6 of empty, slowly but surely.

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Ilum. Right now it's a bunch of, "who cares?" capture points with honestly no reason to benefit from even owning the capture points. It's wide open, you can stroll right in, take it, stroll right back out, the enemy can stroll in, take it, meh who cares. Right? There's no real territory control there...it's just open space. In a matter of minutes a single person can capture the entire zone if left unopposed.


Please note that this does NOT cover Faction Population Imbalance. This is considering that the imbalance is not an issue. 2 faction games are difficult to population balance, especially when there is "good vs evil" because typically aggressive (pvp) players are drawn to the aggressive (evil) gameplay style. It's just a natural psychological effect. That's why in WoW Horde typically were better at PvP, while alliance was better at PvE (raids). Three factions are often needed to help reduce imbalance issues.



The following suggestion would REQUIRE players to take ownership in their faction. You could only be one faction per server in order to prevent easy creation of "spy" characters.


Instead, each point point should be made up of a base, buildings and all. The faction that owns it would have NPC guards that stand guard and defend it. The higher level you are in valor, the more options you have that you can actually spend at the base to upgrade it's defenses and capabilities (more guards, tougher defensive droids, etc...). Special vendors would be located inside the bases that are not available anywhere else such as advanced PVP stims, special crafting schematics, and pvp related gear. The higher the "tier" of the base (through player purchasable base upgrades), the more the special vendor would have available. Also, the longer a base is held, the more items the vendor would have, as well. (a Tier 2 base that has been held for 3 hours would have more available than a Tier 2 base that was just captured and upgraded to Tier 2). Upon capturing a base the Tier is reset to 1.


Also, each base could earn a benefit for every member of that faction (PvE and PvP). For example, if your faction owns the middle base, everyone gets +5% XP/Legacy XP, or perhaps an increase in credit gains, or a higher chance at crits in crafting. Maybe a vendor in each base allows you to purchase a character upgrade that is active as long as the base is yours. In order to capture an enemy base, you'd have to take down several security consoles and then take out the commanding officer which would be a tough NPC. The defending faction could obviously be in the base and help defend it. Taking a base would then be a big deal and territory control would happen over a longer period of time instead of "full control in a few minutes". There would be incentive to capture and defend bases and no incentive for "base trading".


An extra option would be an ability for a guild to "own" a taken base. It would require special commendations that drop from enemy players. If enough commendations are spent from a particular guild, the base is now the guilds. The benefit of this is that all the passive player benefits the base gives to their faction is increased further for just that guild. They'd also have access to elite defenses.


In the end? Even taking a single base is a real victory for your faction...and the benefits are great. Territory control would mean something, and you'd potentially have day long territory struggles back and forth between guilds.


Yes, the current faction population imbalance is an issue. Outside of a handicap for one side, I'm not sure how they'll address it.

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The PvP system is fine, just because you dont agree with it, doesn't mean its bad.


How is a completely luck based system that's totally all over the place, from the actual valor/comms rewards to gear bags chances is beyond me. But you are probably in denial cause you got your gear easier than most people.


What do you think when you get into a warzone? Rush the objective or farm your medals and then try for the objective, complaining in general chat that none ever plays the objective? No need to answer, just be honest to yourself.


It's pretty much the worst possible system they could implement, especially after years of mmorpg feedback, and that's not even the main problem.


But enough rant, I support bioware, hope that someday they will fix this mess called pvp rewards. At least I enjoy Ilum.

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How is a completely luck based system that's totally all over the place, from the actual valor/comms rewards to gear bags chances is beyond me. But you are probably in denial cause you got your gear easier than most people.


What do you think when you get into a warzone? Rush the objective or farm your medals and then try for the objective, complaining in general chat that none ever plays the objective? No need to answer, just be honest to yourself.


It's pretty much the worst possible system they could implement, especially after years of mmorpg feedback, and that's not even the main problem.


But enough rant, I support bioware, hope that someday they will fix this mess called pvp rewards. At least I enjoy Ilum.


None of this is constructive

You didn't offer any ideas for improvement, you just insulted the system as it is

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i love you.... i really do...


This man has the right idea...


I agree, 5 some years to get T1/T2/T3 armor.. that.. looks.. the..same.. just diff color?..


and for example. ASSASSIN's and SORC's.. are the SAME armor... ? I mean..really?...


Sigh, you already said everything I feel, but I must agree 100%...


I hope in the next 3-6 months we see some awesome innovation. Doubt it.

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TL;DR Version.



2. RNG Bags (no need further elaboration... )


3. Armor Skins are absolutely hideous in design and low resolution


4. Same class, same look for everyone.


5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.


I guess I'm being pedantic here but many of these issues are not in the domain of the PVP "team" if there even is one. They are failures of the devs as a whole.

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TL;DR Version.


1. CC, Stun, Knockbacks etc.


2. RNG Bags (no need further elaboration... )


3. Armor Skins are absolutely hideous in design and low resolution


4. Same class, same look for everyone.


5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.


6. Skills not activating, bugging out (ok nothing to do with the PvP dev)


7. Open World PvP = Joke


8. No progression - no stats, no titles, no basic creativity i.e unlock new pvp skin based on valor <-- Sounds neat? Dang 5 years can't think of that?


9. Medal system is terrible. Objective points is broken.





Just a simple question, what's the point?


First fundamental statement I would like to make about humans is that we enjoy progression. Progression drives many people, and can push someone who's unmotivated into a driven person if he starts seeing results.


Context based off my server population, not others.


Valor 1-10, discovery of PvP mechanics


Valor 10-20, playing to have fun


Valor 20-30, ah nice title, nice PvP leveling gear.


Valor 30-59, usually reach Lv 50 somewhere here, grind for RNG based Champ bags to open 10-20 empty bags. Great feeling of euphoria baby! 1 bag = 800 WZ commendations, ~80-100 per win, so about 10 wins = 1 bag. Each match ~10-15 mins. That's about 2 hours+ per lottery ticket.


Valor 60+, after many hundreds of hours of PvP, huzzah Battlemaster. Oh RNG hi. 10x worse, limited to 2 per day, MINIMAL stat improvement. Thanks for giving me +4 Expertise, +5 Endurance. I love it. Oh and full accuracy in every single armor slot enhancement.


After facing hundreds of hours of imbalanced PvP frustration such as the plethora of CC, buggy unresponsive skills not activating, stuns, knockbacks, roots, slows, it culminates to two lottery bag a day with nothing else?


Add on to PvP frustrations => bad public teams so Operatives = kill you before you get up, or unable to burst down a healer by yourself.


Typical scenario: Oh, you've interrupted Heal A? It's okay! I have Heal B! Aw, your interrupt's on cd? :( (I play a Marauder, we have no stuns other than choke which frequently bugs out yet another issue).


We finally reached Battlemaster to get 2 lottery tickets a day. Hm, so why PvP then. 'For fun brah' I've had plenty of 'fun' till I'm sick of Huttball (even other maps are just as dull) for the past hundreds of hours, so what do I get when I play now?


Nothing, no stat tracking, no ranking, no rewards, no titles, nope - definitely no progression. Oh did I mention that the PvE armor looks waay better? And that everyone looks the same in their respective class. Aw, dang, it took 5 years to design tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 PvP armor to only change their color palette. Great artists.


Hmm.. so all the PvP gear, what do I use it for? In warzones? Where's the open world PvP? Oh, you mean that giant block of ice battlefield that's nothing more than a huge expansive warzone with empty space? The place where there's soooo few republics (on my server about 5 max, rarely 10+) because they don't even bother coming.


Lucrative PvP system much.




Bioware = doesnt know **** about PVP and never will

EA = Do i need to explain the redundant failures of this company??,...lets see they know nothing except sports

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personally I think the pvp is way better than wow rift lotro and GW1 (only pvp i have played) so right now I would put Gabe and the whole team on top of the mmo pvp list


also all those games are still very active so if you dont like swtor pvp why not play them insted of going on message boards trying to sound big insulting people

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TL;DR Version.


1. CC, Stun, Knockbacks etc.


2. RNG Bags (no need further elaboration... )


3. Armor Skins are absolutely hideous in design and low resolution


4. Same class, same look for everyone.


5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.


6. Skills not activating, bugging out (ok nothing to do with the PvP dev)


7. Open World PvP = Joke


8. No progression - no stats, no titles, no basic creativity i.e unlock new pvp skin based on valor <-- Sounds neat? Dang 5 years can't think of that?


9. Medal system is terrible. Objective points is broken.


Agreed on all points.

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You are amazing. I hope bioware see this and fires the artists.


However same thing happened with WoW in cata. Just different colour. Made pvp **** and boring untill they brought transmogrification. That was another fail because you could look like a level 60 with amazing stats. I like how in star wars you actually have to have orange gear for customization (or some artifact) and you customize it by placing stats in it instead of magically making your gear look different.


Anyway. Burning crusade had amazing looking pvp gear but it corresponded with the pve gear. I guess all MMORPGS cannot help but follow the same trend of lazy artists.


Maybe SWTOR could have been the first MMO to actually make all pvp gear look different and pve gear look different from eachother and from the previous set. But no they failed badly.


Thank you.

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The Bioware PvP dev has the IQ of a 2 year old. Faction imbalance animations aren't the fault of the PvP dev, but he should have caught that and brought that to the other teams BACK IN BETA. We shouldn't be seeing this crap now, especially when Empire outnumber Republic 5 to 1. Other than that, I agree on all of your points. This game's PvP has a long ways to go, but it's still light years ahead of WoW PvP when it first launched... namely in the fact that THERE WAS NONE. Even after they implemented it, it was worse than this crap. Thankfully, PvE is fun enough that I'm willing to stick it out. Don't get me wrong Bioware, I love your game, but it still needs a lot of work. Don't take my love for granted, though. It has limits.
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