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Ban Doomsdayers


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Alright, so this thread is going to be attacked just by the title, but hear me out.


People posting feedback are awesome. Positive feedback is awesome. Negative feedback is equally awesome (I'm sorry you've had a rough time - seriously. I want this community to be large and healthy). This is constructive. Even if it leads to arguing.


What's not awesome are people just posting Doomsday scenarios or threads geared toward encouraging people to quit without offering anything constructive. This is destructive and will do nothing but lead to arguing.


To those of you engaging in destructive behavior, think about this, for whatever reason you've become obsessed with something you hate. Obsessed. That's not healthy for you. You claim to have quit the game - yet you haven't quit thinking about it. In fact, you're investing hours just seething as you post on these forums, engaging in destructive behaviors for the sake of appeasing your pervasive obsession. Imagine what that's doing to you.


Sure, this game isn't perfect. In fact it has quite a few bugs that are still being ironed out. Sure that can make you feel bummed, even angry. But, angry to the point of obsession? To the point where you're investing your spare time to try to destroy a game and company's reputation? It's probably time to take a few hours off from your computer to cool off, get some perspective, and reprioritize.


Now, to BW and EA, this isn't healthy for your standing community either, both those offering negative feedback as well as positive. These destructive individuals are serving as an anchor to what should be a forum focused on helping SWTOR players and helping to improve the game.


I'm 100% for locking threads that are just rallies for these obsessive/destructive folks to spread their anger. I'm also 100% for banning them when all that they're after is the destruction of this game.


You protect us from this spam in game by allowing us to report it, ignore it, and shut it down. Please help us do that here too.


Anyone seeking the destruction of a community is of no value to that community.

Edited by BarradukMordai
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Alright, so this thread is going to be attacked just by the title, but hear me out.


People posting feedback are awesome. Positive feedback is awesome. Negative feedback is equally awesome (I'm sorry you've had a rough time - seriously. I want this community to be large and healthy). This is constructive. Even if it leads to arguing.


What's not awesome are people just posting Doomsday scenarios or threads geared toward encouraging people to quit without. This is destructive and will do nothing but lead to arguing.


To those of you engaging in destructive behavior, think about this, for whatever reason you've become obsessed with something you hate. Obsessed. That's not healthy for you. You claim to have quit the game - yet you haven't quit thinking about it. In fact, you're investing hours just seething as you post on these forums, engaging in destructive behaviors for the sake of appeasing your pervasive obsession. Imagine what that's doing to you.


Sure, this game isn't perfect. In fact it has quite a few bugs that are still being ironed out. Sure that can make you feel bummed, even angry. But, angry to the point of obsession? To the point where you're investing your spare time to try to destroy a game and company's reputation? It's probably time to take a few hours off from your computer to cool off, get some perspective, and reprioritize.


Now, to BW and EA, this isn't healthy for your standing community either, both those offering negative feedback as well as positive. These destructive individuals are serving as an anchor to what should be a forum focused on helping SWTOR players and helping to improve the game.


I'm 100% for locking threads that are just rallies for these obsessive/destructive folks to spread their anger. I'm also 100% for banning them when all that they're after is the destruction of this game.


You protect us from this spam in game by allowing us to report it, ignore it, and shut it down. Please help us do that here too.


Anyone seeking the destruction of a community is of no value to that community.


So who decides the difference between constructive feedback and an "unhealthy" one?

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So who decides the difference between constructive feedback and an "unhealthy" one?


I wouldn't say to ban them, necessarily, but if all anyone has to say is a one-liner like "This game is a total failure," or "Guild Wars 2," they have no business posting here, and frankly, booting them off for a while for that kind of useless garbage wouldn't bother me one bit. There's far too much of it, and there are some people here who post something like that in practically every thread.


This forum is for this game, and the people who play it. If someone's got no interest in the game at all, or just wants to see it fail, this isn't the place for it.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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So who decides the difference between constructive feedback and an "unhealthy" one?


Well..on these boards if you don't say everything is perfect you are a troll and a 'doomsayer'. If you 100% happy with 100% of the game you are constructive.


What a joke this thread is. Go look at the Ability Delay thread and see exactly how many mindless defenders jumped on the people there. The bashing was relentless. Now, go look at the blog post today regarding Ability Delay confirming its an actual issue and that all the feedback and videos were very helpful in assisting BW with solutions. If the OP had their way all of those people would be silenced since they were rocking the boat.


Give me an idiot troll any day of the week over someone who wants to silence dissent.


Edit: You may say you are for constructive feedback but I see many that don't view that to be anything but praise.

Edited by PjPablo
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Community managers. If you have even one suggestion, you're being constructive. If you're just saying "SWTOR is in the toilet" - that's not valuable to anyone.


Well I agree that baseless complaints should be moderated. But you also see people screaming that too many threads are being deleted. I think moving the suggestion box to another sub-forum was a good move and maybe removing general altogether would help funnel the comments into appropriate "bins".

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Well..on these boards if you don't say everything is perfect you are a troll and a 'doomsayer'. If you 100% happy with 100% of the game you are constructive.


What a joke this thread is. Go look at the Ability Delay thread and see exactly how many mindless defenders jumped on the people there. The bashing was relentless. Now, go look at the blog post today regarding Ability Delay confirming its an actual issue and that all the feedback and videos were very helpful in assisting BW with solutions. If the OP had their way all of those people would be silenced since they were rocking the boat.


Give me an idiot troll any day of the week over someone who wants to silence dissent.


Read the post Pablo. Negative criticism is GOOD. You people saying "This game is in the toilet" need to get over your obsessive nature, lose the anger, and get a life.

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Well..on these boards if you don't say everything is perfect you are a troll and a 'doomsayer'. If you 100% happy with 100% of the game you are constructive.


That's completely untrue.


Constructive criticism is met very positively here, in my experience. "This game is hopeless crap" is not, and for good reason.

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We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics if you like and wish you the best.
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