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speeder speeds


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I have 90% speed increase level 1 speeder. I was following a 100% level 2 speeder who was going the same direction as I was. The faster speeder in front of me barely increased their distance the entire trip (space port coruscant to the senate tower). In fact, I noticed no difference whatsoever.


I realise the speed difference is only 10%, but wow that difference is very pointless.


I had wanted to skip level 2 training and vehicle all together, but found out we have to get it before we get level 3. I knew 10% wasnt much, and even 20% isnt much of an increase, but figured I might as well do it when I reached 50.


The speed differences between level 1,2,3 need to be increased. 20% per level is much more logical. Factoring in the cost for the training these increases are pointless.

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The speed difference isn't 10%!


If your normal speed is 100, the speeder 1 increases it by 90% to 190, and speeder 2 increases it by 100% to 200. Calculate 200/190 = about 5.06% or so speed increase ;)


Not verified, but if strictly going by the tooltips that say 'increases your speed by x%' then yes.

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well whatever the speed difference is now, its negligable and pointless and almost impossible to visually see the difference on the screen.


No I hear you for sure and started a semi debate in general chat last week about this. I don't remember the specifics for WoW when I played it but back when mounts came at 40 it was awesome! And then from reg mount to epic mount was insanely cooler.


This game it's like "Wow I got a speeder" and you love it for maybe 1-3 levels and then it gets old, and then to spend 210k on lvl II and you find you aren't moving any quicker is a huge waste of creds....and maybe going from 90% to 110% like you do from level 1 to III would be a good benefit but I have a feeling getting the speeder at lvl 50 will feel not worth it either.

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You don't buy the upgrade for the speed increase. You buy the upgrade to have a more durable speeder.


Pretty much. Rank 1.... you get knocked off in 1-2 shots. 2-4 on a two... and on a 3 unless you're a dummy and run through a pack of mobs, you're pretty much good to go.

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Yeah its more durable, but come on the speed could still be increased.


When expansions come out, and we have to grind more levels again and do missions, we are all gonna want that speed increase.


I usually just go around mobs, so the durabitlity doesnt hurt me much. At least, during leveling, i mean.

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Maybe just a simple change as swapping the prices, so the skill costs little and the speeder costs the larger price, that way you could spend the small amount on the skill and not buy the speeder at rank II.


I do like that idea.

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The real reason to upgrade speeder training is that resistance to being dismounted is huge.


^^^ This is why you want the upgraded speeders. Not so much for the speed, although if it were a bit faster that would be splendid. :)

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