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AoC & Star Wars Eerie Similarities?


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I'm not sure if anyone played Age of Conan when it first came out but I see some eerie similarities between Star Wars and AoC. Both of those games had a million of Subscribers at launch. Both games promised amazing PvP and failed to deliver. Both games rather than improving existing pvp system and adding on to worked on class balancing instead and ended up ruining PvE in the process. AoC went from a million subscribers to 300k in 3 months and its stock plunged about 70% of its value at launch. AoC now hovers around about 100k subscribers. We are one month into the launch of Star Wars and my guild has dissolved and there are no republic players anymore.


After being able to play PVP 2x today in 12hrs and hearing Operatives are being broken to pieces. This is the best message I have received all day:



You have 6 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.



Have fun playing Sith Sorcball 3 times a day. I really love star wars its a shame lucas Arts leased the game out to EA/Bioware.I think I’ll just stick to watching old Star Wars movies instead. Good Luck to everyone who sticks it out.

Edited by JBGames
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using the newest stock prices (rather than the projections from the Zam Article) we can see that EA has lost about 48% of its stock value from the release. Only 22% more to go and it will equal the infamous Age of Conan opener. However, Star Wars has 2 more months to do it so it could happen. Its a shame really. Edited by JBGames
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I'm not sure if anyone played Age of Conan when it first came out but I see some eerie similarities between Star Wars and AoC. Both of those games had a million of Subscribers at launch. Both games promised amazing PvP and failed to deliver. Both games rather than improving existing pvp system and adding on to worked on class balancing instead and ended up ruining PvE in the process. AoC went from a million subscribers to 300k in 3 months and its stock plunged about 70% of its value at launch. AoC now hovers around about 100k subscribers. We are one month into the launch of Star Wars and my guild has dissolved and there are no republic players anymore.


After being able to play PVP 2x today in 12hrs and hearing Operatives are being broken to pieces. This is the best message I have received all day:



You have 6 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.



Have fun playing Sith Sorcball 3 times a day. I really love star wars its a shame lucas Arts leased the game out to EA/Bioware.I think I’ll just stick to watching old Star Wars movies instead. Good Luck to everyone who sticks it out.


at least AoC had open world pvp, and more of a skill based fighting style to it. star wars is way worse than AoC as far as pvp goes.

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Yea, I have to agree. AoC unquie combat system was a huge plus and Star Wars doesn't have that and the Open PvP system here is in far worse shape.


you have to be kiding,AOC combat was the stupidest thing i have ever seen.so clunky and badly balanced.Open world pvp in aoc was lvl 80 players gankin leveling players in the last zone...siege were so laggy and broken(running tru walls,guards doing nothing,people dcing in masses,etc.


every mmo has failed for the same reason,the community and the forums.


also the op says"bioware promised great pvp" please point me to an article/interview or w/e where they state swtor will have great pvp.IMO,pvp in this game is nothing more than a mini game to pass time.

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Here are the goals of PvP for Star Wars. I would say there are alot of broken promises in it.






If you want I can go through the article and point them out to you. As you can read they clearly intended PvP to be a viable alternative to the static mundane PvE grind.

Edited by JBGames
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AoC unquie combat system was a huge plus


AoC's combat model was a great IDEA.


In practice, it was completely awful most of the time and your performance hinged around which exploits you were willing to use. (Hi, lets play a Bear Shaman or Conqueror without Combo Cancelling exploits and not even be able to kill a clothie in melee! Woo!)

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I'm not sure if anyone played Age of Conan when it first came out but I see some eerie similarities between Star Wars and AoC. Both of those games had a million of Subscribers at launch. Both games promised amazing PvP and failed to deliver. Both games rather than improving existing pvp system and adding on to worked on class balancing instead and ended up ruining PvE in the process. AoC went from a million subscribers to 300k in 3 months and its stock plunged about 70% of its value at launch. AoC now hovers around about 100k subscribers. We are one month into the launch of Star Wars and my guild has dissolved and there are no republic players anymore.


After being able to play PVP 2x today in 12hrs and hearing Operatives are being broken to pieces. This is the best message I have received all day:



You have 6 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.



Have fun playing Sith Sorcball 3 times a day. I really love star wars its a shame lucas Arts leased the game out to EA/Bioware.I think I’ll just stick to watching old Star Wars movies instead. Good Luck to everyone who sticks it out.


You made a fatal mistake comparing AoC and SWTOR here right now. Because AoC nerfs were all justified. I cant even remember how many gamebreaking mechanics were there - unkillable super damage PoMs, 1-shotting overreach charge guardians, 1 combo headshotting barbs, multiple totem ToSes, Grip of Death necros or at other time pet necros and the list goes on - EVERY class had some gamebreaking mechanic at some point :cool:. All the AoC changes made the pvp way better and more balanced. The only thing i dislike is change from longer 5 step combos to 3 step ones, but got used to it too.


AoC is perfect example of how defiant morons each time whined when they class and exploiting mechanic they were used were about to get nerfed. Each and every time - same arguments, curses and whines. Barely anyone accepted things were "wrong" with their classes.


AoC made a lot of mistakes, Funcom are terrible when it comes to bugs, shedules and delivering promises - but AoC PvP is actually not bad. And thats BECAUSE of many many balance changes, tweaks and whole classes and mechanics rewamps.

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Yea, POM's were redic. I remember stacking gems in all my armor and raiding to get pieces that weren't even as good as the crafted gear.


Maybe our expectations for new MMO's are too high in the gaming community. Are all new MMO's doomed to failure? There hasn't been a Landslide of a success in the MMO world since well I hate to say it WOW.



PS- I never played WOW so i cannot commit much on it

Edited by JBGames
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You made a fatal mistake comparing AoC and SWTOR here right now. Because AoC nerfs were all justified. I cant even remember how many gamebreaking mechanics were there - unkillable super damage PoMs, 1-shotting overreach charge guardians, 1 combo headshotting barbs, multiple totem ToSes, Grip of Death necros or at other time pet necros and the list goes on - EVERY class had some gamebreaking mechanic at some point :cool:. All the AoC changes made the pvp way better and more balanced. The only thing i dislike is change from longer 5 step combos to 3 step ones, but got used to it too.


AoC is perfect example of how defiant morons each time whined when they class and exploiting mechanic they were used were about to get nerfed. Each and every time - same arguments, curses and whines. Barely anyone accepted things were "wrong" with their classes.


AoC made a lot of mistakes, Funcom are terrible when it comes to bugs, shedules and delivering promises - but AoC PvP is actually not bad. And thats BECAUSE of many many balance changes, tweaks and whole classes and mechanics rewamps.


Maybe, I am reading into your post a bit much. Are you insinuating that there has been some unjustified changes in Star Wars? Can you expand on this? I think this would be an interesting topic of discussion

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Here are the goals of PvP for Star Wars. I would say there are alot of broken promises in it.






If you want I can go through the article and point them out to you. As you can read they clearly intended PvP to be a viable alternative to the static mundane PvE grind.



i just read the entire article and nowhere in there do they say we will have amazing pvp and we will be devoting lots of hours to it.

As for the viable part,it is a viable alternative to the pve grind.i got my marauder from lvl 10 to lvl 21 doing nothing but pvp,had plenty of cash for my skills/new gear and when i hit 20 i had plenty of commendation to buy the entire lvl20 set+a few pieces for my companion.how is that not viable?

I think lots of people WANTED this game to have great pvp while to me this games screams IM A PVE GAME,with pvp and space added to it for variety.

if someone came to the forums and said..space combat sucks,game will fail...youd probably point out to him that space combat was never the focus...same with pvp

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Yea, POM's were redic. I remember stacking gems in all my armor and raiding to get pieces that weren't even as good as the crafted gear.


Maybe our expectations for new MMO's are too high in the gaming community. Are all new MMO's doomed to failure? There hasn't been a Landslide of a success in the MMO world since well I hate to say it WOW.



PS- I never played WOW so i cannot commit much on it


WoWs success is a point of view. from a buisness point of view its great they make alot of money and every company wants to clone what they did to make that money.


from a gamers point of view wow is a total fail and has ruined MMOs in general. now we have every company trying to clone that dumbed down POS easy mode ( log in and the game holds your hand and walks you through panzy land till max level ).


and untill people ( myself included ) stop buying these lame clones, these companies will keep pumping them out.

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WoWs success is a point of view. from a buisness point of view its great they make alot of money and every company wants to clone what they did to make that money.


from a gamers point of view wow is a total fail and has ruined MMOs in general. now we have every company trying to clone that dumbed down POS easy mode ( log in and the game holds your hand and walks you through panzy land till max level ).


and untill people ( myself included ) stop buying these lame clones, these companies will keep pumping them out.


That is a very interesting point of view. Perhaps the new mmo companies need to find a niche in the market as most of the people who enjoy WOW type of games, are well, playing WOW.

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I don't think you can compare the two games. SWTOR is probably the most polished launch I've ever seen. Any MMO with as much hype as a Star Wars game is going to have losses shortly after launch. I can't believe no one has even mentioned theblue screen of death from AOC's launch. The game was unplayable for a large portion of people. Not to mention gem stacking made almost all classes, minus DTs able to one shot any class.


In the grand scheme of things, the Biochem issue was adjusted rather quickly and in group pvp, which is what I believe class balancing should be based on, the balance is fairly even. Is there anything groundbreaking in SWTOR for endgame content... No. The leveling in the game was groundbreaking with voice acting and overall great story lines. Until Tera or GW2 comes out I don't find any other games of any interest.

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