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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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Arenas are bottom of the barrel PvP content.


Even calling it "content" is a small exaggeration. WOW Arenas are tiny, tiny maps that Jim the Intern could knock out in a day. It's straight deathmatch so it's not even an interesting strategic experience.


It's like -- why would you play Counterstrike or Battlefield if the maps were all just rooms roughly a quarter of the size of a Wal-Mart parking lot with no interesting features? Sure it might be fun for a time or two but how could you play that every day for months?




Arenas just bore me to death.


I want a little strategy in my gameplay. Voidstar should be considered a strategic minimum. "Do not get any less strategic than this." We should be asking for content that improves on what we already have. Arenas are a step backwards.

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If I was trying to make up a setup for pvp and pve I would do something like this.


Keep pvp and pve gear completely seperate. Raid gear couldn't be used in pvp and pvp gear couldn't be used in raids. This lets you balance out the gear for each of their intended purposes. Still haven't figured out how to work world pvp in here though.


Stats like expertise are a drain imo. Pvp gear shouldn't tip the scales in your favor so drastically. By keeping pvp and pve seperate you could get rid of this stat and focus on balancing other things. Being a full champ geared toon I stomp people who dont have gear close to my lvl, and BM's stomp me most of the time. The Trauma debuff and the Expertise stat just make it impossible imo to balance things as they are now.


Have 2 versions of each talents build. One of pvp and one for pve. They can then be buffed and nerfed and altered seperatly from each other so that way arena/pvp content doesn't affect raiders/pve content. This could be the form dual spec takes (since most people do this anyway one spec pve one pvp). Then if someone wants to swap from tank to dps they would still have to respec their pve talents but their pvp one stays the same.


What do you guys think?

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Arena is one of the biggest blunders in WoW history. Despite it being fun for 2-3 of the 10(?) seasons, the rest were balance nightmares that caused massive buffs and nerfs which affected the entire game negatively, not just arena.


Ranked Warzones will be plenty to keep competitive PvP players busy so long as Bioware can keep a solid amount of new WZs coming every several months.

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Arena is one of the biggest blunders in WoW history. Despite it being fun for 2-3 of the 10(?) seasons, the rest were balance nightmares that caused massive buffs and nerfs which affected the entire game negatively, not just arena.


Ranked Warzones will be plenty to keep competitive PvP players busy so long as Bioware can keep a solid amount of new WZs coming every several months.



Do you honestly think that competetive PvP players are playing this game? lol

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Adding in a new form of pvp creates more things they have to ballance classes around and more gear or reward issues. There are dozens of issues with pvp atm that can and should be fixed way before they add in new systems.


If your house is currently leaking water from the roof doesnt have windows and the doors are all broken you dont start talking about digging a pool in the backyard. Once some of the core pvp/pve issues are taken care of they can move on to adding new things.

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I don't feel Arena has any place in an MMO. It's better saved for something like a FPS, where everyone is playing the same "class" with the same "abilities."


You can say the same things about the upcoming rated WZs, but people like to ignore these things that don't support their stance on the subject.


I'm done arguing for Arena and the fact that I don't need to get gear but would still like some sort of thing to obtain from my time sink (titles- cosmetic gear changes)...


Either way if BW decides not to implement it they will still lose a fair few subscriptions to GW2.


People using the balance cr@p need to visit the PvP forums because with or without Arena nerf cries will come.


The only reason I see people not liking it (opinion), is they know they won't do well in a small setting where they can't hide out in a crowd. it's harder to play when you are always accounted for

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Adding in a new form of pvp creates more things they have to ballance classes around and more gear or reward issues. There are dozens of issues with pvp atm that can and should be fixed way before they add in new systems.


If your house is currently leaking water from the roof doesnt have windows and the doors are all broken you dont start talking about digging a pool in the backyard. Once some of the core pvp/pve issues are taken care of they can move on to adding new things.


Yes, why make a pool in your backyard when you could make a pool indoors! ;)

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but i am not a professional gamer , and i am not even trying to be , i play games for fun not for fame:)


wow arenas had no skill for professional players , i could agree with you , but for me it still have too much to offer, i can get more rank , i can face more skilled oponents,so, ok wow arenas is nothing for professional players but still a nice competitive circle for normal players :)


now tell me a game where just skilled players play, if you can ?.......


i can take SC2 as example , i can be the most dumb person in the world , i still have my spot to play , where i find oponents at my level.


all the games have a pool of skill , some games just get small pools and others have bigger pools.


now please dont judge a game just because of that pool size.

Edited by Zilrota
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I love arena, I found that it is the only way to rapidly teach players to learn how to to play PvP effectively while still rewarding them for effort. What is more, it's a fun way to PvP with small groups of players, building or enjoying friendships. To me, arena has always been a fun part of PvP, and I would love to see it implemented in SWTOR.


However, I am a PvP player, and as such, I see that there needs to be much work on existing PvP features and classes before new content such as arenas are implemented.


Edit: I should specify that I'm talking of arena 3v3 and up, 2v2 is too difficult to ballance.

Edited by Tycius
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but i am not a professional gamer , and i am not even trying to be , i play games for fun not for fame:)
You're trying to argue on the back of there being a different 'type' of skill, to some extent that's true... but it's just semantics. The people I was replying to were talking as if though they were something special because of achievements made in WoW. They're nothing.


wow arenas had no skill for professional players , i could agree with you , but for me it still have too much to offer, i can get more rank , i can face more skilled oponents,so, ok wow arenas is nothing for professional players but still a nice competitive circle for normal players :)
If you're not doing it for the competition, then it's just a deathmatch. Anyone can organize a deathmatch anywhere. The time and effort required to have the game do it for you isn't worth it. Organize it yourself if you're so intent on it. I've done plenty of player run tournaments, and I'm aware on a few servers some have already started up.


now tell me a game where just skilled players play, if you can ?.......
This whole train of thought is irrelevant. I've been talking about the skill ceiling of the genre and games in question, not of whether or not it's fun to be bad at a game.


all the games have a pool of skill , some games just get small pools and others have bigger pools.


now please dont judge a game just because of that pool size.


Large pool or small pool is irrelevant. I've been talking about the caliber within, not the size of. Darkfall was a relatively small pond, but the level of competition at the top was very high, the highest I've seen in an MMO to date. Which is to say, still beneath the greats in the FPS/RTS genre. Whereas in a game such as WoW, no matter how small or large that pool is - at the very top there's hardly any room for skill to shine. In an FPS the best players in the world could beat an entire team of average players all by themselves. In an RTS the best would be microing circles around their opponent all while macroing to a better economy. Whereas in an MMO with GCD and tab target... there's just no room for skill to shine unless you're competing to be king of the losers.


At which point I ask, what's the point? The point is exactly that, it's for people who can't compete in games where the skill ceiling is high. Which goes to my next point... Why should bioware cater to those people? I'm all for a deathmatch warzone, but why does it need to be something more than that? It's not worth it.



I'm not against arena because it's arena, I'm against it because it's a waste of time. For the ultra competitive types - because they're just flunk outs from games with real competition, and for the casual types, because they can be better served by another warzone than an entirely separate game mode. It's a waste of time, effort and money.

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I'd prefer them balance classes around warzones than around a 3v3 team (Which as wow has shown, can't be done)


I would disagree, it is possible, just not easy. Especially when people are always convinced that THEY have been wronged.

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Arena is a mistake , WoW developer stated that they could not balance it , the moment you stand a class 1x1 , even if people say skill is all that matter , some classes got a edge over another just like got a weakness to another one.


Thus the only arena that is 100% skill based is one where players only fight others of their own class.And even then , we can discuss the dps/tank/heal things.


Thus arena is a bad idea , just like it is in WoW , where i believe any hardcore arena player alrdy knows , people get combos , and these combos go pretty far , the skill of the player is quite secondary to that.

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I would disagree, it is possible, just not easy. Especially when people are always convinced that THEY have been wronged.


I've yet to see PvP be balanced in any MMO yet, close sure, but there's always been classes that are at the top.

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I like how people are acting as if WZ can't be competitive or strategic. Obviously if you pug WZ you aren't going to encounter much strategy. If there was an option to solo que for 3s or 5s in wow you would see the same thing. They are adding ranked WZ which should be good enough for all you guys who want competitive PvP.
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and yet again... people say "arena has"


who is to say you know how they would do it?


If all you want is a warzone with deathmatch, ask for that, as long as you keep asking for arena, you're going to have people that don't want arena. Words have power, try learning to use them.

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