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No it won't. Only the few haters there are think this. This is not the worst MMO that goes to Matrix Online and DCU.


I played MxO for 2 years.


I've played DCUO since launch, and still do presently.


I am subscribed to SWTOR because I enjoy it, as well.


Hmmmmmm . . . you know, that's an odd trend. :D

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Wow I love it when people say these graphics are the norm for mmos. Lies so many lies. Pretty much every mmo released in the last 10 years will have much better graphics then this. The best part is the other ones have dynamic lighting and shadows and get this; night and day! Pretty cutting edge stuff. Not only that but the zones if there is any tend to change and not just look the same over the entire area. But then again they must be good cause at times my $2000 system drops down to 20 fps. Then again its probably my drivers, and even though they ran every other game fine I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt so I tried em all to no avail.


The truth is I think everyone just has rose colored glasses on and I understand. I was there too but after hitting 48 I may be calling it a day. Once I realized that the worlds look like they were made with a random level generator and whoever designed them had 500 objects to choose from I don't think any added content will offer much. I'm an mmo explorer and at this point I see nothing worth exploring.


I do want to say something nice though, they did do a bang up job on the combat and I love the crafting system...just needs some tweaks to be perfect. But the graphics for me is tough especially since I was killing time with Age of Conan until this came out.


P.S. Backdrops? Really?


This is in no way to be an insult to anyone or anything, more of a personal vent.

Edited by Abishua
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Yeah I was there for that plague, it was one patch from ZG, and one spell that got out of the instance by a hunter pet, something that didn't get found in testing and was completely new when it hit.



Now speeder paths that kill you upon getting off the bike? Or How hard mode flash points didn't drop gear half the time? Or Raid bosses that disappeared? Or Mobs that are invincible and take no damage in flashpoints? Those things sound like things that happen in beta, not in live.


Trion actually pushes content about as fast as others, it's just that Trion is 10 times more vocal about future content. They talk more about whats coming up and what people can test and stuff. Raid wise, they've been with the same exact raids for about 8 months now or so.


I'm saying this launch is terrible for it's cost, devolpment time and the company that made it.


Brokentelevision, darling, may I suggest you take this advice and just wait. I'm sure your textures will be with you soon - and I'm very sorry to have to tell you this, but WoW's textures ain't all that. Neither are the character models. It looked kinda dated even back when it was released, all they've done over the past few years is put make-up on it and raise the specs. These actions do not an MMO make.


TOR is hardly "disgusting" or whatever word it was you used to describe it earlier, in fact I'm very pleased with the way it's turned out so far. It's amazingly pretty. If your machine is as "high spec" as you say it is, then you too will appreciate the view of Nar Shaddaa as it flies past you in your taxi. You too will appreciate wandering through Alderaan and watching the mountains come into full view.


Get a grip. And please, don't tell me that this little issue "detracts from the gameplay experience" because when you're neck-deep in a raid and you're watching your cooldown timers, health bar, power bar, other people's nameplates, watching the placement of teammates, and reading the buffs/debuffs on the plates... Do you really sit there and think "Oh, the textures on my character's hair is a bit low."? If you do, then honey - you're doing it wrong.


The game looks fine. Don't threaten us by saying "I won't play a game that I think is ugly, therefore I am going to play another game that's just as ugly, maybe even more so.", because that's just plain childish.

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AoC and DCU yes I give you that. But wow had a pretty good launch, and Rifts was a smooth launch.



I was pretty forgiving for Rifts launch, it's a fairly newish developer and they didn't exactly have any experience or money or that much devolpment time.



Now lets look at The Old republic:


One of the biggest developers in video games, with some of the most experienced game makers in the business, with a budget of over 350 Million dollars, and roughly 6 years of devolpment time


With all those factors, you'd expect a near perfect game at a near perfect launch right? Even allowing some bugs this is just terrible for a triple A game company to be making. This is early beta level at best.


I'm bored, and tired of people talking about how a MMO title should be bug free at launch. This is not a Console Game. Its is far more complex. Also, you say that this is horrible? Hell Bethesda's Skyrim has more bugs than this game. Go over there and complain. Please?

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lol wut? Skyrim didn't have half the gamebreaking bugs this had.


Name three gamebreakers in TOR.


No, no, not inconveniences - gamebreakers. Go on. I'll be right here, hanging on every word.

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lol wut? Skyrim didn't have half the gamebreaking bugs this had.


Neither have enough to warrant the complaints. In fairness, though, Skyrim was shattered on PS3.


The community just flips out when massive games have glitches, because it obviously means they were unfinished turds flung out for money, because the devs are money-grubbing robo-Nazis from the future...


I guess.

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Neither have enough to warrant the complaints. In fairness, though, Skyrim was shattered on PS3.


The community just flips out when massive games have glitches, because it obviously means they were unfinished turds flung out for money, because the devs are money-grubbing robo-Nazis from the future...


I guess.


It is an unwritten rule of Internet Forums, especially amongst amateur "reviewers" that you should either gush or damn. Either a game is a 10/10 masterpiece, or a 1/10 dung heap.


"Six", in the world of amateur internet reviews, does not exist.


TOR is a good game. It's got it's problems, sure, but as far as launches and MMOs go, it's a hard act to follow.

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Neither have enough to warrant the complaints. In fairness, though, Skyrim was shattered on PS3.


The community just flips out when massive games have glitches, because it obviously means they were unfinished turds flung out for money, because the devs are money-grubbing robo-Nazis from the future...


I guess.



The difference being, SWTOR bugs were REPORTED during beta. And still made it to live. Same with the current Ilum fiasco. And I think ability delay which effects all classes warrants lots of complaints.

Edited by youwillburn
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Best you can do? Do you really want me to list every bug from UI to unresponsiveness to broken raids in SWTOR?


Sure, Because even with the Ability Delay, and the "Broken Raids" All content has been cleared. Therefore, not game breaking. Just annoying.

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It's been out for a month.


Stop and think for a second... Done? Good.


WoW, Rift, AoC, DCUO, etc. all had launches that were WAY worse than TOR's. WoW had two raids at launch, and it took them several months to make a third. It was also plagued with actually game-breaking bugs (I'm talking people bringing a fever that killed entire servers). Rift was buggier and had just as many problems. It's more on par, and better than most of the other MMOs. AoC was a bug-ridden mess on release.


TOR, for it's launch, is a god among men, as far as I can say. It's launched much better than any other MMO to date, in my opinion, and has VERY few game-breaking bugs. Hell, NONE of the bugs are game-breaking, they're just inconveniences.


TOR is also having freakish sales for an MMO. WoW and Rift are not the norm for sales, and neither is TOR. They're all largely above the competition.


I guess, if your preference differs from mine, you might not enjoy the game. Good, different strokes for different folks. But that doesn't make it bad, not in any way, and it's still selling MUCH better than a game that goes F2P after a year.


The founders title is just a reward for loyal fans. It's something most game companies do, nowadays, in the form of pre-order rewards and things like that. Bioware had those too, but there's no telling if the pre-order players will stay in for a month, so Bioware decided to just give those who renewed their sub a title, which doesn't affect the game.


u Sir are 100% right with one small exception... Wow raids could not been cleared during this several months :) while in ToR i've been billed today for a first mth of my sub and i have whole raid content cleared... now how many guilds had actually cleared AQ40 in first 3 mths after it was released? im quite sure none to maybe 10 world wide. if i had to name one thing i don't like about TOR is difficulty level of raids and how fast they can be cleared. rest is perfect at this stage and time after release.

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Best you can do? Do you really want me to list every bug from UI to unresponsiveness to broken raids in SWTOR?


PS3 also had autosaves overwrite manual saves, cheating people out of hundreds of hours of playtime. It also started lagging on PS3 to the extent than it took ten seconds to swing a sword that should take two seconds.


There have been bugs about as bad as that on other MMOs, such as the plague in WoW.


TOR is a damned paragon as far as smooth releases go.

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u Sir are 100% right with one small exception... Wow raids could not been cleared during this several months :) while in ToR i've been billed today for a first mth of my sub and i have whole raid content cleared... now how many guilds had actually cleared AQ40 in first 3 mths after it was released? im quite sure none to maybe 10 world wide. if i had to name one thing i don't like about TOR is difficulty level of raids and how fast they can be cleared. rest is perfect at this stage and time after release.


WoW raids were reported clear in (I think) the first month.


The first two WoW raids were, I believe, Upper Blackrock Spire and Molten Core, but I really don't remember in the slightest.


As for leveling, I've taken my time, and still don't have a level 50. Of course, I'm an altoholic, and I've deleted several characters in their teens, but still. I think it's better to pace yourself and not to rush through content.

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AoC and DCU yes I give you that. But wow had a pretty good launch, and Rifts was a smooth launch.



I was pretty forgiving for Rifts launch, it's a fairly newish developer and they didn't exactly have any experience or money or that much devolpment time.



Now lets look at The Old republic:


One of the biggest developers in video games, with some of the most experienced game makers in the business, with a budget of over 350 Million dollars, and roughly 6 years of devolpment time


With all those factors, you'd expect a near perfect game at a near perfect launch right? Even allowing some bugs this is just terrible for a triple A game company to be making. This is early beta level at best.


ok wow did not have a "pretty good launch" and I think that this is far from perfection

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3056495855 for a game that has been around as long as wow.

nearly every expansion/patch they have released has always been bugged or has had issues. so even Blizzard are not perfect (no currently running mmo is ever perfect and problem free or will ever be)

Committed wow player and now also committed SWTOR player as is my wife. (pally tank-me.... priest healer- wife {wow} both blood elves.....plus assorted alts in progress sith juggernaut tank (wife)-sith sorcerer healer-me (we have swapped roles for SWTOR) also with assorted alts in progress.

I just wanted to point out that going by your last point then, when say for example, Blizz release a new expansion or content patch (or any other mmo for that matter) it should also be near perfect and bug free based on the money they spent and the experience they have had the last however many years streamlining their systems. I am afraid to say but expecting perfection from an mmo is not a feasible thing at all

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It's been out for a month.


Stop and think for a second... Done? Good.


WoW, Rift, AoC, DCUO, etc. all had launches that were WAY worse than TOR's. WoW had two raids at launch, and it took them several months to make a third. It was also plagued with actually game-breaking bugs (I'm talking people bringing a fever that killed entire servers). Rift was buggier and had just as many problems. It's more on par, and better than most of the other MMOs. AoC was a bug-ridden mess on release.


TOR, for it's launch, is a god among men, as far as I can say. It's launched much better than any other MMO to date, in my opinion, and has VERY few game-breaking bugs. Hell, NONE of the bugs are game-breaking, they're just inconveniences.


TOR is also having freakish sales for an MMO. WoW and Rift are not the norm for sales, and neither is TOR. They're all largely above the competition.


I guess, if your preference differs from mine, you might not enjoy the game. Good, different strokes for different folks. But that doesn't make it bad, not in any way, and it's still selling MUCH better than a game that goes F2P after a year.


The founders title is just a reward for loyal fans. It's something most game companies do, nowadays, in the form of pre-order rewards and things like that. Bioware had those too, but there's no telling if the pre-order players will stay in for a month, so Bioware decided to just give those who renewed their sub a title, which doesn't affect the game.




Ok this entire post is not based in fact at all, I was there for all those games at launch and I know for a fact Rift, AoC, DCUO were not as bad as this by any means! Rift actually had a super launch! As did DCUO witch by the way is a great game. Google the facts, Tor has had decent sales not freakishly anything, WoW, AOC and Rift were comparable FYI.

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I am going to be paying for at least another month but I honestly have no solid reason to keep my subscription. I can say founder's title or forum access or..I can sit in game all day? lol


But there's nothing else out right now that is in my sights so..here I be.

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As a reminder, the topic is the thread author's opinion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We encourage you to please be constructive and civil in your posts. If rude and insulting behavior continues, we will be closing this thread.


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Name three gamebreakers in TOR.


No, no, not inconveniences - gamebreakers. Go on. I'll be right here, hanging on every word.



Odds are you both will disagree on what is gamebreaking.


However, as he is speaking for himself, he is correct, and you are wrong about what is 'a gamebreaking bug for him'.



Neither have enough to warrant the complaints. In fairness, though, Skyrim was shattered on PS3.


The community just flips out when massive games have glitches, because it obviously means they were unfinished turds flung out for money, because the devs are money-grubbing robo-Nazis from the future...


I guess.


Or it just means that the game quality that was released is not up the expectation of that particular customer.


Evaluation of bugs, glitches, performance, etc, is not an all or nothing situation. There is a lot of middle ground that covers it.



Someone can think the quality is just lack, and there was an absence to attention to basic detail -- basically likening it to bad service at a restaurant -- without having to consider the developers as money grubbing leeches.



I would say everyone here can think of an example where someone did a poor job, with out considering it to be the end of the world, but enough to say it was a poor job.



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Now, getting angry and flinging insults isn't much better than what you're angry at.


The best we can do is suggest they change, and suggest what THEY want changed, or just ignore them. People will be people, and people will be impatient. It's best to let them leave, and do what they want, because it's just a game.


Now, they're dissent on the forums doesn't benefit anybody, but it'll come anyway. So, just tell them to make suggestions and constructively criticize the game, so that Bioware can change TOR for the better. And if they don't, then they can't complain.


Insults, however, don't benefit anybody, especially not you. If you can't talk because of infractions, that's one less voice to help stop the senseless complaining.


When you're right, you're right. It's soooo hard. lol

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WoW, Rift, AoC, DCUO, etc. all had launches that were WAY worse than TOR's. WoW had two raids at launch, and it took them several months to make a third. It was also plagued with actually game-breaking bugs (I'm talking people bringing a fever that killed entire servers). Rift was buggier and had just as many problems. It's more on par, and better than most of the other MMOs. AoC was a bug-ridden mess on release.


I found the launch to be extremely smooth and I think the game is, mechanically, excellent. What I'm worried about is where the game is going. None of the stuff they're promising to add is the kind of stuff I'm missing. Most of the underlying systems I'm worried about are based on a RNG, which limits my choices to: 1) grind 2) do not grind. There aren't alternate paths to things like an armor recipe - either I get lucky in a drop or I keep looking like a mismatched clown.


cause every other MMO sucks.


Actually, I've had a lot more fun in both WoW and LotRo, although I did play both of them significantly longer - and you couldn't get me back into WoW now with a pointy stick. As much as most MMOs are primarily about combat, I like to have something else to do some of the time besides solo combat, small group combat, and large group combat.


In the aforementioned games, crafting has done a lot to fill that gap for me. But I've found crafting to be even more dull in ToR than elsewhere. Queue up a bunch of items and hope you get lucky and roll a good RE when they're done sometime tomorrow. There is even less skill or challenge involved than WoW and lots more waiting around for results.


The other thing that I like to do when combat gets dull or frustrating is go explore. But what's the point in ToR? The nifty stuff is hidden away behind a string of six inch wide ledges that, on a good day, I'd fall off of a dozen times a piece. Never mind that the physics engine in ToR really doesn't support jump puzzles all that well, I just don't have the cerebellum for it.


Honestly, Secret World looks to have at least as interesting a story and a fascinating classless skill system that won't punish experimentation. WildStar looks like they're going to support explorers, rather than tacking on a pile Codex entries to the side.

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Honestly, Secret World looks to have at least as interesting a story and a fascinating classless skill system that won't punish experimentation. WildStar looks like they're going to support explorers, rather than tacking on a pile Codex entries to the side.


I too am very much looking forward to The Secret World, not so much Wildstar though (I am really sick of this stylized angle games are taking these days). I love exploring and the maps look great plus I was an avid anarchy online player and if funcom can do one thing right it is create a game world. That game was breath taking when it came out.


I can overlook glitches and bugs if the game play is so fun it makes me ignore them but when I am bored with the environments and the crafting and the combat, bugs are all I have left.


Another thing that seems to have been lost in this mmo among most new mmo's is the social aspect. I like games where people actually use the bars and pubs to conduct business or pleasure and where people hang out and talk in person. Where you can walk in to a place to talk to a quest npc and there is a group of 4 people sitting in a booth and it makes you wonder what they are up to. You can turn a corner on a street to see 20 or 30 players conducting trade skill business. It gives the world a living feeling because these are real people doing the job you would allocate to npc's if your game lacked in this department and its just not the same.


I find that grindy games are much more tolerable when you can actually feel like you can unwind after questing and chat and joke around other avatars. Its a level of immersion that keeps me playing beyond the boring parts to see whats next, to explore your detailed dynamic environment, to want to know what those people were talking about in that booth, or to earn my crafting spot on that busy square to offer my services.


If funcom can do this with tsw I will defiantly be playing it for a very long time.

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