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Patch 1.1.1 changes to Operatives


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Yes I have, they've shaved a bit of my burst damage off yes, but it's manageable. Especially considering the fact that Jarring Strike NO LONG FILLS RESOLVE, meaning we can use our opener, then quickly follow it with Debilitate. Doing BOTH, does fill Resolve.
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Yes I have, they've shaved a bit of my burst damage off yes, but it's manageable. Especially considering the fact that Jarring Strike NO LONGER FILLS RESOLVE, meaning we can use our opener, then quickly follow it with Debilitate. Doing BOTH, does fill Resolve.


Thank you for the feedback.


I'm glad to hear that it works well.



Alodar :)

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When your nerfing a class. You dont overdo it or people will drop the class, reroll, or play another game. To Nerf a stun to about 50% of what you guys intented it to be and then Reduce the dmg on hidden strike by a total of 20%.


You guys are retarded. Going down 5-10% is reasonable. But 20% is ridiculous.


Reducing a stun by 50% is just obsurd. Do you guys even listen to the majority that play operatives or just the 12 yearolds that whine about not being able to play there own class.


If you continue to nerf classes like this because they seem OP. You can cancel my subscription.


This just proves to show how immature Biowares Nerfs are.

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Alright I kinda feel this is a buff and I am going to tell you why.


Before the nerf we had 3 seconds to kill some one before they would start owning our face that 3 seconds was the Knock Down on shoot first/hidden strike alright POST nerf here is the break down


A. Sure they nerfed our hidden strike BUT they reduced the resolve to about 1/3 of the resolve bar


B. they nerfed our acid blade BUT we now have 7 seconds to kill some one.


Let me explain how this is a buff. Open with hidden 1.5 seconds of stun then shiv Lacerate x2 if you are quick you are going to get off the shiv and you are going to start the lacerate before they get up your second lac is while they are standing now Debilitate 4 second stun reapply acid blade Back stab IF they are not dead pop Cloaking screen hidden strike 1.5 more seconds of stun that second hidden will cap the resolve but if you didnt kill them in 7 seconds you need to go re-Roll a Bounty hunter so you can just tracer spam win.



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Can you link the build you are talking about? I just stated playing an Op because of the story but with all this flaming over the last patch, I'm thinking I may stick with my Sin instead. Their story might be boring as hell but the style of play is rather fun.

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I find that my damage is still competitive in pvp. My problem, now, is that when I don't kill someone, that someone is going to come out of stun and annihilate me.


Where's our survivability to compensate? I agree with the burst damage nerf. As an operative, I was not immune to it myself. Other operatives did the same thing to me! No, that's not fun. However, we are probably the easiest class to kill. Some classes can stun/kill us within a few seconds from 30m away and it happens frequently.


If the whole point of the nerf was to eliminate the "instagib," why do we keep getting "instagibbed?" Healing tree up to Surgical Probe is the only way to stay alive reasonably well in Warzones. At least we have that option, I guess; it's something.

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OPS are just terrible - they have terrible sustained damage and no longer have burst.


I have been in so many fights with every other class and they all are able to outlast OPS now because OPS were built as burst killers and then that burst was taken away with no compensation.


They are easily the weakest and most killable class in the game.


They were never FOTM considering that the majority of players play Sorc/Counselor followed by Mercs/Commandos.


No one plays OPS - fewer now that they suck in both PVE and PVP - bottom of the rung.


Worst utility, worst survivability, weakest damage out of any class in PVP.

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They were never FOTM considering that the majority of players play Sorc/Counselor followed by Mercs/Commandos.



I disagree. I think they were right up there with Sorcs and Mercs as soon as players realized that they could do a lot of killing with those classes. The problem is, Sorcs are well-rounded out by 17, Mercs get Tracer Missile at level 20 (?). Operatives are VERY late bloomers and don't even get Hidden Strike until 36. However, pre-brackets, I saw a lot of all three -- especially Sorcs -- in warzones. People were very much leveling them up. You can see it from various posts here. Lots of mid- to higher- level guys shelving their operatives since 1.1.1, complaining about the injustices served to them.



Edit: Frankly, I'm glad a lot of people are leaving. These forums used to be quiet. Darn kids need to get off my lawn.

Edited by Hamchuck
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I used to be fine with my Operative, up until our Raidleader (Sorc) got his Operative Twink to 50.


He is now well aware of how very, very weak we are in comparison.


Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy. I'm still being taken to HM/NM Operations and he never gave me any **** about my class. However, the way he shelved his Operative after Healing/dps'ing a couple HM Flashpoints being "very unhappy" with the classes viability gives me the feeling that by taking me to Operations, he's just doing me a favor.


I'm in the process of twinking a Merc right now. I don't want to work twice as hard as everybody else just to be okay-ish.

Looking forward to contribute some real dps with facerolling:rolleyes:

Edited by Skurkanas
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I really don't want to shelf my operative but I'm really not into it anymore. I was really excited even before the game came out to play this class. Leveling him up to 42 was great. Did a lot of PvE and PvP along the way. Now I really feel weak all the way around. Up to lvl 44 and totally don't even care about continuing to 50. Been playing alts instead.


I really don't want to hear people saying "Oh gee, sorry you don't have an 'Iwin' button anymore. LTP" I honestly don't feel skill comes much into play when a class is getting decimated by every other class in every category in PvP. I've played nearly 40 WZ's since nerf and don't come close to being at the top of damage. More like bottom dweller. ALL ops at the bottom not just me. That says something.


The day before the patch getting 100k+ damage was typical. Now getting 50k is about average depending on WZ. Meanwhile I'm watching sorcs, sages and BH's get 200/250k... really? Hmmm. Guess I'm not doing it right...


Really in PvE content I feel a lot weaker as well. Especially considering we don't really get a decent tank. Kaliyo can't hold aggro at all and I'm taking a crap ton of damage constantly. Mobs do not go down quickly at all and I am reasonably geared. I'm just done for now. Totally bored with a weak class. :(

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Question: Is it true that this nerf has made operative dps unable to participate in operations and do viable dps in PvE?


Also there is so much more unbalanced things than the operative. Concealment is supposed to have high burst from stealth v/c you're popping cd's to get maximum dmg output when opening b/c operative dps is fairly sustainable but they are very squishy.


I have played an assassin up to 41 so I can't say much about endgame, but from my experience SI assassin and sorc are both much more unbalanced than operative was with the sorc's absorb and crazy amount of escapes/cc and the tankasin's survivability and high burst in and out of stealth.Same for BH tracer missle has been OP since day one and BW hasn't done anything about it not to mention the ridiculous amount of dmg reduction and survivability BHs can have. Stop playing favorites BW and balance the game based on actual math and issues not based on people who whine b/c they can't beat rogues. I'm terrible at math btw so I wouldn't know how to balance it, that's why I leave it to the devs, but that's not my point. Pls BW pls I really want to lvl an operative dps, but now I'm worried I'll be denied end game PvE b/c of people who can't adapt in PvP

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I don't know what game some of ya'll are playing. I still have no problems with any class. Is it tougher than it was? Yes, but I still don't see this huge the sky is falling scenario. I was gone for 3 weeks, and went from being mega OP to 2 shotting under level 50 players, to 3 shotting under geared 50s, and still killing Full Champion Sorcs. So I just don't see where everyone is coming from.


Again I'm full Champion gear, I don't know if some of ya'll are undergeared, but I just dont agree with the majority it seems.

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I don't know what game some of ya'll are playing. I still have no problems with any class. Is it tougher than it was? Yes, but I still don't see this huge the sky is falling scenario. I was gone for 3 weeks, and went from being mega OP to 2 shotting under level 50 players, to 3 shotting under geared 50s, and still killing Full Champion Sorcs. So I just don't see where everyone is coming from.


Again I'm full Champion gear, I don't know if some of ya'll are undergeared, but I just dont agree with the majority it seems.


il bet u any ammount of money u have no chance against a bm healer sorc... id like an op to prove this not say it....


when i chose this class it was unknown that it would be hitting for 9ks , i looked at what class was played least so i could benefit from easier gearing.


played right yes the class is ok, but you dont need to be a scientist to see its at a disadvantage in group combat, and this is a group combat game.


im speaking purely from a concealment perspective


i dont see any other class having this kinda thread in there forum. (maybe they do, but i didnt notice it)


seems to me alot of Ops are stressed out atm, not just a few, like 90% of them

Edited by sMooMs
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  • 2 weeks later...
il bet u any ammount of money u have no chance against a bm healer sorc... id like an op to prove this not say it....


Actually there is a chance. But it requires having BM gear, knowing when to pop defense abilities, precise timing on CC and interrupts between damage attacks. The key is getting off hidden strike in succession and praying for crits. It also depends on whether the sorc panics or not. The moment that sorc turns to run, I own him.


Just being a BM doesn't guarantee PvP excellence.


But I will agree it is more than likely the sorc will win out the 1 on 1 if both players skill level is about the same.

Edited by Ozzone
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Answer: We don't know until we get combat logs.
I would say fo rnow that with most fights favoring ranged dps along with the perception that operative pve sustained dps is nerfed big time is what makes it hard to operatives to get into raid groups.
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Question: Is it true that this nerf has made operative dps unable to participate in operations and do viable dps in PvE?


Answer: False


Acid blade being nerfed kinda sucks, but how often does armor penetration actually make a difference in PvE? Plus, it doesn't help the rest of the team: It only effects the operative


Hidden Strike nerfed by 20%? only usable from stealth. How often are you starting a HM bossfight in stealth? Doesn't effect flashpoints at all.


Knockdown reduced from 3sec to 1.5sec? You can't knock down flashpoint bosses anyway, no effect.


In regular PvE? Still as effective as before. People with operatives/scoundrels pre-nerf will notice the decrease in flechette/acid blade, but it doesn't make them so incredibly gimped they aren't needed ANYWHERE. 1.5sec KD in regular PvE? You can kill just as fast by sleep dart on one enemy, kill the other two, so whether or not you knock an enemy mob down for 3sec or 1.5sec isn't a huge difference.


20% nerf from shoot first/hidden strike? Doesn't really make that much of a difference in regular PvE, either.


In PVP? It's harder to kill heavy armor tank classes, but since when have rogue types ever been able to easily kill tank classes? 1.5sec knockdown means it doesn't instantly fill up the resolve bar, so in a way it's actually easier to kill people.

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