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Wanting Aspiring Knight's Vest, but can't find it!


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If you happen to be on Thana Vesh, I can make one for you - drop an email to Cu'Culainn. That said - it would help a lot if you would mention the server you are on, since only someone on your server can help you out with this. This is definitely the type of issue that would be easier to deal with if we had server specific forums, or at least a true server wide global chat channel we could use for advertising wanted purchases/sales.


I am on Thana Vesh and I have every other Aspiring Knight gear (belt, boots, gloves, pants). I may just do this. but I'm unfamiliar with the game's email feature, as I've just started playing. Do I go to a mailbox? If so, what do I click to send a message? I assume that after that it's a simple matter of typing in the reciever's name and the message. Also, how do you send me the vest? Do I pay you for it, or...is it a gift, or what? (sorry, never played an MMO before)

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The recipe to make the armor is a "drop" from Underworld Trading grade-1 missions. But I don't think it's feasible to try and farm it. I gave up on getting them through UT but I did find them on the GTN after a week or two later. You might find the recipe but not the armor on the GTN so search for them both. I bought mine for around 5k. Edited by fyrephly
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I am on Thana Vesh and I have every other Aspiring Knight gear (belt, boots, gloves, pants). I may just do this. but I'm unfamiliar with the game's email feature, as I've just started playing. Do I go to a mailbox? If so, what do I click to send a message? I assume that after that it's a simple matter of typing in the reciever's name and the message. Also, how do you send me the vest? Do I pay you for it, or...is it a gift, or what? (sorry, never played an MMO before)


Well, this is the right place to ask questions so first thing first. I'll try to explain the mail-thing.


1. Find a mailbox

If you click M you will get up a map of the zone you are in currently, to the left you can click on different icons to highlight them on the map. Where is the taxi, storage, and mailbox. Click on the icon that looks like a letter and bingo you got you closest mailbox.


2. Standing by the mailbox

Click on it, and you will see all the letters that you have received. If you click on the compose-tab you will be able to send a letter. There you will see a line for subject and receiver. If you want to try it out before sending a big amount of credits then perhaps try to mail an alt.


good luck and have fun with your JK, I'm pretty new to the MMO-thing also =)

Edited by SilentKitty
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If I may, there are two medium armors called Aspiring Knight's Vest.


There is the one you get on Tython, a green-quality item which should become obsolete quickly enough: http://www.torhead.com/item/91OqxQC/aspiring-knights-vest


And then, there is the one made with Synthweaving, an orange-quality item, which is the one people tend to look for.

Here is the schematic: http://www.torhead.com/item/aU5Xxec/schematic-aspiring-knights-vest

Here is the actual item (ignore the "variations"): http://www.torhead.com/item/6L5mA3G/aspiring-knights-vest


As far as the latter is concerned, the only other part are the Aspiring Knight's Leggings, again an orange-quality item.

Schematic: http://http://www.torhead.com/item/crnrInJ/schematic-aspiring-knights-leggings

Actual item (as before, ignore the "variations"): http://http://www.torhead.com/item/cgY9qrk/aspiring-knights-leggings

Edited by Isandril
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Which treasure hunting mission?


Any mission has a (small) chance to also grant a schematic - i.e. doesn't have to be for fabrics to get a synthweaving pattern.


Also, if anyone wants this on Shien server, send an in-game message to my weaver, name Audrii

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone know anything else/more about how to get a hold of this schematic? I've seen a couple of posts saying it drops from slicing or treasure hunting, but nothing specific enough. Does anyone know any more details that could help me refine my hunt for this piece??
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  • 3 weeks later...

So this can drop from any mission? I've been Spamming underworld 10-16 missions (~200 missions so far) and I've gotten to the point where I just destroy the rewards. I'll try spamming slicing missions which will be less costly and easier on my inventory.


If anyone can make this on "The Crucible Pits" let me know.


Also, on a semi-related note, will the character (and not monetary) improvement of Synthweaving be better than Biochem next patch? Wondering if I should drop Biochem if I end up with the schematic or just use a low level mule to craft it.

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I'm a synthweaver but never found that schematic. I've seen posts that it is a level 1-60 Underworld Trading quest.


Someone else says that it is treasure hunting.


I've done Underworld trading quests many times, never found it, but I got many other synthweaving schematics.

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