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If BioWare delayed it one more year, It would've flopped


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Multiplayer action RPG, Eastern Port, and Funcom (of AO and AoC disasterous launch fame).


Lawl. GW2 is not instanced at all. And Secret World is probably the second most played MMO in the world if not THE most played.

Edited by youwillburn
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Lawl. GW2 is not instanced at all. And Secret World is probably the second most played MMO in the world if not THE most played.


I didn't say it was instances, I said it was an action RPG. No tanks or healers, everyone is forced to be a DPS and you need twitch skills to play successfully.


As far as Secret World being the second most played MMO in the world? I'd love to see a link proving that.

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I didn't say it was instances, I said it was an action RPG. No tanks or healers, everyone is forced to be a DPS and you need twitch skills to play successfully.


I don't think you know what mmorpg stand for.


As far as Secret World being the second most played MMO in the world? I'd love to see a link proving that.


I take this back, I confused this with Perfect World.

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If you want to go by numbers, Maple Story is the most played online game of all time. It sports over 150 million players. yeah Maple Story.


Hero Engine is part of the reason, the major reason for ability delay was the devs wanting you to see parries actually deflect a blaster bolt, and such. Those animations took priority according to the system so you end up getting pushed back.



The main reason wow is a good playing game, is they built the entire game engine for that game. It's tailor made, and optimized for one thing the game.



The hero engine is like those website builder drag and drop things to the MMO market. Any company worth their salt isn't going to use that and instead going to use something like dreamweaver and hire someone who can build it from scratch like a professional.


The biggest selling point of the hero engine was it's multi department use, where one person can make edits to something and everyone else sees it in real time. Thats it. Thats it's major selling point. Bad horrible engine only used by no name games that nobody ever heard of.

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I don't think you know what mmorpg stand for.


I understand that GW2 is technically an MMO. It even looks fun and I have pre-ordered a copy. But it's an action RPG. The casual fan of the traditional MMO isn't going to switch to it (though they may play it on the side) because for the most part, they like RPGS because they don't require excellent twitch skills and the Hardcore raiders won't switch because there are no raids.

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I disagree with the OP for 1 reason. It's Star Wars dude STAR WARS!:cool:


Thats the only thing that gave it a player base over 300k to be honest. Nothing about the game is new or innovating. NOTHING, instead of skipping quest text about killing 10 boars, you have someone who talks to you about the importance of boar overpopulation as you discuss with him your views and then you get to go out and kill 10 boars.

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wow sucks? wow has more features and polish than this game as of 2012


tell me how it sucks


Ok. i'll bite.


Why it sucks? Simple. Because despite all that polish, the game is still unbalanced like hell, pvp sucks, and you're stuck with a boring leveling process and spamming the same 2 instances and 1 raid for six months +. Add to that a disgusting community that throws things like anal jokes around every night and whine how the game sucks.

Blizzard announces an expansion with a new class that wont have auto-attack leaving the other classes outdated and includes pokemon in it because they really have no more ideas, nor can produce content at a decent pace because they are so arrogant they can lazy out their patches. Have i mentioned the LFG system where people behave like miserable sods and leave at a whim, whose only purpose is to piggy back on you to get them their gear.

Or even the mods that trivialized everything in the game in such a way that the game has to be designed taking it into account, leaving the actual design of the game up to the modders and not blizzard (they lost control long ago). The forums are then full of people who say the game is too easy while using said addons to make it easier.

And let me tell you about the abuse you get if you roll a paladin or a mage even if you dont pvp...


Why dont you tell me why it doesnt suck, cause to me it was hell and i only stayed so long due to it beeing a way to spend time with someone special.


I would rather stick to guild wars 1 at this point than to go back to the turd that is WoW.

Edited by Nemmar
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Thats the only thing that gave it a player base over 300k to be honest. Nothing about the game is new or innovating. NOTHING, instead of skipping quest text about killing 10 boars, you have someone who talks to you about the importance of boar overpopulation as you discuss with him your views and then you get to go out and kill 10 boars.


They would be putting out a New MMORPG based on the World's biggest IP. He seriously thinks Tera and GW2 could have kept up with would have probably been an improved version of this game? LOL are you serious? IT'S STAR WARS!




I've been pretty critical of this game and i'm not ashamed of my love for WOW. But seriously, IT'S STAR WARS! Let it marinate.

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I understand that GW2 is technically an MMO. It even looks fun and I have pre-ordered a copy. But it's an action RPG. The casual fan of the traditional MMO isn't going to switch to it (though they may play it on the side) because for the most part, they like RPGS because they don't require excellent twitch skills and the Hardcore raiders won't switch because there are no raids.



Exactly, they don't need to switch to anything. It has no subscription. They can treat it as a single player game and continue to play their current MMO. They already have a market of millions, which are the players of GW as well as people who aren't willing to p2p a game, who aren't looking to compare GW2 with WoW every step of the way. I'm pretty sure they'll do fine.


And I have no idea where you got the idea that it required 'excellent twitch skills". Counter Strike required excellent twitch skills, and GW2 is no Counter Strike. It just breaks away from the target and spam formula that Everquest set.


Eve is also not a traditional MMO and has no raids, and somehow they do better than 99% of MMOs out there.

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If you want to go by numbers, Maple Story is the most played online game of all time. It sports over 150 million players. yeah Maple Story.


Hero Engine is part of the reason, the major reason for ability delay was the devs wanting you to see parries actually deflect a blaster bolt, and such. Those animations took priority according to the system so you end up getting pushed back.



The main reason wow is a good playing game, is they built the entire game engine for that game. It's tailor made, and optimized for one thing the game.



The hero engine is like those website builder drag and drop things to the MMO market. Any company worth their salt isn't going to use that and instead going to use something like dreamweaver and hire someone who can build it from scratch like a professional.


The biggest selling point of the hero engine was it's multi department use, where one person can make edits to something and everyone else sees it in real time. Thats it. Thats it's major selling point. Bad horrible engine only used by no name games that nobody ever heard of.


Blizz. took the Warcraft 3 engine and kinda rebuilt it from the ground up, similar to what BioWare did, they said in one of their interviews that they took the hero engine and kinda remade it into their own.

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Ok. i'll bite.


Why it sucks? Simple. Because despite all that polish, the game is still unbalanced like hell, pvp sucks, and you're stuck with a boring leveling process and spamming the same 2 instances and 1 raid for six months +. Add to that a disgusting community that throws things like anal jokes around every night and whine how the game sucks.

Blizzard announces an expansion with a new class that wont have auto-attack leaving the other classes outdated and includes pokemon in it because they really have no more ideas, nor can produce content at a decent pace because they are so arrogant they can lazy out their patches.

And let me tell you about the abuse you get if you roll a paladin or a mage even if you dont pvp...


Why dont you tell me why it doesnt suck, cause to me it was hell and i only stayed so long due to it beeing a way to spend time with someone special.


TOR is more unbalanced, it's pvp is way way way worse, and all you have is a leveling system your then stuck with boredom. At least those 2 instances and 1 raid are good and doable. The raids in TOR are broken and un playable half the time. And the lack of auto attack I don't like, feels less involved to me.



Can't be worse then anything you have to endure for playing a sorc. lol FOTM much sorc?

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Blizz. took the Warcraft 3 engine and kinda rebuilt it from the ground up, similar to what BioWare did, they said in one of their interviews that they took the hero engine and kinda remade it into their own.


There is a HUGE difference between taking a game engine your company made, that only your company uses, and making it better. The WC3 engine in itself was a very very very good engine.


The hero engine is a badly done public engine for indie game devs. Even making that better isn't anywhere near the same level.

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TOR is more unbalanced, it's pvp is way way way worse, and all you have is a leveling system your then stuck with boredom. At least those 2 instances and 1 raid are good and doable. The raids in TOR are broken and un playable half the time. And the lack of auto attack I don't like, feels less involved to me.



Can't be worse then anything you have to endure for playing a sorc. lol FOTM much sorc?


TOR is in no way more unbalanced. Im sorry, but if you say that, you're high. WoW is meant for smaller scaled pvp, like arenas. Also, the raids aren't that buggy anymore and there is 2 raids and all the fp are heroric. The leveling experience is similar to WoW except the worlds in SWTOR are much more diverse and better to get a feel for, the Voic over also does a lot.


And again, if you complain about inbalance you were never a true PvP'er in the first place.

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