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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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Bioware made the classes way to similar... with no DR (Diminishing Returns)... so u can just Stun lock someone and blow CDs on the other... than 2v1 the remaining enemy... that will be the strat... so whoever gets the drop off first pretty much wins....


Hope this helps on your confusion!

Master Sarivan Stronghold

<District Twelve>

The Bastion

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This has been an interesting thread. Reading through all the replies I feel comfortable breaking everyone down into 4 responses.


1. Don't want areana because it puts balance under a microscope.


2. Do want arena but think the game needs to be tightened up and cleaner before it makes sense to try it.


3. Delusional about it killing world pvp or something similar.


4. Delusional about something with gear or something else that is wrong.


I think 1 and 2 are both valid.


Some additional thoughts


- PVE did as much damage to PVP in wow as PVP did to PVE. That is really the hardest thing to reconcile about a game that has PVE and PVP as end game.


- Arena was never about gear except for people to lazy to find out why they really lost a game. All of the gear problems that were real were powerful weapons and trinkets from raiding. Any way to prevent raid gear from showing up in rated PVP should be taken seriously by the devs.


- I would be happy getting my gear one time competing with that indefinitely. If it worked that way you would get no complaints from me. My least favorite thing about MMOs by a long shot. Good luck convincing MMO developers to stop turning their game into a gear treadmill. Get over it, stop using it as the excuse.


- People get gladiator with classes and specs that are underpowered every season. Fotm comps are a good way to get rival, anything above that you better be able to outplay people if you want to win.


- It would be perfectly fine for the only rewards to be titles and maybe a mount. All the other stuff gets vendored eventually anyway, who cares.


- Even if Arena were implemented some day, it would be a mistake to not treat it as a niche of PVP for the hard core competitior. Rated warzones should also already be live and equivalent rewards for similar ratings.


- I can't take any desire for zerg vs. zerg PVP as "competitive" seriously just because raw skill required goes down as you add people beyond small group vs. small group. This type of gameplay is fun, it just doesn't need to provide any rewards beyond doing the lemming thing for valor.

Edited by Kolbenito
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- Arena was never about gear except for people to lazy to find out why they really lost a game. All of the gear problems that were real were powerful weapons and trinkets from raiding. Any way to prevent raid gear from showing up in rated PVP should be taken seriously by the devs.


Except if you reached level cap a couple of seasons into an expansion, and pretty much every team you faced had a ton of resiliency...

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Except if you reached level cap a couple of seasons into an expansion, and pretty much every team you faced had a ton of resiliency...


Right now they provide a brand new set that is better than the previous set that anyone can get. People like me are too lazy for that so mr. noob 85 actually starts a little ahead of me on gear.


So this is no longer true. It is impossible for anyone to outgear anyone else on day 1 of the season unless they didn't even try to gear up....

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Player rating= yes

Rated WZs = yes

Arena = no


From my experience in WoW, arena was less about strategy and skill than it was about class comp. If your class got the nerf hammer, you couldn't get into anything serious. And as other people said: there are plenty of other things on biowares plate that they need to take care of before this thought could even be entertained.

Edited by Callabhan
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When a lead designer in WoW says Arena was the worse thing they could have ever done, you know it was bad. Most PvP balance came from Arenas, and in turn affected people who did Bgs or WZs and in turn it ****ed up the PvE'ers. So no. You want 3v3 Go set it up with the people of your own side, then talk to people of the opposite Faction, find a nice area away from interruptions and you can have all the "Arena" time you want. NO ONE wants people stroking their E-peen in everyone's faces every chance they get. Its not cool.


well said

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Things they need to do before worrying about an arena system.



Fix Ilum

Fix resolve bar

Fix ability lag



Plus I would prefer not to have it, just to keep WZ's and Ilum full. I am a good pvp'r and would do quite well in arena's but they need to focus on warzones imo.




I don't want Bioware to do anything else with PvP. I don't have anything against Arena but when we look at the big picture: Bioware has no clue what they are doing in regards to PvP.


Ilum, Valor and Warzones in this game were a terrible concept and still remains as one.


Bioware can't get it right now, even with "Fixes", so why keep destroying the game?

Edited by Tiaa
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but that was just it. anyone without the gear could not "compete" in a bg against those with the gear.


PS what class did you play? who did you play with? how many times did you start a fresh team with no previous season glad gear half way through a season and hit 2450? how did you find your team mates? how many have you seen face to face in real life? i should not have to put a personal add on the forums to find people to carry me to a lvl of gear that keeps me from getting destroyed in a bg due to gear imballances. oh and i stopped playing in WOTLK so i have no idea how cataclysm was. everyone i know (actually know in real life) quit by then.


This is just not true though.


Several times when doing normal BG's I equipped my Season 4 gear (Level 85, Season9) just to give me abit of a challenge. Most of the time I would still dominate damage, aswell as close to never dying, despite the fact that people had me outgeared by two expansions.


If you are getting absolutely dominated by someone, its most probably because you are getting outplayed, rather then your gear being bad.

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To me Arenas killed PvE on our server.


Used to have a vibrant community of players wanting to do instances to gear there characters up, then once the arenas were released and players realised they could get way better gear with very little effort no-one bothered with dungeons.

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To me Arenas killed PvE on our server.


Used to have a vibrant community of players wanting to do instances to gear there characters up, then once the arenas were released and players realised they could get way better gear with very little effort no-one bothered with dungeons.


pve and pvp it should be separated like church and government. im not a fan of pve but it seems to me even nightmare operations are too easy, to me it should be about worldfirst and serverfirst bosskills :D. besides that i dont see the point of pve-ing. pvp is a long term fun on the other hand. you should play because its fun and not for grinding. you still have to get pve gear for pve, you only get pvp gear for pvp so i dont see your point...

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I would be glad to never see arena again. Unless it is only some sort of skirmish mode with no ratings, no gear and not titles just for fun.

That be ok.

But competetive arena? Please do not do this BW. You will do yourself a big favour and sparing even more headaches compared to what PvP already does.

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arena was a good idea, untl ilum 1.1 might even out when everyone can get full champ gear in 3 weeks just by doing weekly / dailys but atm gear and spec imbalance are crazy. i say Fix the cast bar so you can intrupt a healer, not have him mid run casting on your screen but on his he is already stopped and 5 ft ahead of you before you add a real competitive pvp mode.
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If you want arena's, go play a game with arenas.

I know that's a generic comeback, but for the love of God I don't want this game to follow in the foot steps of Blizzard (which funny enough, seems to be doing)! This game doesn't need arenas. Ranked Warzones will be enough (and I'm not even looking forward to that). What this game needs is to fix the current pvp mechanics first and start working on new ideas for PvP. We don't need to follow in the shadow of another game. Ugh, I can see the Elitists now with there "Unless you have over 9000 rating, **** bro. I'm awesome" and "WTS Gladiator, $60/hr!"


I also imagine the demand for addons will be heightened, along with "nerf these classes" threads, theory crafters, cookie cutter builds and team comps along with Arena's being the main focus of Pvp. Not to mention more people standing the fleet, waiting for their pop. Blizzard had to FORCE people to play Rated BGs. Literally.


Just say no. :'[

Edited by Valeena
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