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Blaster Rifles for Bounty Hunters


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Its always annoyed me that you cant equip other weapons. take guild wars for example you can equip anything you want! doesnt mean that ur good at it hell you gimped urself by doing it but did that stop me running in as my ranger with wands or anything else cuz i wanted? NO!


Lol bring on the every weapon use for everyone! i want to see those saber wielding troopers come at me and hacking for no damage and i want to hack them right back!

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To people spouting about Boba Fett, while true that he used a rifle in the movies, in numerous comics he is however often times using a single pistol.


And you can't have one over the other. If we got rifles, then agents would have to get Pistols. And same for Troopers.. except over at the republic side Smugglers would have to get access to assault cannons aswell. It would just create un-necessary gear-spread and problems. Pistols are fine.



What would be the problem with that I wonder? As long as it fits the class (troopers and agents using pistols looks fine to me, smugglers with blaster cannons not so much) what would be the problem with a little more diversity? So what if it creates a bit of gear spread, most of these weapons are already in the game anyway (looking at you: blaster rifles with aim on Nal Hutta)

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As the title says...


I am all in favor of more customization as far as appearances go. However, I am also fully in favor of having a "unique" aspect to the class I am playing. The truth, however, is there is a limit to what can be changed due to animations and certain skills requiring a "knife", "sniper rifle", or a "scattergun" in order to work.


Troopers throw grenades, and use either a blaster rifle or an assault cannon.

Smugglers have tricks, and use 2 pistols or 1 pistol and the scattergun.

IA have knife attacks, and sniper or blaster rifles

BH's have lots of gadgets in our armor, and use 1 or 2 pistols.


The easiest solution is, as someone earlier in the thread pointed out, add some Carbine style pistols for BH's to use. Possibly even make the Carbine Pistol Powertech only. In a wierd way that would synergize well with our Trooper counter part getting assault cannons for one AC but not the other. That way Mercs get to dual wield pistols and we PT's get a slightly more burly single pistol to use. It would give each AC a pretty unique graphical appearance without requiring lots of changes. Only the carbine pistol models would need to be added.


I'll be honest in that I equiped a weaker pistol over a better one a few times due to the fact it looked like a 22 deringer (lets not even get into the ones that look like squirtguns) instead of a 50 calibur combat handgun. PT's are tanks. We're expected to be solid, mean, combat machines. Unlike our long range dual wielding brothers and sisters, we are willing to get in close to light someone on fire, stab em with a knife, punch em with the armor plated gauntlets, and so on. It definately draws away from our image of "bad-a $$ ery" to do all these things then pull out this wee little pistol and expect enemies to fear us. Yes it's entirely cosmetic, but the truth is that alot of players think that it sucks.


I was going to toss out the idea of a under the forearm mounted minigun for PT's. Something with a handle that comes up from underneath and mounts under our right arm. Making it part pistol part armor accessory in appearance, but I truly think that the heavy duty carbine pistols option would solve most of these issues. Those that want can still equip the standard pistol if they like how it handles/looks and those that want something that looks meaner can equip the carbine. It simply fits what is in the game now better and in all honesty it balances things out. Powertechs and Vanguards are really the only AC's that don't gain a unique weapon based graphic. I think there should also likely be a heavy blaster rifle for the Vanguards with the same reasoning as the Carbine Pistol for us.


Got longer winded then I planned here so I'm goin to cut and run. I am not against the rifle idea by any means, but I am one of the players that is willing to compromise on a solution if it means developers and the artists can give us a fix to a problem and still focus on new content. I have played both types of trooper, smuggler, IA, and BH. The PT is by far my favorite with my Commando a class 2nd. Each is pretty unique but PT and Vanguards could use a small touch up to balance their appearance with their calling.



Edited by Aythr
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If that happens, not only will Smugglers demand rifles and Troopers demand pistols, but Bioware will have to give both to everyone, because otherwise there will always be someone complaining about having less choices. Smuggler rifles, imperial agents with pistols, do we really want to see that?

Better not to begin that mess, things are good enough they way they are.


Why does it matter? I couldn't care less what weapon you use. I just want to be able to use the weapon I want to use. I've never understood why MMOs try to restrict what type of weapons a class/race combo can use, except as a forced incentive to roll one class over another.


In real life I'm not a Trooper, or a Bounty Hunter, or an Imperial Agent. However, I have a nice collection of knives, swords, pistols and rifles, and can effectively employ any of them in a fight. In the Army I was instructed and qualified in the use of many weapons and explosives. As SWTOR is a fantasy type game, I would expect my character to be some type of super tough hero type... why should my Powertech be limited to a pistol? Someone said it would look stupid trying to tank with a rifle... but it doesn't look stupid trying to tank with a tiny pistol?


Also, on my Agent, my companion Kaliyo uses a Blaster Rifle AND a shield generator. So why can't my Powertech? It makes no sense.

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Guys, stop debating about range and such. Vanguards use rifles and Powertechs are the same exact class.


I would prefer more of a carbine than a full-sized rifle, however. Something that can be held in one hand in all situations except when using Rapid Shots and Unload (the only situation when you use two hands). This would be similar to how Boba used his carbine in ESB and ROTJ.

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My biggest reason for wanting a blaster rifle is the way it's held. To me nothing looks more prepared to unleash violence than a soldier with his rifle at the ready, buttstock snug to his shoulder, eyes looking down the sights. It's how my agent looks when he's running around.
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Is this debate really about iconic looks or about in game mechanics and practicality?


If it's about the looks and "Boba has this! Boba has that..." Then you could limit it to a single EE3 carbine (which is what he used.) Don't need to make it one handed.


It COULD work if you made a bounty hunter only specified blaster rifle series, where the cosmetics of the blaster rifle were more of a carbine or a SMG-type weapon, keeping the same stats AS a pistol, keeping it in a single slot yet being used in both hands visually.


Don't imagine it would be difficult, though I could be mistaken.


On the subject of cross-class weapon wielding....That could work in a BH's favor as well, though you'd have to rewire our profession and expertise specifications. Instead of giving us anything like pistol damage (if that's a specific % upgrade, I don't remember) make it general for blaster rifles and pistols.


Would I love to wield a glowbat as a BH? Yeah, I think it'd be pretty funny to run around Hutta or Korriban wacking various mobs.


In theory, pretty simple. Plenty of ways to go about this, just a matter if they WILL go with this idea and if so, which one.

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That's great, as long as I can stand next to you holding my rifle, or the tactical shotgun.


This, I really can't understand the people who come here on these forums to post that they don't want more customisability, that they don't want more options.


I mean it's perfectly fine if someone thinks using a pistol is fantastic. Great for them. But why come here and go all "get lost with your rifles, I don't want them, pistols are fantastic" etc. It makes no sense.:rolleyes:

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Bounty Hunters don't NEED blaster rifles due to game mechanics. for example I play a jedi (sentinal)..but NO jedi can use blaster pistols even though in the movies luke skywalker was walking thru bespin with a blaster when he came looking for han solo. also Obi-won actually KILLED general grevis with a BLASTER shot not a lightsaber. a similar way to look at it is it ALL the people that cry about how "under powered" sentinels are...if bioware let us ONE SHOT people with light sabers cause....hey that's what happens in the movies...right??

its just a balance issue not a " you don't deserve it issue".

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This, I really can't understand the people who come here on these forums to post that they don't want more customisability, that they don't want more options.


I mean it's perfectly fine if someone thinks using a pistol is fantastic. Great for them. But why come here and go all "get lost with your rifles, I don't want them, pistols are fantastic" etc. It makes no sense.:rolleyes:



Welcome to the real world, if you don't agree with me. Then you are wrong, choice is bad.


Myself I think the single pistol looks blah, I would much rather have a rifle or carbine. I was talking to a guy in game the other day about it, and he was saying at the start of the game dev. They had intended for mercs to have assault cannons, and PT to have rifles. Just like there trooper brothers.


I think the original teaser video for BH shows the PT holding a rifle in the concept art if I'm not mistaken also.



Bounty Hunters don't NEED blaster rifles due to game mechanics. for example I play a jedi (sentinal)..but NO jedi can use blaster pistols even though in the movies luke skywalker was walking thru bespin with a blaster when he came looking for han solo. also Obi-won actually KILLED general grevis with a BLASTER shot not a lightsaber. a similar way to look at it is it ALL the people that cry about how "under powered" sentinels are...if bioware let us ONE SHOT people with light sabers cause....hey that's what happens in the movies...right??

its just a balance issue not a " you don't deserve it issue".


*** are you talking about balance? game mechanics?


We are talking about LOOKS nothing else, and how a lot of people find the dinky pistol lame looking.

Edited by caveslug
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I admit. I don't care very much about the issue, but it is surprising how many people here say customization is a bad thing.

For what it's worth, I think the reason Bounty Hunters use pistols is for the sake of their animation.


Naw. It's a matter of class identification, nothing else, which is why a change like this probably won't happen.


Bioware immediately wants you to be able to discern what AC you're playing against from a brief profile look based on their armor and weapons.


Bounty Hunters have many animations that use some sort of device on one arm. But the blaster rifle models in game are two-handed weapons. The first time I watched a video of a trooper holding a blaster I saw why the Bounty Hunter doesn't use one.


Since a pistol is a one-handed weapon, it's easy for the weapon model to stay in the BH's hand while using a flamethrower, or a railshot, or a missile blast. But a blaster rifle wouldn't work the same. The BH would constantly be putting his hand back on the gun again in between animations, and that would end up looking kinda silly. The other alternative would be to have it holster whenever you use an ability, but that looks dumb too.



It's not really that big of an issue. Try playing an operative, they have a lot of off handed attacks ( darts, knife attacks, grenades ) and still use a blaster rifle.


It certainly wouldn't be any sillier than my flamethrower phasing in and out of existence when I start and stop using it respectively.

Edited by Sylriana
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If you compare BH's to troopers, we are just LAME. Not underpowered, i dont care about the lore, but we look like scrubs when compared to troopers animations, styles etc.


I wouldn't go that far, though the trooper indeed has some nice animations. Then again, we have Death From Above and the jetpack charge, both animations are way cooler than their trooper counterparts.:)


But weapons wise, troopers >>>>> bountyhunters for sure.

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It's probably been debated to death already, but I really feel the Bounty Hunter and especially the Powertech should be able to use a Blaster Rifle. Boba Fett used one, and he is the most iconic BH in Starwars. It really doesn't make sense that we are limited to pistols :confused:


To add insult to injury, I had a blue blaster rifle drop on Hutta today with +aim on it which I couldn't equip :confused:


Because your other arm is a grappling hook, flamethrower, missile launcher etc.

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i like my pistol... you use your right hand to shoot your gun and your left to use your suit powers


Unless the bh is a total panzy, i doubt he would have any trouble supporting the weight of a rifle or carbine in his right hand while doing something else with his left.... and i don't mean shooting the rifle with one hand while launching missles or flame thrower... you don't even do that with your pistol, whenever you use your gauntlet, your pistol drops to your side.

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They said at the Guild Summit that they might expand the Legacy System to allow classes to use Weapons that werent possible for them to use otherwise( their example was a Warrior using a doublebladed lightsaber)


I would love my Marauder or Guardian to be able to use a staff, hell yeah!

Edited by Mapex
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