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13 Reasons SWG appealed to me as a starwars fan:


1) Movie Refrences;(you can even kill a gormak, the creature from the EWOK movies). In fact you can visit all types of sites there from the movies, including the jabbas palace, abandoned rebel base on Dantooine, Krayt Skeleton, ObiWans home...


2) You can play as sullustan, Rodian or ithorian


3) You can be a moisture farmer or entertainer and not the hero of the galaxy.


4) exploration was made easy by 360 degrees of movement and yellow NPCs that only attack if you attack, so you can just hang around on planets.


5) SPACE was free roam and you could bring you friends in your custom YT


6) Holidays like life day and galactic moonfest, i know they were silly but they were fun and festive:


7) Costumes: i could be all kinds of other things like geonosian, hutt, gungan, jawa or even a wampa.


8) Player bounties kept me on edge every time i logged it, it was SO fun.


9) Storyteller items and player quests, i never made many quest but i sure enjoyed decorating the envirnment with a ton of npcs and then fighting them all.


10) GEAR: appearance tab was perfect and i could be mandalorian, ubese or a stormtrooper.


11) binary sunset on tattooine.


12) The music




I AM ENJOYING TOR VERY MUCH AND I THINK KORRIBAN IS GREAT TO SEE IN A GAME. It just would have been nice to see both games co-exist. i feel people hated the nge so much they forgot why the played to begin with.

Edited by kirorx
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SWG player generated content was one of it's highlights. That is one of the things that kept the subs even through all the BS we had to deal with.


If I were king for a day I would suggest Bioware consider adding more player generated content options as SWOTR evolves. Additionally they should consider PVP based on the DAOC model - which to date is unmatched.

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If your feeling nostalgic for pre cu swg go play SWGemu. Ull play it for a couple hours and realize just how much it sucks by comparison of anything today. Sure it was fun back in 2004 but that was a long long time ago..... in a galaxy far far away.....
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If your feeling nostalgic for pre cu swg go play SWGemu. Ull play it for a couple hours and realize just how much it sucks by comparison of anything today. Sure it was fun back in 2004 but that was a long long time ago..... in a galaxy far far away.....


Your kind of the only person to say something like this that makes sense.


WHile I never played SWG I want to play it from what I have heard it was awsome PRE CU. However you have a good point all these classic games that we used to play back in the day and have lots of awsome memorys playing.. IF you go play them now they suck. your super bad. Take Golden eye for example, I loved that game it was awsome. So when my buddy pulled out a n64 a couple of months ago, I said "sure man lets do it" Ruined my experince with the game the memorys I had were of when the game was new and was an awsome experince. Played in now with todays standards and expectations and hated every minute of it. Ruined my memorys of the game. I found if best to let memorys of great games be just that memorys. Enjoy them while you had them.


This being said I still want to try SWG and see what the rave was all about. But I dont feel like tracking down a copy of the game to install and play the EMU.

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For the love of god, please let that game die... TMO was a good idea but horribly implemented.


Galaxies PreCU was amazing. While I'm sad that this is not Galaxies PreCU, I'm not gonna cry that it's not. We probly won't see another sand box style MMO. There are two many people who play MMOs nowadays that are used to being spoonfed easy content or they whine until the content gets dumbed down so a 5yr old could do it... To me, there is a difference between difficult content (which I enjoy) and buggy content.


It is dead. If it didnt have a star wars skin, it would turn out like the matrix or pretty much any other MMO that soe released since everquest. Pre-cu wasn't that good, it was still average. It just had the potential to be great. The game went downhill around pub9.

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Star Wars Galaxies WAS a better game, but then again I am very biased towards sandbox style gameplay. And the open world pvp was WAAAAYYY better and fitting to the Star Wars Universe.


You're sick with nostalgia if you think that is true.

Edited by Ashliet
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yea this. swtor 's bf and mouse movement are horrible. I have to hold down on right button of mouse? that bad. I move around like a robot, not feeling any realist in here. too much pve, not enough pvp. I careless about story and pve. I came here for pvp.


channel is joke. delay is joke. I have to stop so I can able to use attack abilities? I ran out of ammo then spammng on " hammer"to fire ? wow thats laughable. I was doing hit and run in world of pvp but I have to wait 3 secs to get on speeder. Channel on vehicle? wow that bad. SWG had none of those things. Plays in SWG is so smooth and flawless, great feeling so realist...


I have 22attack abilities in my toolbar. wow thats too much. In swg I only had under 10 very simply and easy get point to. No fancy needed. Alot of us did cancallation our sub here.


Developers better fix it asap. so Cya swtor...

If improved all of above I would be back for pvp. likes I said I careless about pve and story. /shrug.

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I really enjoyed SWG at first, and it definitely had it's strong points, but in the end it's lack of content drove me away. I know that for some here that's all but saying I'm a mindless drone who wants to be hand-held from mission to mission, but from my point of view I just want the devs to give me my money's worth. For 15 bucks a month I want more than just a series of PVP arenas with a handful of heroics thrown in for good measure. I want a continually unfolding adventure, an endless Star Wars RPG with PVP and grouping as an option, not a requirement.


So far SWTOR is off to a great start. The class storylines are fantastic, there are many different worlds to explore, and voice acting across the board is great for immersion. Being able to play as a Bounty Hunter is also a plus for me, as that is where my Star Wars heart lays. But it's still too early for me to hand it the crown yet. A lot depends on where they go in the future. Putting the early endgame focus on battlezones and flashpoints is understandable, but I hope they will also expand soloable PVE as time goes on or I fear I will grow bored with TOR just as I grew bored with SWG many moons ago. One can only repeat the Ilum dailies so many times before they stagnate.


So yeah. SWG was fine for it's time, but that time has passed. Here's hoping that TOR avoids the pitfalls that brought it's predecessor down for me.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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yea this. swtor 's bf and mouse movement are horrible. I have to hold down on right button of mouse? that bad. I move around like a robot, not feeling any realist in here. too much pve, not enough pvp. I careless about story and pve. I came here for pvp.


channel is joke. delay is joke. I have to stop so I can able to use attack abilities? I ran out of ammo then spammng on " hammer"to fire ? wow thats laughable. I was doing hit and run in world of pvp but I have to wait 3 secs to get on speeder. Channel on vehicle? wow that bad. SWG had none of those things. Plays in SWG is so smooth and flawless, great feeling so realist...


I have 22attack abilities in my toolbar. wow thats too much. In swg I only had under 10 very simply and easy get point to. No fancy needed. Alot of us did cancallation our sub here.


Developers better fix it asap. so Cya swtor...

If improved all of above I would be back for pvp. likes I said I careless about pve and story. /shrug.


I read this and only thing that came to mind was... You mad bro

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Starwars galaxies was an amazing game but the people who could not understand it didn't play it. Also The problem was the game was 100% player run economy. If they took the combat system of it pre cu gave planets the size they did of swg added housing and had the story of this game.


Would be amazing. Also sont talk bad about the best part of the pre cu was finding a build you could work with. Not just in thins game were you are a class and everyone who knowns which advanced class is strongest of the two is the one they pick.

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Starwars galaxies was an amazing game but the people who could not understand it didn't play it. Also The problem was the game was 100% player run economy. If they took the combat system of it pre cu gave planets the size they did of swg added housing and had the story of this game.


Would be amazing. Also sont talk bad about the best part of the pre cu was finding a build you could work with. Not just in thins game were you are a class and everyone who knowns which advanced class is strongest of the two is the one they pick.


Not trying to be mean, but I really cant understand what your saying in the second paragraph. Please edit and add some english in there.

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CU SWG was the best. The classes were well balanced, everyone had group roles to fill, the game was at its most populous, and the system worked beautifully.


The NGE frelled it all up.

This is arguably the most nostalgia-blinded statement I've ever read about a game.

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  • 1 year later...

I played SWG all the way, whether it was pre-CU or NGE it was an awesome experience. Imperial High Commander I was ranked at, at the time of shutdown, which was an honour to be, to plan and execute the final stages of all Imperial activities at endgame on Starsider. Sadly, even though most victories were Imperial, within the last few hours GM's flipped it all back for a Rebel victory, which a lot of former SWG Imperial players are still bitter about.

TOR is superior in one aspect *Graphically*, and that's about it. I have played TOR since release it is a great game, but lacking in so many ways. However, SWG took years to become the awesome game it ended as, so TOR has plenty of time to expand to become as great. Star wars without free roaming space ?...NO !...............what needs to also change is the skills are mirrored both sides, so should the cooldowns be. The Republic seem to have the advantage in most PvP matches with their perma-stuns, infinite ability to stealth whenever, seems like they have no cooldowns at all. Seems very biased in their favour. One winning thing the creators of SWG did was, give the player from the very first moment the options for your character race, gender, look, style, then profession...and to follow that you chose what class you were going to be then the faction you were going to fight for. One thing which should be introduced is the option to be neutral, smuggler or bounty hunter would be great like this. Cyborg isn't a race either, should be an upgrade option. Stealth having a 2 minute cooldown would help, like the shielding ability on most classes of TOR. SWG was great, TOR is great and hopefully will get better. Soon Elite Dangerous is being released a totally space based trading game like the 1980's original Elite game, 100 billion solar systems all occupiable, where u will be able to set up ur own Empire, Republic, Federation or whatever, including space stations vessel fleets etc, and games presently out there will have a lot to do if they have any chance to compete with it.

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just like how today swtor is an innovative and excellent game for our time... but in another 8 years it'll be a different story.


Ummm, ok? How is SWTOR an innovative game? There is literally nothing about it that is innovative. Granted, it has some good parts, but they don't make it innovative.


With regards to SWG, I'm another one that misses the Pre-CU. The player driven economy, the 32 professions which you could mix and match as you saw fit (so long as you had the skill points), the masterpieces that people put together to be their player homes. The list goes on.


I'm not saying TOR should be SWG 2.0, but there are a lot of features from SWG that would only make TOR a better game. Being able to redecorate your ship for a start.

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Never play SWG that is made from Sony online entertainment. I heard about that is a bad Community brought that game to ruin. I think Sony online entertainment employees are playing star wars the old republic on their desk. I think they here to try to change our codex our good game to make it broken like you see the last PVP update become rules. You can hear them talk about SWG, NGE and pre-cu inside during the game and Treads on forum all the time and think about we should report them. I heard Sony online entertainment own the credit selling farming that you see them appear later from start on first planet after star wars the Old Republic release that we should report them. SWTOR is correct on how profession works and number one game. Edited by Wagerbane
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If all the people who claimed they loved SWG had actually been willing to PAY for SWG when it was around, the game would still be alive and wouldn't have been "old yellered".


This! Even at its pre-CU peak SWG had less subs then SWTOR had when it was at its most fail.

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