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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware will take action against you!


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When they break something ingame and people take advantage of it!


But refuses to take away the advantage players gained.


Way to alienate your customers Bioware


This is just plain incorrect. Try informing yourself of what is going on.

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When they break something ingame and people take advantage of it!


But refuses to take away the advantage players gained.


Way to alienate your customers Bioware


So your saying it was fair for players to be camped and the players doing the camping get their gear and valor maxed in a day? Regardless of it being biowares fault or not you expolited it and got slapped for it.


Sounds like your mad you got hit for being a dbag.


If a local store was left unlocked would you go in and ravage the store taking what you want then when in court tell the judge well they left it unlocked its their fault not mine.


**** seriously lol.

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Either they alienate the people that clearly exploited the broken valor farming that occured in Ilum, or they alientate the rest of the players that have grinded their way up the valor system via PVP in warzones. I can guarantee that the exploiters are a much smaller group of people than the rest.
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When they break something ingame and people take advantage of it!


But refuses to take away the advantage players gained.


Way to alienate your customers Bioware


False. Dev blog clearly stated that they are handling exploits on a case by case basis to AVOID punishing players who did not take advantage of exploits. Way to be fair and supportive of your customers Bioware.

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When they break something ingame and people take advantage of it!


But refuses to take away the advantage players gained.


Way to alienate your customers Bioware


On point 1: Yes, that's called "exploiting."


On point 2: There have been about 1,000 posts here claiming they do that too often. In any case, it's clear they do have consequences for exploiting, so you're just wrong.


By the way, which part of this do have a problem with? That they take action against exploiters, or that they don't? You can't be right about both.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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So your saying it was fair for players to be camped and the players doing the camping get their gear and valor maxed in a day? Regardless of it being biowares fault or not you expolited it and got slapped for it.


Sounds like your mad you got hit for being a dbag.


If a local store was left unlocked would you go in and ravage the store taking what you want then when in court tell the judge well they left it unlocked its their fault not mine.


**** seriously lol.




I think that is a terrible analogy for this situation... well maybe.


But realistically speaking people are thieving backstabbing aholes who will stomp on your face if given the ability to do so... so Bioware should of prepared for such a situation in the first place.


I see it in almost any game. Go play Minecraft, there are people out there that literally go to unwhitelisted servers simply to grief the people there by hacking and any other methods they can to "educate" others into properly moderating their servers.

Edited by Kabloosh
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That's not what I took away from the latest dev update. While I was for a valor rollback (it's part of any MMO experience), they said they will be adjusting valor of those who took advantage of it.


They problem here is perception. When they take individual action, most companies don't release this type of information. The issue is players want to see concrete evidence of action. A rollback would have done that.

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