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Patch 1.1.1 changes to Operatives


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...... What


Out of stealth, Operative has 1 stun. One. Thats less than two. Its also less than three, four, five, six or any other number bigger than 1. Its more than zero, thought so Ill give you that.


The question I really want to ask is: HOW IN THE HELL IS ONE STUN "TOO MANY"?


I would appreciate an answer. Thank You.


Because you can't say, "Outside of stealth" because you have stealth.


You can also vanish, then apply your stun.


You can also mez.


Your class has much more CC than mine does. I have.... No stuns... Save for the one that stuns me too. I have 1 mez, that I didn't even get until around level 50, and it is a very short mez at that.

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According to the test server patch notes:


Acid Blade: Now provides 30% armor penetration while active.

Jarring Strike: This ability now knocks the target down for 1.5 seconds.

Hidden Strike: The damage output of this ability has been decreased by approximately 20% to control burst damage and because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP.


Which all equates to about 4k maximum. Quit going overboard about this people! You haven't even played the class with the changes. Every bit of whining and crying is pure speculation by people that haven't even.sat down and taken enough time to actually formulate the numbers with basic arithmetic.


In closing, the sky is not falling Chicken Little.

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well since the level 50 only War zones i found damage has gone down loads it was only the lowbies without any pvp gear and stims/ardenals/exp buffs that was allowing high damage.


Some of the best pvp yet and better 1 v 1 fights in pvp now. Its too soon to be slapping agents/smugglers with a nerf stick. People have started to get better pvp gear bringing more balance.


We have no gap closing move after we break stealth our slow isnt for that long and can be easy kited by classes / players that know what they are doing.


1, Nerfing our knockdown to 1.5 seconds this costs 2 talent points and a global cool down means we wont be doing anything before they are back up and leaves them with full resolve.


2, Hidden strike can hit for high damage but vs some one in full pvp gear not as high as the videos show.


3, Armor pen if you are reducing our damage with hidden strike why take away from the rest of our damage we going to do after it.


4, Test Server How can we go and give these changes a good test because i don't have time to grind to level 50 and get champion items and even if i did who else is going to do it so i can pvp vs them. Our damage in PVE isn't the best as concealment but this will now become worst.


5, This may sound like i don't want us to be nerfed if it has to be done then so be it but don't do it without looking into our class more and changing other things that will balance us otherwise it will just be a class killer forcing us to become healers.



So please dont just jump in feet first without allowing it to run with the level 50 warzones and proper testing.



I agree to all stated above.

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Because you can't say, "Outside of stealth" because you have stealth.


You can also vanish, then apply your stun.


You can also mez.


Your class has much more CC than mine does. I have.... No stuns... Save for the one that stuns me too. I have 1 mez, that I didn't even get until around level 50, and it is a very short mez at that.


I love how this conversation is going...


"I can't kill an operative because they'll stun me"


"we have one out of stealth stun"


"LOLZ u have stealth you have more than one"


To which the obvious reply is:


"So...really what you're saying is you're bad at your class and reacting in pvp? Since you apparently can't kill any kind of operative caught in the open by you...because they always one up you. You never think to use the abilities that would stop them...ect."


If you can't kill a operative caught out in the open while they're not in stealth as a sentinel...you're doing something wrong...or he has friends that are lighting you up too. Either way you need to rethink things...

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Which all equates to about 4k maximum. Quit going overboard about this people! You haven't even played the class with the changes. Every bit of whining and crying is pure speculation by people that haven't even.sat down and taken enough time to actually formulate the numbers with basic arithmetic.


In closing, the sky is not falling Chicken Little.


LOL Cowflab, you must seriously have no life to sit here and keep posting in Operative Nerf threads when you don't even have a 50 Operative whom it ACTUALLY effects. If I'm not mistaken, you don't even -have- an Operative with Hidden Strike or Acid Blade.


I'm growing tired of trying to prove to you that this Nerf is over the top. One of two things is going to happen tomorrow if 1.1.1 goes live.


Either A) Jarring Strike (the knockdown) is still going to give a full resolve bar, meaning no one will spec it (which isn't a huge deal cause 2 pts can be used elsewhere), but Operatives will be damage starved losing the 20% on Acid Blade -and- the 20% on our main damaging move, all while the target just runs around and kites them




B) Jarring Strike will give less than a full resolve bar, in which people are STILL going to come on here and QQ about how they will actually be getting stunlocked. People will still spec Jarring Strike, they will pin you for 1.5Secs, and still do a decent amount of damage (if they Crit 2.5-3.5k or so, atleast in my case), then apply DEBILITATE (I believe it's a 3s Stun), and continue with Acid Blade >> Backstab >> Shiv >> Lacerate >> Shiv >> Lacerate >> ect >> ect


Basically that initial CC is what allows us to do -any- sort of Burst DPS, If they aren't standing still, we can only do -meager- Sustained DPS on them.


So essentially either A) They break the class to the point where it can't do proper DPS because the dmg nerf and they will be right back up after a GCD or B) The class can ACTUALLY stunlock (which people are claiming they can do NOW), and people will come back on the forums and whine more...


Conclusion: Now do you see what nerfing classes without proper testing / time to gather SUFFICIENT data will do to this game? My time card will last until March 25th, if Operative is broken post 1.1.1 and follows the path of A) you're going to see -alot- of players who aren't FOTM and have been playing Operative from the beginning unsub/ not renew. If it follows the patch of B) To be honest, it's going to be 10x worse than it is now, because people ARE NOT MAD ABOUT THE DAMAGE WE CAN DO. THEY ARE MAD THAT THEY CAN'T FUNCTION DURING THAT DAMAGE. (( << THIS IS THE PROBLEM))


Trust me, 1.1.1 is not going to fix A THING.

Edited by pelijr
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This is a fallacy and you know it. People only ask for Sages and Sorcs because of the AoE heal. Your single target stuff is as good as it gets. Also, no Realimar, chances are you aren't so good at healing and Sorc players so bad at healing that you get into the top heals because you are simply that much better. Chances are it means that your class is on par with them.




In PVP an Operative is far more effective than a Sorcerer ever is if the opposing team has any brain what so ever and knows to shut the healer down.




You have OBVIOUSLY never played an OP healer / concealment. Any somewhat geared SORC healer will TRUMP us in healing. Seriously, you are playing with BAD PLAYERS if you are making this assertions.


Yes, we catch you first, there is a good chance you will die... IF YOU ARE UNDERGEARED, I have 686 expertise, should I be able to SMOKE someone who has 100? Yup, it's beyond easy to get gear in this game. Trinket + Buff + New 50 = dead, once they reach Valor rank 30 and have full champion (stupid system) they won't be complaing as much, especially if our HS + BS doesn't crit... Then they'll run around saying "LOLOLOLOL".


I've seen Sorc / Sage tear me down from 16.5k health to nothing; all while kiting me. But that's okay, because most people play that class, I don't see Operatives going to their forums whining about that, or getting outhealed by 200K in WZ'S.


Our main heal, costs an insane amount of energy, our other types of heals you have to have a TA up. So, in order for me not to use 30 energy (30 of 105) I have to wait for a TA to come up. WHile, any smart IA healer has DoT's ticking on himself / near by players waiting for TA to proc, it's still beyond stupid that you would even compare our healing to a SAGE / SORC. They can SPRINT away after being brought down , they have a REUSABLE shield, they have INSTANT heals that don't require a TA. Comparing operative healing to a SAGE /SORC (at this current time) is like comparing a NBA team to a High School freshman basketball team...

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You can also vanish, then apply your stun.


Which... Maxes out resolve, making Stun-locking impossible.

So...I can... Pop a Vanish, which is on 2min cool-down, pop a Hidden Strike for a....3 second (soon to be 1.5 second) stun. And because it automatically maxes resolve and prevents me from using Deliberate for around 6-10 seconds, it STILL counts as one stun. Except you have to burn 2min. cooldown to apply it.


You can also mez.


Mezz is useful in 2 extreme situation: 1) In 1v1 with no outside interferance, 2) In pre-mades with high enough level of cooperation to not broke a mezz with AoE, or Dot or just plain attack. In every other situation, mezz is nigh useless. If I could, I would gladly trade that mezz for knockback. Or sprint. Or passive speed increase. Or another Stun. Or ranged snare. Or jump (10m is enough). Or pull. Granted I doubt I would find someone stupid enough to agree to that deal.


Your class has much more CC than mine does. I have.... No stuns... Save for the one that stuns me too. I have 1 mez, that I didn't even get until around level 50, and it is a very short mez at that.


... 1 stun. 1 mezz(+1 from stealth one that can be used only when both Operative and the target are out of combat). 1 sub 10m snare. +1 from stealth stun, that prevents from using the out of stealth stun and +1 sub 10m root if you specc Concealment OR +1 30m ranged snare, if you spec lethality. Thats it. There is literally nothing else.


Compared to:


1 30m ranged root, 1 AoE melee snare + 1 melee snare, 1 channeled stun, 1 AoE mezz, Obfuscate, + 1 sub 10m snare>root if you spec Rage or + 1 channeled root if you spec carnage.


Thats NOWHERE near "Operative having much more CC." If something the CC capabilities of both classes are almost equal. Operative has easier-to-use stun and extra mezz, Maraduer has far more root/snare effects and Obfuscate.

Edited by Drakovicz
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If you didnt see that a nerf like this was coming i dont know what to tell you my fellow ops. This was the classic knee-jerk many of us were expecting when videos of damage against low armored under-geared players while stacking everything under the sun came out.


I am a bit miffed as to the lack of increased damage from other sources or something else to make more effective in combat (both pve and pvp) with the loss of damage from jarring and acid blade.


As its been said the nerf calls will still come cause now well just use 2 stuns instead of one. I wonder how long it will take before we start to see the buff Ops posts.

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If you didnt see that a nerf like this was coming i dont know what to tell you my fellow ops. This was the classic knee-jerk many of us were expecting when videos of damage against low armored under-geared players while stacking everything under the sun came out.


I am a bit miffed as to the lack of increased damage from other sources or something else to make more effective in combat (both pve and pvp) with the loss of damage from jarring and acid blade.


As its been said the nerf calls will still come cause now well just use 2 stuns instead of one. I wonder how long it will take before we start to see the buff Ops posts.



I don't think we will see any buffs anytime soon, they will carry on nerfing others... then untill a new patch/xpac comes out it will bring new changes to us.

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I don't think we will see any buffs anytime soon, they will carry on nerfing others... then untill a new patch/xpac comes out it will bring new changes to us.


it would be my guess that you are correct. Until we can actually see the numbers in the game via a log to not just hypothetically guess what the numbers would be under perfect circumstances ops may remain under this new system. While the changes are not overly oppressive by any stretch of the imagination, they do hurt both pve dps and pvp dps.


While we were able to get large amounts of damage in on people in the opening the damage. I didnt see any videos of people posting their massive lacerate damage. Being an average geared op (some end game 4 man some pvp) The only things that got really annihilated were under-geared (see low level) people. Average gear put up a fight or just ran away (or didnt pay attention to me while trying to kill team mates). Well geared players ignored me entirely because i wasnt a threat to them at all.


Well see what happens. Its not suprising that people see flashy numbers and big hit and scream nerf. Other big hitting chars do their damage subtly by doing the burst at the end of the players life. Fooling them into thinking they had a chance in the first place

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Hello Operatives!


We are sorry that this nerf is necessary to appease the overabundance of ignorant QQ from players that like to exaggerate. Please feel free to reroll Imperial Sorcerers. This is our favorite class and the QQers also like to play it the most because they can look like Darth Maul. Also, Sorcerers are one of the most polished classes we have to offer. And ability delay is less of an issue with them, too. Best of luck with your new class.



Darth Kahldor


Lol. Pot, meet kettle.


Yes, there's been no exaggerations out of the OP/Smuggler communities about how they have no gap closers (except for stealth), their opener stun fills the resolve bar (it doesn't) and can be kited (aside from multiple 30m range abilities).


You are pure fail.

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Lol. Pot, meet kettle.


Yes, there's been no exaggerations out of the OP/Smuggler communities about how they have no gap closers (except for stealth), their opener stun fills the resolve bar (it doesn't) and can be kited (aside from multiple 30m range abilities).


You are pure fail.


buahaha roll op and try chaining jarring strike and debilitate, use stealth in combat ad take a someone down with your ranged abilities. Amusing!

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Lol. Pot, meet kettle.


Yes, there's been no exaggerations out of the OP/Smuggler communities about how they have no gap closers (except for stealth), their opener stun fills the resolve bar (it doesn't) and can be kited (aside from multiple 30m range abilities).


You are pure fail.


They were never able to do 13-14k in their opening 3-4 abilities either. Only on level 10s. :rolleyes:


The only ops players that even have a legitimate gripe are PvE players. By that I mean, strictly raiders and dungeon crawlers. Everyone else is just butthurt.

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The nerf to the OP opening dmg was needed, the problem is that they didn't fix the issues that lingers with this class.


Some of the talents needed to be repositioned to give the AC as a whole more options for better utility


-Advanced Cloaking > Surgical Strikes > Concealed Attacks > Advanced Cloaking


- Lethal Injectors and Vanish need be to swapped around.




-Concealed Attacks grant 10% crit chance per lvl to help justify it's position in the tree.


-Lethal Injectors give the ability to stack two corrosive darts instead of giving a 3 second duration increase.


- Recuperative Nanotech, energy cost reduced to 20, duration decreased to 9s(more healing per tick), cd reduced to 9s.


- Kolto Infusion, energy cost reduced to 15, heal buffed by 10%


- Evasion cd reduced to 45s

Edited by TrevFFM
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buahaha roll op and try chaining jarring strike and debilitate, use stealth in combat ad take a someone down with your ranged abilities. Amusing!


You don't get free kills! How hard is that to understand? You also have more tools than jarring, hidden, acid blade, and debilitate. I know this is tough for you to understand, but its true.

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They were never able to do 13-14k in their opening 3-4 abilities either. Only on level 10s. :rolleyes:


Lets not forget fact that that ops are only ones able to do 13-14k in 3-4 abilities.


You don't get free kills! How hard is that to understand?


Like those when you run up to someone (no stealth) bash his back and he casually keeps doing whatever he was? Or you open on some1 and the fella next to him cant see you coz you locked him in tunnellvision ? yes with this change everyone gets a 100% to skill! no free killz!!


You also have more tools than jarring, hidden, acid blade, and debilitate. I know this is tough for you to understand, but its true.


yea we got plany of 30m range tools and we can heal while dpsing!

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Nerf is too soon now with 50 brackets. All the QQ came from lowbies mixed in with 50.


I'm a Medic specced Operative and I often run with a guildmate who plays Concealment. He still, in the 50 bracket, does some really brutal damage to well geared opponents. He currently is in the "I understand the nerfs" camp with the caveat that Jarring Strike does not fill the resolve bar.


That said, I'm inclined to agree. I will be surprised if the current changes going through as is, in particular the nerf to acid blade. That one has far reaching consequences in PvE in particular that I don't think are warranted without some additional adjusting.

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Nice try.


We have vanish sure, we don't have stealth. If you want to consider a 4 second stealth "stealth" and if you want to consider one spec that requires a critical hit from a burn ability only to work with will heal one percent of your health every second for a handful of seconds "healing" then you are correct.


Of course. I didn't say they were core elements of the class, I just said that they do have them.


You aren't winning this argument Raelimar.


The changes made to your class are, as near as most of us can see, perfectly justified.


You are now on par with a Sentinel or Marauder in damage... And you still have way more utility.


I'm not even really arguing that Concealment burst nerfs weren't needed. The problem is...that's all they do. And no, Sentinels/Marauders have way better reliable sustained damage than Operatives. Maybe Ops can put up solid sustained numbers if they're able to chain-cast Lacerate, but that's completely RNG/proc based.


And I am so certain those PBAoE knock backs don't usually hit you while you are in stealth. Why? Because I am certain players aren't using the Force in real life to know where you are.


Again, healer, my stealth sucks. :p If you're not specced into Concealment/Deception and their respective mirror trees, players can definitely spot you as you're sneaking by them, unless you pop your +stealth levels cooldown. Stealth helps, but if I saw a leap on a 15 second cooldown added in the patch notes, I'd be skipping for joy.


Here's the truth about Huttball. EVERYBODY gets knocked back. Even stealthers. Stealth isn't an auto-immunity to everything, ever. At some point you will have to pop out. When that happens, good teams will CC and knock you back. When that happens, having to run all the way back to the middle and up the ramps at regular speed is devastating. By the time you get back, whatever was happening on the ramps is usually over.


Also stealth while healing is an IMMENSE bonus.


Vanishing when a melee class like the Sentinel gets on you in a hectic battle and stealthing to a new position is usually enough to get us to lose you completely for more than a handful of seconds. In that handful of seconds you can apply the healing. If you ever played a Sentinel or Marauder you'd know how annoying that is.


Not that we *can* kill you if you are heal specced. You can heal through our damage with ease.


I beat Sentinels and Marauders 1v1...I'm not saying I don't. I apply Sever Tendon, HoT myself up, and whittle them down as a ranged skirmisher. Debilitate if they get close, regain distance, use Flashbang if that's not available. It's usually enough to cripple their resource management & regen.


Now, on the subject of vanishing in combat...yes, it's a cheap 1v1 trick. Assassins can do the same thing, hell, I've had Sentinels do the same thing to me in Open World PvP. But in a warzone or any kind of group PvP situation, using Vanish as a healer is extremely risky. It effectively removes you from the fight for about 10 seconds, unless you're using a 23/18 Medic/Concealment spec...which is rare, since our movement speed talent was nerfed to only work in stealth. Why? It nerfs our heals by 100% for the duration. It's still preferable to...dying, but the result is that it's only something you use when you're going to die and you have no other choice. To make matters worse, you really have to use it with Evasion, our other defensive cooldown, or DoTs/AoE will pop you out. Good? Yes. Broken? No. If you force a healer to vanish, you've got him on the ropes, he's scared of you, and his team is now without heals.


Hidden Strike/Vanish/Hidden Strike combo is a different story.


This is a fallacy and you know it. People only ask for Sages and Sorcs because of the AoE heal. Your single target stuff is as good as it gets. Also, no Realimar, chances are you aren't so good at healing and Sorc players so bad at healing that you get into the top heals because you are simply that much better. Chances are it means that your class is on par with them.


Yeah...no. An advantage is an advantage, and our single target isn't nearly as strong as the Sorc's. See, I have a Sorc as well...started leveling it in my spare time as soon as I capped my Op. We only have one direct heal that doesn't require tactical advantage - they have multiple cast time heals. Our channeled heal heals for a trivial amount of health - literally about 150 per tick, 250-300 on crits - theirs heals for a substantial amount. Both can be used as resource management tools. Our "emergency instant burst heal" requires tactical advantage - their shield requires nothing. While we're on the subject of shields, the Operative bubble is on a 45 second cooldown, is self-targeted, and absorbs less than the Sorcerer version. Our AoE by comparison, as you mentioned...is laughable. Our HoTs are alright, but mentally tracking a double-stacking HoT plus an AoE HoT on 8-16 players in an operations setting with the current UI essentially means you have to be f*cking Rainman, counting it all in your head. Their direct heals also heal for more than ours.


Heck, as a Sentinel I've broken 250k once in damage. I've seen people post screen shots of Sentinels and Marauders up to the 450k mark. I'm usually sitting around 150k and usually that is enough to get me to top one, two, or three.


Yes, with a pocket healer and a tank putting me on guard, in a warzone where I am constantly fighting and not dying or guarding an objective without enemies attacking it I can get huge numbers, the same can be said for your class.


The same can be said of any class, but if you equalize the conditions, certain classes will do much better than others. I've posted "huge" numbers (350K+), my best frankly is about 490K. That sounds like a lot in relation to the numbers of a single DPSer, and sometimes it is...but the equation isn't the healing of one healer vs one DPSer, it's the healing of myself and maybe 1-2 other healers against the damage of 5-6 damage dealers and tanks.


All things being equal, a Sorc who knows what they're doing will outstrip me by a considerable amount.


Operatives are fine for what they do post-nerf. They are on par with the other pure melee DPS classes. They have utility that sorcs don't have.


Let me be straight with you...


As a Sentinel/Marauder I will kill a Sorc or Sage. I will. There is no question. I'll shred them and once I am on them I will not stop until someone on their team kills me or I kill the target. I may not be able to kill them quickly, but I push back their cast timers and I interrupt as much as I can and I generally make them spend a massive amount of time trying to run from me instead of healing their team.


I look for Sorcs and Sages to kill.


If they knock me back I will Force Leap onto them the second I can. The fact is I slaughter them.




If I see an Operative... I will seek not to engage.


I can't kill it and I know I can't kill it. I can bother it, but it will get away. I can't Force Leap to it if it is in a balcony because if it is smart it is using cover and thus preventing me from doing so. I can't interrupt it because of it being in cover and I can't CC it either, even if my class had such an ability.


In PVP an Operative is far more effective than a Sorcerer ever is if the opposing team has any brain what so ever and knows to shut the healer down.


I've never argued that Concealment Ops don't deserve a nerf to their opening burst (I've argued that they may need some compensation in other areas where they're deficient), but if you're seriously arguing that Sorcs are not THE premier healer for both PvE and PvP, then you're completely out of touch with the healing community.


Operatives are great in 1v1 confrontations. Hell, I might even say they're amazing in 1v1 confrontations. Worst case scenario in a 1v1? I stalemate, and I could see how a Sorcerer might eventually die in that situation if his casts were interrupted regularly. But add in a second attacker, or put both players in a team setting, and the Sorc trumps the Op in every way. Here's why.


Surgical Precision. It essentially turns a Medic Op into a cockroach. Either you burst his health down from 30% in the space of a CC (or a single hit), you trick him into blowing both Tactical Advantage procs in the 30-50% health range (he was bad) or you do not kill him. Right now, I have 16K health. I'm guessing that as a Sentinel you either don't have an ability that deals 5K damage in a single hit, or it requires setup and it's not readily available. So yes. We're stellar 1v1, but that tactic loses some of it's effectiveness in a group setting.


Now, Surgical Probe is still our best heal, bar none...but Sorcs can do much better, for group support. That's my experience, anyway. I might just be an incompetent ignoramus when it comes to Op healing, but I doubt it. Here's some screens to illustrate my point.


Note the Marauder at 300K+


Premade vs Premade. Bulbadar is probably the most well known Trooper on Jung Ma, when I beat him it's a good day.


6-0 Huttball premade vs an Empire premade. Dissb/Reack/Siendel/Telen are part of a guild called Irony, who were widely regarded as the best PvPers on the server (Phoenix Throne) in Warhammer Online. These were the Bright Wizards that wiped out Destruction warbands of 3-4 times their number, so we had to work for this one.


Again. Note the Marauder with over double the damage of the next closest player on our team.


Not all of those are fair comparisons, since a couple of those might have been from before the 50s bracket, and they're all with a premade. Here's some pug screens from after the patch.


PUG vs premade If you check the chatlog, that guy is actually screaming "I HATE YOU REDTAH!" There's a reason for this. He's one of the more notorious Scoundrels on Jung Ma, and neither of us matched the Consular for healing. The fact that my team won at all is completely astounding, when you match the killcounts.


Another PUG. Note that 50% of the population is playing an Inquisitor at this point.


Remember Bulbadar? He's back, this time I won with a PUG.


Same enemies, different allies Got edged out slightly on healing in this one, but it was a rout and I wanted medals. Fourth damage!


I've done as much as I can to put the "learn to play" argument to bed. I'm a pretty good. I know how to heal against pretty great healers. But...Enter a competent Sorc.


I got destroyed. Like, 2-1. You'd think I was playing in the lowbie bracket...and she was on my team, so it's not as if the playing fields were uneven. However, this one does make me laugh because it illustrates what Huttball is turning into. Soon we'll all be playing Bounty Hunters and Inquisitors for Huttball. There are plenty of other times that this happened, but it turns out I'm less likely to screengrab after I just got my *** kicked. I'll try to do so more in the future. The only reason I managed to grab this one is because the absurd class balance caught my eye.

Edited by raelimar
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I'm a Medic specced Operative and I often run with a guildmate who plays Concealment. He still, in the 50 bracket, does some really brutal damage to well geared opponents. He currently is in the "I understand the nerfs" camp with the caveat that Jarring Strike does not fill the resolve bar.


That said, I'm inclined to agree. I will be surprised if the current changes going through as is, in particular the nerf to acid blade. That one has far reaching consequences in PvE in particular that I don't think are warranted without some additional adjusting.


Jarring strike never filled the resolve bar.

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