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There is no value to being a hard core dedicated crafter in this game


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The problem in a nutshell is Lv50 daily rewards, both PvP and PvE.


They were a bad idea, plain and simple. People should be crafting the gear that gets them through raids. There, simple.


The problem is that now, all people have to do is PvP-level through to Lv50 and they have raid-ready PvE gear. Explain to me how this makes any sense at all, please someone try to put their foot far enough into their mouth to explain this.


Bioware spends how many millions of dollars creating the best voice acted MMO I have ever played...just to turn around and create a system that allows players to totally bypass it. It is stupidity beyond the realm of stupidity and someone needs to lose their job over this.


Congratulations Bioware, you created the latest, greatest 15 minutes of fame in the history of online gaming. What a bunch of financial buffoons you are.

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I think I wouldn't mind if my reward for doing a raid was a rare or unique material required to craft the item I want rather than the item itself. That would work.


THIS. This is exactly how it should work. You raid and get a broken piece of gear or material needed to craft the item. The drop can be class specific or whatever, as if you got the gear, but it requires a master crafter.


Also, I agree that gear should decay and break down...many games did this and were successful..UO, DAOC, SWG among others. SWG did not have issues because of that, incidentally...their issues were different. Developers in a lot of games (not all) are afraid to make an economy where crafted gear from green to purple is valuable (like Vanguard for example).

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I also think it is hilarious that this thread has 125+ posts and over 10,000 views, and Bioware cannot be bothered to toss any kind of feedback or thoughts into it or any of the other MULTITUDE of posts in this forum. Crew skills are clearly just not important at all to BW. It should have been obvious with the early reports of how WoW-esque this system was...pity they fed us the whole "no no, its new and different, just wait and see" line.
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I also think it is hilarious that this thread has 125+ posts and over 10,000 views, and Bioware cannot be bothered to toss any kind of feedback or thoughts into it or any of the other MULTITUDE of posts in this forum. Crew skills are clearly just not important at all to BW.


At the risk of sounding like a BW fanboi, I don't think this is actually very fair (or accurate). The game's been out for just over a month, and BW have already made two noticeable changes to crew skills (Slicing and Biochem).


You may not agree with the reasoning behind them or the action taken, but there's no denying that the devs are paying attention to crafting.


Also, in the last week alone Georg Zoller has made two posts that confirm that they have plans for crafting and are paying attention to the feedback from players:





Edited by Big_Bad_B
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I am really disappointed as well as to the usefulness of crafted gear overall. Why in the world should an NPC vendor offer better stuff????


That just defeats the point. The vendors should offer greens at best, and their cost could stabilize an economy by keeping a baseline. This games economy is WAY to npc centered. They are basically keeping people out of a centerpiece of MMO longevitity, a player based economy.


On top of that, the crafting system is substandard. What do we do really? Press a button for a mission, or click on a spawn. Click on another button to craft an item. Wait a bit, and there it is. Thats it. Even a rat can do it.


We need a crafting system and player based economy similar to SWGs.


Very disappointed with the game in this area.


Worst part, in interveiws, they INTENDED to have a mediocre crafting system. Well they suceeded at that, and as a bonus its really not that useful.


Worst part is that you can play PvP for a few hours, even losing, and end up with better gear via commendations than ANYTHING you can ever craft. Why even bother what a waste. What a failed system.


And what a fail with the PvP design as well. PvP should be to demonstrate your ability to outplay another sentient human being, not to grind the best gear in game so you it becomes a no brainer auto win combat, dominated by the imperials in nearly every server due to an inexplicable allowance of faction imbalance, that just leads to the Rebs diminishing numbers.


These problems were forseeable, we spoken, but were IGNORED!



Is there any dev in BW that can see the problems clearly and is bright enough to figure out the right solution?


This is not just a slam of the game. I want it to succeed.


I wish there was a way to add all this content, which is great, into the old SWG system. Imagine the game that would have been. SWG was forever lacking in content, but had a great community because of the player centered design. It also had great PvP. (and the worst with the draconian NGE).

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Sadly it's true. I was shocked when I learned that you can get better mods from Illum (for daily commendations), that's after I spent a ton of money and time trying to RE the epics - it turns out I can get the better version just by doing a couple of quests...


Did numerous Ops and never seen an artifice or armstech drop. I do envy professions like armormech and synthweavers as they can craft Rakata gear + get a crit.


Not worth to invest time and money when you can get better stuff easier....

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At the risk of sounding like a BW fanboi, I don't think this is actually very fair (or accurate). The game's been out for just over a month, and BW have already made two noticeable changes to crew skills (Slicing and Biochem).


You may not agree with the reasoning behind them or the action taken, but there's no denying that the devs are paying attention to crafting.


Also, in the last week alone Georg Zoller has made two posts that confirm that they have plans for crafting and are paying attention to the feedback from players:






Well, touche...they HAVE made 2 comments that they are "paying attention to crafting and have plans for it"...I will concede that. However, I can't say that they have said anything of meaning or substance. How about some feedback on the issues that are being raised over and over in this forum. How about something other than political campaign style vagueries about "we are listening" and "we are planning"?

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