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Q&A With the Devs!


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Why does no company ever have a Q&A with the devs on lets say a regular basis.


Example- every Sunday a dev sits down on lets say this forum and answers ALL questions the community asks, not just a Q&A that are selected as being "The best Questions" which sometimes are not the best questions. Picking and choosing the easiest questions.


Joe public is in fact paying their wages.


Are they afraid to answer some of the questions that would be thrown at them by joe public?


I think it would bring the the public and the company closer together.


Would you guys like a set time and regular Q&A on this forum with a dev, where you could ask anything you wanted to ask them?


What would your one question be?

Edited by Gstring
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I had no problem with the Devs in EVE Online.


For rocking with them, visit the fanfest, set a date during one of the festivals, or just plain old visit Reykjavik and drop by in the office. They eve ngot a couple of decent musicians among them. ;)

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because they are constantly being interviewed a bout the game by alot of various websites and other media related companies?



seriously the amount of interviews these people do is astounding just because they dont do an offical weekly Q and A doesnt mean they are not out there answering all sorts of questions.



do a little research on your own.

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I forgot to add,


What question would you ask if you were allowed one only?


I think I would ask, "Why wasn't the space part of the game made into an MMO based part of the game?"


Developer: Because we announced space combat as a rail shooter minigame 2 years ago. Why didnt you read our blog posts telling you what the game was? Why are you upset that it is what we said it would be?

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Why does no company ever have a Q&A with the devs on lets say a regular basis.


Example- every Sunday a dev sits down on lets say this forum and answers ALL questions the community asks, not just a Q&A that are selected as being "The best Questions" which sometimes are not the best questions. Picking and choosing the easiest questions.


Joe public is in fact paying their wages.


Are they afraid to answer some of the questions that would be thrown at them by joe public?


I think it would bring the the public and the company closer together.


Would you guys like a set time and regular Q&A on this forum with a dev, where you could ask anything you wanted to ask them?


What would your one question be?


Cause they have better things to do. No disrespect, but they could never answer ALL questions. Most of the questions people ask are pretty stupid to be honest....lol. :D

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Developer: Because we announced space combat as a rail shooter minigame 2 years ago. Why didnt you read our blog posts telling you what the game was? Why are you upset that it is what we said it would be?


Ok let me rephrase seeing as people on this forum are hell bent on picking little holes in posters asking ordinary questions.


BTW this thread wasn't about my question to the devs that was just an example, I was more interested in what your questions would be /sigh


"Do you think making the decision to make the space part of the game a mini space game on rails was what the community playing the game wanted and the correct decision?"

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Developer: Because we announced space combat as a rail shooter minigame 2 years ago. Why didnt you read our blog posts telling you what the game was? Why are you upset that it is what we said it would be?


Paying Customer: Because a rail shooter mini-game about a core element of the movies has no place being in a professionally produced MMO *RPG*. We told you that two YEARS ago, we told you that pretty much every day for the entire year that the game was in beta once that element went live... so why did you do what you were repeatedly told was a BAD idea?

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Cause they have better things to do. No disrespect, but they could never answer ALL questions. Most of the questions people ask are pretty stupid to be honest....lol. :D


What could be more important than keeping their jobs?


Taking time out to discuss their game lets say on a weekly 2 hour basis on a Sunday I dont think "They have better things to do"

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What would your one question be?
My one question?


"Should we expect same-sex romances to be implemented into the live game within three months, six months, a year or more than a year after launch?"


... I have a lot of other questions, but those are more suggestions than questions. :D

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Cause they have better things to do. No disrespect, but they could never answer ALL questions. Most of the questions people ask are pretty stupid to be honest....lol. :D


Yep I know they couldn't answer every question and it would have to be in a controlled environment because they are gods right lol?

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What could be more important than keeping their jobs?


Taking time out to discuss their game lets say on a weekly 2 hour basis on a Sunday I dont think "They have better things to do"


The devs don't need to talk to us to keep their jobs. And yes having a 2 hour Q&A every week would be a waste of time. People will just keep asking the same questions and getting the same answers over and over and over again...

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The devs don't need to talk to us to keep their jobs. And yes having a 2 hour Q&A every week would be a waste of time. People will just keep asking the same questions and getting the same answers over and over and over again...


No disrespect but I really don't agree with you on this. I don't think it would be a waste of time.


If it isnt a waste of time for us to ask questions, why should it be a waste of time answering them?


In a controlled environment they can filter out questions that have already been answered.

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No disrespect but I really don't agree with you on this. I don't think it would be a waste of time.


If it isnt a waste of time for us to ask questions, why should it be a waste of time answering them?


In a controlled environment they can filter out questions that have already been answered.


Well your heart's in the right place. I just don't think it's feasible.

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The UO devs use to do exactly this once a month on the Stratics site, people looked forward to it.


These days it seems to be, keep the devs as quiet as they can, and let the "community managers" buff as much as they can.

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Paying Customer: Because a rail shooter mini-game about a core element of the movies has no place being in a professionally produced MMO *RPG*. We told you that two YEARS ago, we told you that pretty much every day for the entire year that the game was in beta once that element went live... so why did you do what you were repeatedly told was a BAD idea?


The rail shooter Space combat minigame was in KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2.


This is why it is here.


This is not a space combat sim. You cannot will it to be one.

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The UO devs use to do exactly this once a month on the Stratics site, people looked forward to it.


These days it seems to be, keep the devs as quiet as they can, and let the "community managers" buff as much as they can.


UO at the height of its population had 400 thousand subs. UO developers were capable of having a Q and A on a non official fan site because there were 5 of them and 400 people in the chat room.

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UO at the height of its population had 400 thousand subs. UO developers were capable of having a Q and A on a non official fan site because there were 5 of them and 400 people in the chat room.


There was a whole lot less than 400 people in the chat room..


Sometimes there weren't even 5 devs present.


what does that have to do with anything?

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The rail shooter Space combat minigame was in KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2.


This is why it is here.


This is not a space combat sim. You cannot will it to be one.


All this is fine but It was the wrong decision for many gamers.


The space part of the Star Wars franchise is huge, even more so than the ground based.


They should have done a lot more with it. It should have been just as big as the grounded game play with its own economy, exploration, PVP, raids, pvp raids on planets etc it just has so much potential that they have wasted it on a mini game.

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There was a whole lot less than 400 people in the chat room..


Sometimes there weren't even 5 devs present.


what does that have to do with anything?


I'm saying that if they did a live chat Q and A with this games developers there would be 42 thousand people in the chat room and 20 thousand of them would be asking why there is ability delay and telling the developers they suck at making games.

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All this is fine but It was the wrong decision for many gamers.


The space part of the Star Wars franchise is huge, even more so than the ground based.


They should have done a lot more with it. It should have been just as big as the grounded game play with its own economy, exploration, PVP, raids, pvp raids on planets etc it just has so much potential that they have wasted it on a mini game.


I agree, I thought Jump to Light Speed was awesome.


But if they had tried to make a game with planetary RvR pvp, free form Space combat, and a thriving economy, they would be making Warhammer online, Eve online, and World of Warcraft all at once.


Then the game would be shallow.

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All this is fine but It was the wrong decision for many gamers.


The space part of the Star Wars franchise is huge, even more so than the ground based.


They should have done a lot more with it. It should have been just as big as the grounded game play with its own economy, exploration, PVP, raids, pvp raids on planets etc it just has so much potential that they have wasted it on a mini game.


Nah, I actually like the amount of space combat and style. Just enough of a distraction if you get bored with the main focus of the game. Any more than that and it becomes too bloated a feature.

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I agree, I thought Jump to Light Speed was awesome.


But if they had tried to make a game with planetary RvR pvp, free form Space combat, and a thriving economy, they would be making Warhammer online, Eve online, and World of Warcraft all at once.


Then the game would be shallow.


That sounds awesome to me lol :p

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