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Abandoning a Warzone


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My issue is with people leaving during a warzone and not being penalised for this.


I understand some may say that upon joining they do not always have enough time to leave the starting area before being kicked and thus why should they be punished for this.


The solution is simple -

Increase the intial period someone can stay in starting zone by 30 seconds

Give anyone who wishes to leave the warzone before its conclusion a 10 minute penalty; thus having to wait for it to finish before being able to join another.


I have seen teams ive played against fold too easily as players leave and have also been on teams where if they percieve a win is not on the cards they just leave.


The actions of players are creating a habit which is becoming far to common, this can easily be addressed and I hope it will.

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It is not always voluntary to leave the warzone..... 3 times since the patch the game has locked up on me in void, and I had no choice but to reboot. So penalizing someone in my position would be unfair, when it happens to be a game bug causing it.


Not everyone leaves cause they're afraid of premades.

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I don't think it's an issue. In fact, I think it's intended. There are some horrible pvpers on my server and if I get them in queue I leave. I Also tend to leave civil war at the start because civil war sucks. When I say at the start i mean well before the speeder is out.
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I drop huttball. Until they let me filter it out, no support from me for this suggestion...


...actually, who am I kidding, if I have paintchip eating morons for team mates that can't focus on healers or run off as lone wolves, I'll drop too. Losing is fine, but I'll be damned if I am gonna lose with idiots.


So no.

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I agree with the OP. When people drop it hurts the team. If you're trying to push a door in Voidstar and suddenly two people leave, it takes time for new people to join. That time could be the difference between winning and losing.


Additionally I don't want to join a warzone in progress more than necessary. I understand if people get booted for one reason or another that someone else needs to come in, but today I had 6 warzones in a row where I joined part way through. By not penalizing those leaving, those who join midway are penalized because they cannot earn the same rewards, or enjoy the same experience.


When people leave a warzone early it hurts everyone but themselves. They should not be rewarded.


I sympathize with those who say they are getting disconnected, but that is a separate issue and perhaps there is a way to address that.

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I can name three instances off the top of my head that they shouldnt do this untill these items are fixed.


1. getting booted from game because you cant leave starting area in time


2. speeder bikes will not load in alderann map, making you get the leave starter area thing, because there no way to get back


3. when the bikes do load, many times they are bugged, freezing your toon in place and they cant get back to the fight.

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I say only if you leave wz's multiple times in a set period of time should you get a debuff, sometimes you just get THAT pug or THAT premade roflstomp and you simply put have no buisness being in a WZ that is so one sided and pointless


Fix the imbalances, gear exploits, overpowered expertise, then you can punish people for leaving when the pvp system is LEGIT

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im one of these leavers, if bioware think im gonna play another 6vs8 on alderaan, YES THE GAME STARTS with 6 vs 8, THEN NO.



repub on my server won a alderaan 6v8 the first day 50 bracket was implemented. Its honestly the same 8 or so people (including me) constantly queing for warzones, and we end up knowing each other so well its almost like a premade.

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The thing ppl who leave all the fail to consider is that when they leave, SOMEONE ELSE TAKES THERE PLACE. Half the matches i join i fill a leavers place (mostly voidstar for some reason,I realy hate that bomb noise at the loading screen.). This is realy getting out of control. Give ppl who leave 3 times in 15-20 min or so an hour lockout or something. Edited by Ishice
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My issue is with people leaving during a warzone and not being penalised for this.


I understand some may say that upon joining they do not always have enough time to leave the starting area before being kicked and thus why should they be punished for this.


The solution is simple -

Increase the intial period someone can stay in starting zone by 30 seconds

Give anyone who wishes to leave the warzone before its conclusion a 10 minute penalty; thus having to wait for it to finish before being able to join another.


I have seen teams ive played against fold too easily as players leave and have also been on teams where if they percieve a win is not on the cards they just leave.


The actions of players are creating a habit which is becoming far to common, this can easily be addressed and I hope it will.


no penatly should be added untill the game is fixed and there is alot better balance with class's.


until then i dont want to be stuck getting face rolled by bug abuseing exploiting OP class's and builds of players id rather leave.

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The thing ppl who leave all the fail to consider is that when they leave, SOMEONE ELSE TAKES THERE PLACE. Half the matches i join i fill a leavers place (mostly voidstar for some reason,I realy hate that bomb noise at the loading screen.). This is realy getting out of control. Give ppl who leave 3 times in 15-20 min or so an hour lockout or something.


Well it is not an absolute that that when somebody leaves they are instantly replaced, in addition to this the person replacing has to load the Warzone, while this is all on going, the match is continuing to play out, with one side hindered.

Now if you mutiply this with more than one person leaving by making a decision to do so, it can dramatically hinder the team.


I do not think you could or should put in place a "three stirke" system.


Penalise those who make a decision to commit to a warzone match and fail to follow through.

You hear people mention "lack of teamwork", however, the actions taken of quiting, when things get tough, does little to inspire a team ethic.

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