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Patch 1.1.1 changes to Operatives


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lol, seriously 5k crit?


My 500 expertise Sniper has never got over 4k damage burst, even on lowbies.


Stop whining about your burst damage and stuns.

About time Operatives get lower damage.

You had over a month of fun 2-shotting everyone.


My 500 expertise Sniper routinely gets hit for 70% burst damage from a stealthed Operative.

Then gets stunned and even if i break stun, it takes me forever to "get up" from the ground.

Then i get hit for the rest of my 30%.


The fact that Bioware is reducing Operative damage shows they know what is going on.


The only people calling for the un-nerf are playing Operatives.


Hyperbole? 2-shotting everyone? Hyperbole? 70%? ur using a random spec then coz with ur ballistic dampers in cover the opener of OP should get you to 80% max. Thats what happenes with the snipers i encounter. I feel sorry if you cant manage a cc Operative really..yep u have 500 expertise i have 680 kthx

Edited by zaknaphein
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lol, seriously 5k crit?


My 500 expertise Sniper has never got over 4k damage burst, even on lowbies.


Stop whining about your burst damage and stuns.

About time Operatives get lower damage.

You had over a month of fun 2-shotting everyone.


My 500 expertise Sniper routinely gets hit for 70% burst damage from a stealthed Operative.

Then gets stunned and even if i break stun, it takes me forever to "get up" from the ground.

Then i get hit for the rest of my 30%.


The fact that Bioware is reducing Operative damage shows they know what is going on.


The only people calling for the un-nerf are playing Operatives.


Considering there is a medal in the game to get a 5k crit, why is it surprising that at least one class, a burst class at that, can achieve it? Also I am pretty sure you must be playing a sniper wrong, because when they survive my initial burst I am completely annihilated after the knockback/root you use.


Most people are not calling for an un-nerf on hidden strike, we agree that the burst damage was too high in some situations. What we really want is an increase in sustained damage, or a sizable increase in utility. As of right now our only purpose is to take out single stragglers that are lightly armoured, if we get in a prolonged fight where we can't re-stealth we are very much out of our element and generally not as well equipped as other classes to deal with it (see marauder with 4 defensive cooldowns and numerous party buffs/enemy debuffs, not to mention a gap closer and crazy sustained damage).

Edited by Kieran
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lol, seriously 5k crit?


My 500 expertise Sniper has never got over 4k damage burst, even on lowbies.


Stop whining about your burst damage and stuns.

About time Operatives get lower damage.

You had over a month of fun 2-shotting everyone.


My 500 expertise Sniper routinely gets hit for 70% burst damage from a stealthed Operative.

Then gets stunned and even if i break stun, it takes me forever to "get up" from the ground.

Then i get hit for the rest of my 30%.


The fact that Bioware is reducing Operative damage shows they know what is going on.


The only people calling for the un-nerf are playing Operatives.

There's an active Sniper PvP stream thread in the Sniper forums. I watched him crit for 5k+ on lowbies plenty of times. But I'm sure I was just seeing things since you're the greatest Sniper to ever live and your experiences are final.



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Hello Operatives!


We are sorry that this nerf is necessary to appease the overabundance of ignorant QQ from players that like to exaggerate. Please feel free to reroll Imperial Sorcerers. This is our favorite class and the QQers also like to play it the most because they can look like Darth Maul. Also, Sorcerers are one of the most polished classes we have to offer. And ability delay is less of an issue with them, too. Best of luck with your new class.



Darth Kahldor

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Hello Operatives!


We are sorry that this nerf is necessary to appease the overabundance of ignorant QQ from players that like to exaggerate. Please feel free to reroll Imperial Sorcerers. This is our favorite class and the QQers also like to play it the most because they can look like Darth Maul. Also, Sorcerers are one of the most polished classes we have to offer. And ability delay is less of an issue with them, too. Best of luck with your new class.



Darth Kahldor


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I just turned 50 with my Conceal Op, never really got in to the whole WZ-bit (Open World PvP kind of guy) but since WZ is whats handed to us I've done some now and then during leveling.


This mean that I have no specialized gear what so ever just gears from AH and questing. Now that I'm at End Game there is not much to do except WZ:s, Ilum (never gonna set my foot there again after seeing whats going on over there) and HM/Raids for which I'm not geared properly for yet either.


In WZ:s I've seen Ops finishing with 300k in damage but also seen other classes finshing with this too. I'my self, ungeared and casual, mayby pulling 75-100k per match - if I'm lucky.


The staggering damage done must be from fully geard maxed out in stims/adrenal/buffs. For me to be anywhere usefull I must prey on the weak and injured. If I see someone low on health I jump him/her, if I see someone beeing attacked by someone else I jump him/her.


If I see a lone player with full health and I check if Cloaking Screen is avaliable and jump him/her for 15-20% (including a Backstab and/or a Laceration), pop Cloaking Screen, and get the hell out of Dodge hoping noboby saw me because I can't do squat after my inital strike.


This means I have lots of trouble in this cut throat lvl 50-tier we have now with fully geared people everywhere. And in PvE I'm gonna be gimped to.


I can see that people are getting pissed by oneshoted by Ops but this is not a class problem but more a PvP/gear-problem. More and more casuals are coming in their 50:s and with the nerf they (we) are in for a world of hurt both in PvP and PvE.


TL;DR: The nerf will hurt casual Ops and not fix the real problem with PvP/gear.


// G

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hello operatives!


We are sorry that this nerf is necessary to appease the overabundance of ignorant qq from players that like to exaggerate. Please feel free to reroll imperial sorcerers. This is our favorite class and the qqers also like to play it the most because they can look like darth maul. Also, sorcerers are one of the most polished classes we have to offer. And ability delay is less of an issue with them, too. Best of luck with your new class.



darth kahldor



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Thank you whiners....


Now head over to the Inquisitors and work on them next.


There is more Sorcs/Sages than anything else. Trust me, the only ones gettig pwned by OP's was whiny sorcs/sages. They will stop QQ'ing once they can streamroll every class in the game.


If BW want us to play sorc/sage and have "epic" Sorcerer on Sage fights, then so be it.

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They don't want you to play one class over another. Stop the pointless whining. Your classes opening sequence was broken and its getting fixed. If you don't enjoy the game, stop playing or quietly reroll to whatever you perceive is the next most op class, which is undoubtedly sorc from all of your crying. Then you'll be griping about the classes that wreck them, and trust me. There are a few.
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You're one that complained for getting owned by the few good ops. Yup, it's a game, and we prefer it to be balanced. They are nerfing our damage by 20%, more than a couple skills.


That was my first contribution to this entire thread, I don't give a rats *** about the "Nerf" I'll still be playing op :/

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Post-1.1.1 we will see this:


Scenario 1) HS still fills the resolve bar.


Solution: people will spec out of Jarring Strike and its equivalent, and the opener will be:


-> HS -> Debilitate -> Damage until break -> Fight.


The reason being that Debilitate will come at the same time, whether you have Jarring Strike or not, but will be useless WITH Jarring Strike because of the full resolve bar it gives.


Scenario 2) HS no longer fills the resolve bar.


Solution: depending on exactly how much resolve Jarring Strike gives, people will or won't spec out of it. more solo-focused players will still take it, while team-oriented players who can expect a second stun from another source won't.


The opening will then be:


-> HS -> Debilitate -> Damage until break -> Fight


So instead of a 3-second stun, and a full resolve bar, players facing an Operative will have a 4 second stun that is delayed by 1.5 seconds, and a 2/3 full resolve bar (this means you are NOT immune to stuns).


Dear Bioware Developers,


Your cited reasons for making this change and the only reasonable response from players are directly counter to one another. You will in fact effectively INCREASE the duration of the opening disable to either 4 or 5.5 seconds, up from 3, at the cost of a second move that we currently can't use during the duration of a typical fight. (Since we cannot use it currently, you will increase the total time our opponents spend stunned in a typical fight by 1 or 2.5 seconds, depending on Jarring Strike's new resolve contribution.)


With this in mind, I view the Jarring Strike nerf as a purely crowd-appeasing change that will either utterly break the talent (a TOP TIER talent, no less), or severely cripple it. Since the obvious intent of lowering the duration of the Jarring Strike effect will certainly cause players to change their play-style in a way that will dramatically INCREASE the opening effect, I submit to you that your intended fix and your intent are not compatible, and require serious reconsideration before implementation.


Thank you for your time and concern,


-An Operative.

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Shhh... Everyone.


Let's just try it out first and see how it goes.


I agree, the dmg is way too high for you ezmoaders, plus you get to knock people down for 4 seconds without any recourse (unless your trinket CD is up)


From there you do a WAY too much damage and I cannot defend myself. This is the issue.


Reducing your OP dmg and your OP knockdown so that I might be able to fight you fair. I know fair isn't something you're interested in but tough.


This patch can't come soon enough.


There isn't another class in the game that can take over 60% ihealth from another player in 5 or 6 seconds like this class. I play a BH and a Jugg. Gear or no gear. It's ridiculous.


As far as "Topping the charts," ANYONE that thinks this bears any weight, you're in for a rude awakening.


You don't pvp in Warzones - There are objectives

If you're not near the ball carrier in huttball, you're doing it wrong. DON'T REQUEUE. EVER.

If you're off fighting 1v1 battles with your boyfriend - Stay there and die. You don't belong in a Warzone.


You're doing it wrong. Most of you. All day. TOP DAMAGE IS USELESS AND MEANS NOTHING.

Edited by VoXPCS
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Shhh... Everyone.


Let's just try it out first and see how it goes.


I agree, the dmg is way too high for you ezmoaders, plus you get to knock people down for 4 seconds without any recourse (unless your trinket CD is up)


From there you do a WAY too much damage and I cannot defend myself. This is the issue.


Reducing your OP dmg and your OP knockdown so that I might be able to fight you fair. I know fair isn't something you're interested in but tough.


This patch can't come soon enough.


There isn't another class in the game that can take over 60% ihealth from another player in 5 or 6 seconds like this class. I play a BH and a Jugg. Gear or no gear. It's ridiculous.


As far as "Topping the charts," ANYONE that thinks this bears any weight, you're in for a rude awakening.


You don't pvp in Warzones - There are objectives

If you're not near the ball carrier in huttball, you're doing it wrong. DON'T REQUEUE. EVER.

If you're off fighting 1v1 battles with your boyfriend - Stay there and die. You don't belong in a Warzone.


You're doing it wrong. Most of you. All day. TOP DAMAGE IS USELESS AND MEANS NOTHING.


This guy gets it! Even if your trinkets is up, more than half the time it doesn't respond to the KD the way its supposed to(not operative specific, but operatives benefit from this fault the most).


As for the "topping the charts" thing. Any class with beefy AoE can do it, and it means jack squat to the actual actual outcome of the wz. For the most part, AoE damage is easily mitigated through a healer spot healing. It serves no other purpose than padding ones ego.


Great post.

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Shhh... Everyone.


Let's just try it out first and see how it goes.


I agree, the dmg is way too high for you ezmoaders, plus you get to knock people down for 4 seconds without any recourse (unless your trinket CD is up)


From there you do a WAY too much damage and I cannot defend myself. This is the issue.


Reducing your OP dmg and your OP knockdown so that I might be able to fight you fair. I know fair isn't something you're interested in but tough.


This patch can't come soon enough.


There isn't another class in the game that can take over 60% ihealth from another player in 5 or 6 seconds like this class. I play a BH and a Jugg. Gear or no gear. It's ridiculous.


As far as "Topping the charts," ANYONE that thinks this bears any weight, you're in for a rude awakening.


You don't pvp in Warzones - There are objectives

If you're not near the ball carrier in huttball, you're doing it wrong. DON'T REQUEUE. EVER.

If you're off fighting 1v1 battles with your boyfriend - Stay there and die. You don't belong in a Warzone.


You're doing it wrong. Most of you. All day. TOP DAMAGE IS USELESS AND MEANS NOTHING.




Try rolling an operative and get in 5v5 scrums. See how far that gets you.

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