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The Travel System Is Severely Hurting The Gameplay!


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I have no problem with the system of getting around as it now is. The only problem is these impatient folks who want insta-this, or insta-that. BTW, folks like that will never be satisfied with the transportation system no matter what Bio does.


I personally think that the speeders aint "speedy" enough. IMHO, they should be 100%, 125%, 150% but I have no problem with them as they are now. It beats hoofing it.


Keep the transportion system as is Bio, it's good to go!

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I completely agree with you and unforunately I don't think there anything they can do now unless they work for countless hours to fix it. Because if they wanted to get rid of the pointless spaceports completely they would have to move some of the quest givers and revoice the dialog too. In all honesty I don't see why they dident just make your ships land on the ground in the docking bays there and there should be a teleport to ship ability so its more like.


1) Use teleport to ship ability

2) Use galaxy map

3) Get off ship

4) Go to taxi


Thats how it should be.

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Why does everyone want instant travel so bad? Why not enjoy the landscape the devs worked so hard to lay out for everyone. I for one think ista-port to anywhere in WoW was ridiculous.


I'm fine with everything but the orbital space stations and empty airlock hallways, get rid of those and It'll be good enough. But the space stations and empty airlock hallways are retarded.

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Dear God,


Why did you make so many steps to pick a booger? Let's look at it:


1. Uncurl finger.

2. Insert finger into nose.

3. Feel a booger.

4. Send signal to brain: "Found one."

5. Remove Search Finger from nose.

6. Uncurl Picker Finger.

7. Insert finger into nose.

8. Realize it's the wrong nostril.

9. Remove finger from wrong nostril.

10. Insert finger into correct nostril.

11. Snag booger.

12. Remove finger with booger attached.

13. Inspect it and feel satisfaction.

14. Flick booger towards the basement door, just up the steps over there.

15. Wipe finger on food-stained t-shirt.


That's 15 steps to pick a booger! What were you thinking? Here's how it should be:


1. Say, "Left nostril."

2. A hot Swedish bikini model picks the correct nostril for me.

3. Go back to game.


That's how it should be. Please make it like that before I cancel my subscription to life.

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Can't Take Anyone Seriously Who Capitalizes Every Word In A Thread Title.



Stop moaning. It's a freakin game not some job with a deadline that you have to meet, 1 minute or so in travelling won't kill you. Put your freakin crew to craft or gather while you're doing it.

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BTW, folks like that will never be satisfied with the transportation system no matter what Bio does.
This. Impatient idiots will never be satisfied until the whole world system is replaced by just a single menu on login with a list of all the quests etc. :rolleyes:
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This. Impatient idiots will never be satisfied until the whole world system is replaced by just a single menu on login with a list of all the quests etc. :rolleyes:


A lot of people don't seem to know about he consumable fleet passes since they leave it out of their detailed travel plans. Cuts off half the trip.

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Please explain how your in-game enjoyment would be hurt if we kept the current system EXACTLY like it is, but added an additional option for fast-travel direct to ship and an option to skip the station.


ADDED. Not remove the way it is now, just give a way to bypass it.


I'm just going to keep posting this until I get a coherent answer.

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[/right]r;2040504]A lot of people don't seem to know about he consumable fleet passes since they leave it out of their detailed travel plans. Cuts off half the trip.


They should just make the fleet pass a 'your own ship' pass and significantly reduce the cooldown and the travel would be ok in my opinion.

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1. We need a quick travel to player ships with no more than a 5 min cooldown.


2. Faster mounts at end game (lvl 50) 135% minimum. (perhaps slower indoors, i.e. space station)


3. KILL DEATH DESTROY orbital stations if players have their own ship.


4. Access to perks to lower the CD's on quick travel and fleet pass.


= Fixed.

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Oh nice, a thread from people too lazy to play a video game.....


Here is an idea for you...


Step 1: Put your favorite Star Wars Dvd in the player, (if you can't manage this on your own, have your mother assist).

Step 2: Place keyboard in lap. Press play on DvD player. Again, if you cannot accomplish this on your own, ask your mother for help.

Step 3: Have someone (probably your Mother again) walk by every 15 min, pat you on the head, give you a cookie and tell you what a wonderful job you are doing....

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Please explain how your in-game enjoyment would be hurt if we kept the current system EXACTLY like it is, but added an additional option for fast-travel direct to ship and an option to skip the station.


ADDED. Not remove the way it is now, just give a way to bypass it.


I'm just going to keep posting this until I get a coherent answer.


I can give you a coherent answer. Basically, when you change something as fundamental as the travel system, you change the entire game design for everyone. Future expansions are designed with the idea of instant travel, and less work is done on the travelling aspects of the game. Currently, I can group with anyone to do quests and we manually travel everywhere. If instant travel were implemented, there would me many fewer people to group with who would be willing to manually travel, or I would have to sacrifice my game play to play in a group.


If you need examples of this, just look at WoW. No one is forced to use addons, however boss encounters are designed with addon users in mind. This is because designing the game for non=addon users would simply make it too easy for anyone using addons.


The LFG system had the same effect (even though I love it). Anyone not wanting to use the LFG system is very limited on the number of players with whom to group. Most players use the LFG system which therefore fundamentally changes the ability of non-users to to find people with whom to group.


Now, I am not a huge fan of the current travel system in this game. I think it is tedious to move through useless areas that many times look wholly similar and unremarkable. Being able to land directly on most planets would go a long way towards clearing up this system, as would giving you the galaxy map when you clicked to enter your ship door along with an option to manually enter the ship. Running from the door to the chair in the ship also feels tedious.


So, while I wholly support a streamlined (and in my opinion more realistic) travel system, I do not support creating two different options for how to travel.

Edited by nliv
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I honestly cant find a reason why we need ship docks and orbit stations... ESPECIALLY when you cant use quick travel or mounts until you get out of the area...


what is the point? if for some reason it must be this way then why no quick travel usage? not even mounts?



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I can give you a coherent answer. Basically, when you change something as fundamental as the travel system, you change the entire game design for everyone. Future expansions are designed with the idea of instant travel, and less work is done on the travelling aspects of the game. Currently, I can group with anyone to do quests and we manually travel everywhere. If instant travel were implemented, there would me many fewer people to group with who would be willing to manually travel, or I would have to sacrifice my game play to play in a group.


If you need examples of this, just look at WoW. No one is forced to use addons, however boss encounters are designed with addon users in mind. This is because designing the game for non=addon users would simply make it too easy for anyone using addons.


The LFG system had the same effect (even though I love it). Anyone not wanting to use the LFG system is very limited on the number of players with whom to group. Most players use the LFG system which therefore fundamentally changes the ability of non-users to to find people with whom to group.


Now, I am not a huge fan of the current travel system in this game. I think it is tedious to move through useless areas that many times look wholly similar and unremarkable. Being able to land directly on most planets would go a long way towards clearing up this system, as would giving you the galaxy map when you clicked to enter your ship door along with an option to manually enter the ship. Running from the door to the chair in the ship also feels tedious.


So, while I wholly support a streamlined (and in my opinion more realistic) travel system, I do not support creating two different options for how to travel.


CoS..Crock of Sh--.

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Oh nice, a thread from people too lazy to play a video game.....


Here is an idea for you...


Step 1: Put your favorite Star Wars Dvd in the player, (if you can't manage this on your own, have your mother assist).

Step 2: Place keyboard in lap. Press play on DvD player. Again, if you cannot accomplish this on your own, ask your mother for help.

Step 3: Have someone (probably your Mother again) walk by every 15 min, pat you on the head, give you a cookie and tell you what a wonderful job you are doing....


Can you explain orbital stations to me? Besides being designed for any other purpose than a time sink to lvl 15+ players? This game has slow queues, its hard to find groups and dialog takes forever (not bashing just a fact). This game eats a lot of time by just being idle (not killing stuff). So a faster transit system would be welcomed imo.

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There was another thread similar to this but it just had one suggestion(which I don't think BW would ever give us) so here is a shiny new suggestion thread. Post those ideas.


I like to help guildies. I like that guildies will help me when need be. But that was WoW, this is SW:TOR and it seems to be a far more rare occurrence here. The reason? Who knows? But I know one major cause: The Travel System(or lack thereof)>


It simply takes too damned long, and is far too annoying, to leave any planet and go to another to help your friends.


Orbital Stations? Really? Game didn't have enough loading screens? You know the time it takes to travel isn't even the problem. It's the sheer repetitive BS involved in it.


Guildchat: Can anyone help me out I am stuck on this boss for my class quest on Belsavis!

Me: Uh sure I'll be right there!



EDIT: Why the hell are some people so BAD at reasonable thought that the second I suggest we change the process a little, they go off on a tangent abut how we don't need instant travel everywhere with no cooldown? I never mentioned this. In fact I explicitly didn't mention it in my suggestions. And what is the Fleet Pass anyway but instant travel? No on wants instant travel everywhere. We just want to be able to travel somewhere without going through a long, boring, repetitive process over and over again. We just want it to NOT take an hour to go help a guildmate with a 30 second fight. And yes, it can and sometimes DOES. So don't go on about how it doesn't.


1-Run to speeder

2-Click this speeder guy to go to spaceport/shuttle.

3-Run to shuttle click on menu go to orbital spacedock.

4-Take shuttle to spacedock.

5-Enter empty and completely pointless spacedock. Run to other end.

6-Click on another door to get on your ship.

7-Enter ship. Use Galaxy Map and more menus to select planet Belsavis.

8-Ship "travels" to Belsavis.

9-Run back down to the door of ship, click door.

10-Four minute loading screen.

11-Oh great, ANOTHER Orbital Spacedock(!)

12-Run to end of another empty and pointless hallway in space.

13-Click shuttle to go back down to planet.

14- Find speeder guy, take speeder to wherever on planet your guildmate is.



FOURTEEN steps Bioware. And if you go AFK at any point you will end up stuck in the middle of the process. Now to compare that to, for example, the most popular MMO of all time:


1-Travel to flight path guy.

2-Fly to where guidmate is.



-OR for the cross continent/planet trip-


1-Run/Fly to nearest FP.

2-Fly to where ship/portal to other world is.

3-Take said portal/ship.

4-Take FP to where guildmate is.



1. Hi mage, can i get a port to my friends?

2. Mage "Sure!"

3. Thank Mage.



1-Hi Warlock my friend is gonna come help me but hes way far away.

2-warlock: No problem I will summon him to us!



Are you seeing the difference here? Most of the time in WoW even if a trip might take 10 minutes(for example flying to Darkshore from Tanaris) you can just go AFK while you do it. People don't mind this! And if you do have one of the very few annoying trips, it can always be avoided by simply having a mage or warlock help you out! In WoW, there were OPTIONS to cut down the tediousness.


But you people have it made it feel like SO MUCH WORK that people just can't be bothered with it. What I can't understand for the life of me is how people getting PAID to design a game the players like could do completely ignore the most liked game of all time.



Here are some suggestions to fix this:

Fleet Pass - It's fine but really? A 600 hours cooldown? How about 1 hour.


Quick Travel = The one good thing about the whole mess. But how about if you are 30 levels above a planets recommended level, you can go to any of them even if you somehow missed it when you were here before?


Beam Me Up! - One hour cooldown. Ports you inside you ship in orbit of whatever planet you are at.


I'm sure there are many other suggestions people can come up with.


I thought many times about writing this by many times I mean EVERY DAMN TIME I went to another planet and twice when I had to go to Coruscant for class quests, but you wrote this so much better than I could of hoped too

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I'm sure it's been mentioned, but i highly doubt the Devs are any more pleased with the travel system than we are.


It's the klunky programming that appears in so many places at work. 800 programmers on 4 continents meant that to get it to all work they had to kludge some stuff together.


The endless load screens in this game are really inexcusable and I'm sure they feel the same way but they had to get the thing to market.


Love the game. Quit my other subs to play here, but they don't seem to have the best programming chops you could have had for 200 million, imo.

Edited by Kwyn
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1. We need a quick travel to player ships with no more than a 5 min cooldown.


2. Faster mounts at end game (lvl 50) 135% minimum. (perhaps slower indoors, i.e. space station)


3. KILL DEATH DESTROY orbital stations if players have their own ship.


4. Access to perks to lower the CD's on quick travel and fleet pass.


= Fixed.


^ This.

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