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So here's a question for the fanbase...


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You've been yelling about Faction Imbalance. About how it's so terrible and that you told Bioware about it and how they need to fix it.




How are they supposed to fix it?


Limitations on which side you can roll? You'll piss off the people who want to play with their friends or guild, but now can't go onto the server.


Automatic server transfers to less-populated servers? Players who get transferred will get pissed that they got put somewhere away from their guild, and also probably upset they're not upset anymore.


Really, WHAT do you expect Bioware to do? Come on, let's hear a reasonable answer that won't just piss off or limit new players, or strangle community.

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Normally it's done by making the underplayed faction more attractive to players.


For instance, let's say ALL of the warzones needed both Republic and Empire to play. People would get frustrated at never having a warzone pop, so they would reroll Republic if they wanted to play in warzones. Single faction warzones (huttball) are a bad idea and we now see why.


Make the coolest speeder in the game only available to Republic. Make several cool features only available on the Republic side.


At least, that's how other games do it.


edit for faction confusion.

Edited by monjiay
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Maybe you could start by offering your ideas. Or do you think it's just broke beyond repair?


In that case are you just picking a fight?


Go ahead and start with your idea and I'll try to discuss it with you.


More that I DON'T have any ideas. I'm not complaining about faction imbalance, I'm complaining about the people yelling "WE TOLD YOU TO FIX IT DUDE WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING" because I really DON'T see what they can do.


Faction imbalance happens in every game, and there's not too much that can be done about it aside from... well, like you said, how the sides look aesthetically, how they feel, what they represent, and all that.


Unfortunately, most people will take the "Evil" side because it's "Dark" and "Cool" and all that stuff. It's hard to counter back against that, considering how Star Wars has very clear-cut definitions on what is Good and Evil.

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One idea is to cap server pops by faction and not total players.


That goes back up to the comment I made in the intro, that it would be pissing off the players who want to play with their friends on a specific server. All his friends are together in an Empire guild, but he can't join them because of the limitation. Cue rage, angry forum posts, loss of subscription, etc.

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More that I DON'T have any ideas. I'm not complaining about faction imbalance, I'm complaining about the people yelling "WE TOLD YOU TO FIX IT DUDE WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING" because I really DON'T see what they can do.


Faction imbalance happens in every game, and there's not too much that can be done about it aside from... well, like you said, how the sides look aesthetically, how they feel, what they represent, and all that.


Unfortunately, most people will take the "Evil" side because it's "Dark" and "Cool" and all that stuff. It's hard to counter back against that, considering how Star Wars has very clear-cut definitions on what is Good and Evil.


That's simply not true. Wow was heavily Alliance when it first came out because that side was more fully developed. Just compare Org and Ironforge. There isn't any comparison.

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You could start by addressing the obvious difference in combat abilities, crew skills, and quality of design that make people not want to play the Republic to begin with.


You can't reasonably force people to pick a side they don't want, but you could at least make the sides comparable.


Having given up on my Republic level and started over with a Empire character, I am surprised at how many people on the Empire side are playing 100% light sided characters. This isn't an issue of people wanting to play the 'bad' side. This is an issue of people wanting to play the BETTER side of a game they are paying for monthly.

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That goes back up to the comment I made in the intro, that it would be pissing off the players who want to play with their friends on a specific server. All his friends are together in an Empire guild, but he can't join them because of the limitation. Cue rage, angry forum posts, loss of subscription, etc.


Well some people will ***** no matter what. I'm not interested in pleasing them because it's a waste of time.

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Well some people will ***** no matter what. I'm not interested in pleasing them because it's a waste of time.


True. Which is why you have to please as many as you can.


Which would you rather piss off, the people who want to join their friends and community in an MMO and want to play the "Cool" side? Or the people who want both sides to be equal? The former is a bit of a larger group, especially due to the overlap caused, so you don't have much option there.

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You could start by addressing the obvious difference in combat abilities, crew skills, and quality of design that make people not want to play the Republic to begin with.


You can't reasonably force people to pick a side they don't want, but you could at least make the sides comparable.


Having given up on my Republic level and started over with a Empire character, I am surprised at how many people on the Empire side are playing 100% light sided characters. This isn't an issue of people wanting to play the 'bad' side. This is an issue of people wanting to play the BETTER side of a game they are paying for monthly.


I think you have a good point. Bioware should make an effort to make both sides equally appealing . At the moment they're not to many people it seems.

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Start a post with your ideas or dont make the post.


saying you have no ideas and that your complaining about complainers is silly.


Why are people going to empire? Why are there so many Inquisitors? (are there alot of Inquisitors? could be my perception)


Devs need to look at where the numbers are, iv said in another post, if as much as 70% are going imp theres got to be SOMETHING in it.

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You could start by addressing the obvious difference in combat abilities, crew skills, and quality of design that make people not want to play the Republic to begin with.


You can't reasonably force people to pick a side they don't want, but you could at least make the sides comparable.


Having given up on my Republic level and started over with a Empire character, I am surprised at how many people on the Empire side are playing 100% light sided characters. This isn't an issue of people wanting to play the 'bad' side. This is an issue of people wanting to play the BETTER side of a game they are paying for monthly.


Most I can say there is that it's all aesthetics. Mechanically I'm pretty sure the classes are about the same, the only difference is visuals. The Trooper's Mortar Shot and the Bounty Hunter's Death from Above are effectively the same. The only difference is name and visual appearance, which the Bounty Hunter wins through the sheer fact he has a jetpack and the name is cool. And yet despite that, both are perfectly fitting for the character type.

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Well lets see why i picked Imps over Republics.....


Charater Creator : Sith species options: Rattakki, CHISS, SITH.

: Republic species options: Blind guy, Miralian (or what ever that is).


That pretty much sold it for me. I created a Twi'lek on sith side and was going to do twilek on republic side but the skin tones and tattoos were just bland.


I feel you get better options going with IMPs. Republic, needs something...iktochi or something more alien.

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Most I can say there is that it's all aesthetics. Mechanically I'm pretty sure the classes are about the same, the only difference is visuals. The Trooper's Mortar Shot and the Bounty Hunter's Death from Above are effectively the same. The only difference is name and visual appearance, which the Bounty Hunter wins through the sheer fact he has a jetpack and the name is cool. And yet despite that, both are perfectly fitting for the character type.


I have a trooper, Mortar shot suffers from ability lag like no other skill iv seen, its lag is at least 2 full seconds. BH has a slight delay but nothing compared to mortar shot

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I'll bite:


* Give XP boost option to less numerous faction. i.e. 5-10% boost

* Add new race to less numerous faction

* Increased valor gain for less numerous faction

* Stat boost in warzones/pvp areas for less numerous faction. i.e. +x% HP


There's four things right there.

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Faction balance is always a bit of an issue. I remember back in the early WoW days, in general, there were more Alliance. Paladins were crazy. And some argued that the Alliance were more aesthetically pleasing.


One way they addressed this was was the BC races. Alliance got a "Horde-sh" looking guy, and the Horde got the pretty blood elves. Allowing Paladins / Shamen on both sides probably didn't hurt either. Now a days Horde tend to have the higher populations.


I think some general aesthetic tweeks would be a nice start. I play a Sage, and I am quite sad that my giant Fan Hats look as embarrassing as they do. :/

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