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Sith Marauder missing stun?


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I play as Sith marauder and is now 50. But is it only me that feel like we miss stunning abilities? Every class I seems so far got stuns and good attacks in PvP and PvE.

But as marauder, you just got one stun that is a channeling, bad AoE attacks and still does little dps singel target if I compare with exemple sniper

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I play as Sith marauder and is now 50. But is it only me that feel like we miss stunning abilities? Every class I seems so far got stuns and good attacks in PvP and PvE.

But as marauder, you just got one stun that is a channeling, bad AoE attacks and still does little dps singel target if I compare with exemple sniper


Marauder is much more sturdy and survivable than sniper though, so apples n oranges.

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yea, but a sniper is ranged. and if enemy get close, they just stun og knockback the enemy to continue attacking. But marauder have attacks that need to stay still for. and that is more or less impossible if your attacking a moving target
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Personally I think they are aswell. I mean pummel strike for example. We can't use it on strong mobs because none of our "stuns" have any effect on strong mobs.


Smash, force scream both stun weak mobs but not strong ones, so pummel strike is only half useful to us.

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The Sith Marauder is missing more than a stun, it's missing the game it's supposed to be in.....I spent, 75% of my PVP fights stun locked and or running back to battle from getting PWNT left and right by whoever.


Melee is broken bad in this game, it's a PEW PEW game.

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Intimidating Roar isn't a stun, it would be completely overpowered if it was an AOE stun. The effect breaks on damage. It's an incapacitating effect.


Force Choke is considered a stun, but since it's channeled we can't really use it as effectively as others' stuns.


I'd like to see Empowered Force Choke go baseline, the Juggernaught's talent that removes the channeled requirement of the spell, but it would lose the 'look a feel' aspect of the ability.

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Force Choke is considered a stun, but since it's channeled we can't really use it as effectively as others' stuns.


I'd like to see Empowered Force Choke go baseline, the Juggernaught's talent that removes the channeled requirement of the spell, but it would lose the 'look a feel' aspect of the ability.


this really should be the case.


it is nice that jug get their tricks, but 3 stuns all at the same tier, all in the tank tree of the jug AC, i mean come on.


i think that the jugs could easily share one of the stuns with us, either the no channel choke, or force charge stun in the annihilation tree as we already get it buffed in that tree as is.

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Force scream should stun in pvp, even if it's only for 2-3 seconds, to allow for pommel strike. I believe it is an oversight on the part of developers that we cannot ever use that ability in pvp. This would also give us an extra interrupt to help deal with healers that seem like they can stay alive indefinitely (assuming decently geared).


That would fix a lot of what is wrong with marauders in PvP, however you still have the issue of Operatives that can stunlock/cc/paralyze just about anything to death, and Sorces knocking people off of stuff every 5 seconds, ccing everyone, and doing absurd aoe dmg in general, plus having tons of snares etc.

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Marauders gain intimidating Roar, which is an AOE stun as well as the stun associated with Choke.


Yeah, this roar you speak of is fine if nobody is attacking your targets. Once they take damage, they break and then stun YOU. The difference is that they can attack you while you are stunned.


And choke does garbage for damage and keeps us standing still channeling.

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Force scream should stun in pvp, even if it's only for 2-3 seconds, to allow for pommel strike. I believe it is an oversight on the part of developers that we cannot ever use that ability in pvp. This would also give us an extra interrupt to help deal with healers that seem like they can stay alive indefinitely (assuming decently geared).


That would fix a lot of what is wrong with marauders in PvP, however you still have the issue of Operatives that can stunlock/cc/paralyze just about anything to death, and Sorces knocking people off of stuff every 5 seconds, ccing everyone, and doing absurd aoe dmg in general, plus having tons of snares etc.


The game needs less stuns, not more.


And pommel strike is there specifically for PvE content, it was never meant to be used in pvp combat.


And as far as interrupts go, lets be fair to the healers, shall we. They already got the short end of the stick in PvP with a horrible UI. Now you want to give a class with 3 different interrupts (charge, interrupt, force choke/intim roar) another one?

Edited by Ashnazg
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The game needs less stuns, not more.


And pommel strike is there specifically for PvE content, it was never meant to be used in pvp combat.


And as far as interrupts go, lets be fair to the healers, shall we. They already got the short end of the stick in PvP with a horrible UI. Now you want to give a class with 3 different interrupts (charge, interrupt, force choke/intim roar) another one?


Less stuns? That's sounds all and well, but to be honest the fact that mara's / non immortal spec juggs only stun is a channeled one is a huge flaw.. For people saying mara's are "sturdier" than other classes... ehhh, maybe ....but not really. I use a carnage spec and I could use all of my defensive abilities in a 1v1 fight vs. a shadow/sin and they can still pull off a victory. It all came down to me being stunned multiple times in the fight, yet I could only stun them once. I shouldn't have to even comment on how well operatives are doing with their instant stun ability....


Force choke stun damage just does not add up in comparison to other classes that can stun and then use one to two other abilities which hit harder each than my force choke can do IF all the ticks of damage hit. Force choke is just a joke atm, and I don't see a reason to really play the marauder over a shadow/sin. As far as dps 1v1. Which is important, just as well as group vs. group.

Edited by Ekryth
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And the fact that sith assassion and operativ can stealth, stun and kill you before you even get the chance to do anything is kind of unfair. and pummel strike cant normally be used in PvE eather. because of bosses is most likly unable to be stunned.


And to be able to use Ravage full out in PvP, you need to make the enemy stand still for some time. We dont need alot of stuns, but just one or two to make it fair with other classes and speccs

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The Sith Marauder is missing more than a stun, it's missing the game it's supposed to be in.....I spent, 75% of my PVP fights stun locked and or running back to battle from getting PWNT left and right by whoever.


Melee is broken bad in this game, it's a PEW PEW game.


This is untrue. To say melee is broken bad is to ignore operatives/scoundrels Vanguards/powertechs and assassins/shadows, which all share the 10m circle with marauders.


This does not excuse the fact that marauders suffer. In fact it only makes it even more poignant that there's something wrong with the marauder when three other ACs can all be balanced much better than the marauder.


A stun would be very nice to have, but I honestly doubt the option of adding more skills to the game will ever be on the cards in the near future with the careful way the devs are making adjustments so far.

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This is untrue. To say melee is broken bad is to ignore operatives/scoundrels Vanguards/powertechs and assassins/shadows, which all share the 10m circle with marauders.


This does not excuse the fact that marauders suffer. In fact it only makes it even more poignant that there's something wrong with the marauder when three other ACs can all be balanced much better than the marauder.


A stun would be very nice to have, but I honestly doubt the option of adding more skills to the game will ever be on the cards in the near future with the careful way the devs are making adjustments so far.


This game already has an over abundance of Crowd Control, it's bad. If you like it great, but I didn't get my Star Wars Underoos for Christmas with my game, so I'm telling it as I see it. And it's bad, really bad as a Marauder.

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  • 4 months later...
All DPS, not that much utility. Makes complete sense when it comes to marauders with their top damage and incredible survivability. Have difficulties capping nodes/preventing being capped? Go Carnage. Edited by Shadenuat
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I was going to comment here about how insane people are who think Marauders are broken, then I noticed the dates and realized this is a necro'd thread. Anyone who still believes this drivel seriously has their blinders on. To give Marauders an unchanneled stun would be akin to handing them an "Iwin" button.


Just think about this, how sweet is it when you're rolling through a WZ and you stumble across an opponent who just lifts in the air from another force choke, you grin wickedly to yourself, and trigger Ravage? To be able to create this scenario on your own would be a joke.


3 interupts, 3 damage reducing skills, snare, a gap closer, a vanish, up to 80% speed increase, and face melting damage output... ya let's piss and moan about not having a stun until they give it to us and then wait for them to smash our heads into pulp with the nerf bat the following patch.


Some people...

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Indeed asking for A stun is a bit OTT. we don't need it. What we could use is another break stun ability if anything. I do seem to spend me time almost Perma CC'd KB'd pushed all over the place.


Other classes may get multiple Stuns but we get one break out. If its up.


Stun immunity/Resilience in this game is i find almost impossible to get up and going cos I'll die.


On paper the game works fine but in reality its a total CC fest. CC is boring PvP. Warhammer didn't rely on it so much shame this does.

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Indeed asking for A stun is a bit OTT. we don't need it. What we could use is another break stun ability if anything. I do seem to spend me time almost Perma CC'd KB'd pushed all over the place.


Other classes may get multiple Stuns but we get one break out. If its up.


Stun immunity/Resilience in this game is i find almost impossible to get up and going cos I'll die.


On paper the game works fine but in reality its a total CC fest. CC is boring PvP. Warhammer didn't rely on it so much shame this does.


CC is the only effective way to deal with a marauder. If Marauders got an extra CC break then there really wouldn't be an effective way of dealing with them. If you're caught alone with a marauder who is equally geared and good at the game then there's already a good enough chance that you're going to get murdered no matter what class you are. You can already turn invisible and turn invincible. I don't think that giving them the immunity the other only ability that other classes have to stop them is at all reasonable.

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Being stun locked - killed by CC is one of the most Utterly boring mechanics in PVP history and a good player can turn off a marauder when ever they use their fancy toy buttons.


Im just bitter all i ever get to play is Hutball and thats a CC givers paradise.

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