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Please Increase Sorc DPS


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Idk what happened to sorc dps but it has fallen off so hard core. i hit for 400s most of the time on well geared people. I have crit for 5500 on a level 10 right. ok so hitting for 400-2k on a level 50 with full champ (17k-20k) I have no chance of killing anyone anymore. i see


Juggs hitting for 5900.


Ops hitting 7k


even Vanguards or troppers i see hit 3500 all day long.


So why is a sorc class who gives up in armor not get an increase in dps?



PS add a deserter buff so people leaving cant join a Q again for 30 mins please.

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Im rocking full champ gear with battlemaster ears and implants. i used all the stackers, 300 power relic, 595 surge ardenal, and recklessness. I have 1600 Willpower and 200 surge. so the gear is there.


Ever since the patch im literally hitting for 400-2k. Im a dps sorc fully geared towards dps.


I feel they boosted the wrong classes

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You guys can troll all you want. this isnt the first post by a sorc who feels their class is not up to par. When i see a Jugg hit for 5900 thats a slap in the face given that same jugg has 6k more hp then me and im wearing the best gear possible. and whoever said bigger hits dont = more dps you clearly dont know much about pvp.
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Sorcs and Sages have below average burst. It is just something you have to live with. The Sage forums have a few threads about how to increase burst.


As far as DPS though, we are usually pretty good. We have a nice amount of utility, including our run and shield, so DPS shouldn't be on part with all of the other classes.

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I feel exactly the same way,Every time i fight commandos I hit like a wet noodle,when I fight bh's I just see them spam tracer missle and see my health drop with ease,and operatives i'm not even gonna get into that.Assasins themselves are having a great time dropping my heath with the burst they're doing.We are lacking heavy armor so we should be the ones doing the heavy burst.
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You guys can troll all you want. this isnt the first post by a sorc who feels their class is not up to par. When i see a Jugg hit for 5900 thats a slap in the face given that same jugg has 6k more hp then me and im wearing the best gear possible. and whoever said bigger hits dont = more dps you clearly dont know much about pvp.


I main a jugg in full champ with spots of rakata - I only get that type of burst when I use my cds and no one interrupts or breaks my fc... lots can be done to prevent that.


Poor understanding of classes and how to deal with them in PVP imo...

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You guys can troll all you want. this isnt the first post by a sorc who feels their class is not up to par. When i see a Jugg hit for 5900 thats a slap in the face given that same jugg has 6k more hp then me and im wearing the best gear possible. and whoever said bigger hits dont = more dps you clearly dont know much about pvp.


Affliction Crushing and FL all ticking on someone with Death field's debuff untill wrath procs and you shove a CL in their face is plenty of dps.


Jugg's hitting that hard happens after set up time, where their damage is less between these spikes. Conventionally spikey dps is regarded as better in pvp due to healing being susceptable to 'burst' but the heat/ammo/energy/force system actually allows solid sustained dps to stress healers to the point of effectivness.


Good sorcs top damage in most WZs because they do so much if it. Unendingly. DoTs here dots there. FL FL procs faster FL wrathed CL deathfield is aoe by default. Storm is insane if it hits 3+ targets.


Are you upset because you aren't a destro lock? or an aion sorc who's all about CC+Nuke? Did you mean to roll Merc and spec arsenal? If huge numbers is all you want try operative. But honestly Sorcerers damage is so good I stoped playing mine because I felt they'd be grossly over populated.

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I'm not bad. I have one of the best sorcs in the game im sure. Just trying to get some balance. Im over 60 valor w/o stepping foot in ilum on doomsday. I have had 12 medal matches 700k damage matches on voidstar. But recently after patch something went south hard. So im just trying to figure out what. And trying to get it fixed. Calling someone bad w/o pvping with them is crazy
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I'm not bad. I have one of the best sorcs in the game im sure. Just trying to get some balance. Im over 60 valor w/o stepping foot in ilum on doomsday. I have had 12 medal matches 700k damage matches on voidstar. But recently after patch something went south hard. So im just trying to figure out what. And trying to get it fixed. Calling someone bad w/o pvping with them is crazy


You are no longer DPSing expertiseless greys.


theres your change. Welcome to the real world

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lol you thought sorc was OP because of all the bad players who got kited, happens in EVERY mmo, bad melee players claim the kiting caster is OP.



Truth is, Sorc/Sage have probably the lowest burst in the game, and really low pvp dps too, deal with it.

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Never played WoW or only played Aion until level 44. So not those dumb suggestions please.

Im talking about this game k thanks.



I gave numbers Hopefully they can do something with them. I mean lets be real the game has no bugs as it is right? it could be a bug clearly. I know how classes work and all that talk about armor not helping against spells is bogus.

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Build is 8/18/16


Pretty much geared towards setting up chain lightning and deathfield to be big hitters.



But they just arent cutting it. 23k tanks getting hit for 2k is nothing and i force lightning on them for 400 a tick. kinda sad.

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