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Two Questions Gunney Spec


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ok straight to it,


1. Does it matter what weapon type i use, with this spec there are no abilties that say assult cannon required does this mean i can use a blaster rifle?? or is there still a bonus to using the cannon?


2. Are the talents in the tree worth it for full auto? Im looking at the skill and as it stands it does a 1/3 of the damage of grav round and cost 1 more ammo do the talents increase the damage enuf to make it worth while as if not i feel its a massive waste of points for a 4 sec 50 slow.


If this information is already posted if you could point me as to where it is as ive missed it whilst looking


Thanks to any one who can help me with these.

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1. commandos always use an assault cannon because they have skills that is restricted to it. the rifle is for vanguards.


2. the points are worth it, because they make the skill good. also, even if it doesnt do that much dmg without the 25% dmg trigger, it will still slow the opponent (good in huttballm for example or if melees chase one of your teammates) and its a low ammo skill (it pretty much recharges its cost during its cast time.


at first i didnt like the skill that much and didnt use it very often, but i find myself using it a lot more. i think thats because in 50-pvp you have longer battles and its a good skill for sustained damage.

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um i dont use any ablities that say i have to use an assult cannon. Charged Bolts says requires assult cannon. Where as HiB Grav Round Full Auto dont.


Respeced ok i kind of like it think itll grow on me still im thinking is it best to got 3 points purly for the slow or'd you say the other 3 points for the extra damage are worth it?

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as my commando is still pretty low the following is just personal speculation:


full auto due to its specs might become one of the bigger skills gunnery commandos

have. i base this assumption on the fact that unspecced it is still a viable skill to use

and on the fact, that grav rounds debuff doesn't apply to grav round damage itself,

but to full auto, HIB and charged bolts.


i see so many commandos/BHs only spamming grav round/tracer missile as if it was

their only skill. but looking at the speccs it is merely to apply the debuff stacks with

some good damage in preparation to bring the pain with the 3 aforementioned skills.

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Full auto does "less" damage on the tooltip because it's x damage per second. It channels for 3 seconds so it does more damage than grav round on 2 ticks, and a lot more damage if you get the third tick in.


At 50, you'll essentially be using 4 abilities. Full Auto, demolition round, high impact bolt and grav round. Your grav round makes the other 3 better, so spam it till it procs curtain of fire, then full auto, drop your HIB when you get x5 charged barrel and demo round as soon as you hit 5 gravity vortexes and then whenever it's up after that. If you choose to PvP in PvE gear like me for the bonuses, then use HIB whenever it's up because it's free and allows you ammo regen time during the GCD.


Sticky nade you'll only use in AoE situations or when you're forced to move or if you want to burst someone down that's mid-low HP and you know healers are watching out for them. Sticky->Grav->Demo and all three will hit at the same time. It's hard to deal with that burst because it's so much at once.


Plasma nade you'll only be using if you're sure it'll hit at least 2 people to make its damage/ammo ratio worth it. Ideally you'll want 3 minimum but 2 is fine. Use this with Reserve Powercell on any target because it does an incredible amount of damage, it's just expensive.


Stockstrike is another on the move ability, or to bump a healer when they're casting. It doesn't do much damage so isn't worth trying to use it instead of something better.


Mortar Volley, Pulse Cannon, Hail of Bolts only in AoE situations.

Edited by LordKivlov
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um i dont use any ablities that say i have to use an assult cannon. Charged Bolts says requires assult cannon. Where as HiB Grav Round Full Auto dont.


Respeced ok i kind of like it think itll grow on me still im thinking is it best to got 3 points purly for the slow or'd you say the other 3 points for the extra damage are worth it?


To be honest, really you can use a rifle if you like. Sometimes I do in war-zones just because it helps blends me in better. Hail of Bolts and Charged bolt as stated in above posts aren't in your rotation, so I find little need for their requirement. So if you want to tool around in a blaster rifle, by all means, go ahead. Just try to find a blaster rifle that does around the amount of damage as your assault cannon.

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Full Auto and HiB are both pretty underwhelming at lower levels. Full Auto cause the damage is kind of lackluster at first and HiB because its harder to proc when you get it.



Grav round pretty much fixes HiB and Charged Barrel makes it an awesome ability. The talents in Gunnery Tree make Full Auto simply amazing. You get a 33% bump in damage for free, 25% increase in damage when you proc curtain of fire, and a 30% increase in bonus damage to crit, not to mention that a crit with full auto procs cell charger which makes Full Auto cost negative ammo if it crits while you have top ammo regen. Seeing 3 Crit hits from Full Auto on a Hard Mode boss for 2k a piece is just good for the soul.

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um i dont use any ablities that say i have to use an assult cannon. Charged Bolts says requires assult cannon. Where as HiB Grav Round Full Auto dont.


Respeced ok i kind of like it think itll grow on me still im thinking is it best to got 3 points purly for the slow or'd you say the other 3 points for the extra damage are worth it?


Yeah, I think charged bolts and maybe some of the medical ones. At high levels Grav Round totally takes over for Charged Bolts anyway. I like the BFG but it does seem to draw enemy aggro in WZs.


I know the GCD is 1.5sec but I swear I see some Mercs fire off their Grav Shot (Tracer) faster than I can mine. At launch it was said that Alacrity didn't do much for Gunnery but I'm wondering if it does indeed help get more Grav shots off.

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Get every talent for full auto. Period. I'll give reasons though


1) with the proc each tick does more than grav round. 3 ticks in the 3 second channel so a tick a second instead of a grav round every 1.5. (1.8k non crit in PvP vs 1.5k non crit)


2) slow is great for PvP unless you want to chase the person. Takes too long for the first tick to get off


3) shows you know how to use other moves than spam grav round


4) while channeling I usually gain back a 1-2 ammo depending upon what level of ammo you started at before channeling. Full auto takes the ammo away right when you use it while grav round waits till it goes off to use the ammo.


Be careful. Taking any damage while channeling full auto causes 1 tick to disapear. It sucks in PvP if you are getting attacked then. Before use make sure you are a safe distance from your attacker I suggest concussion charge before you use it and after they used their gap closer if they have one. Arguable 4 most important gunnery dps spell.


I hoped that helped

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After you read the first point and did some math you should be saying,

"5.4K MINIMUM INSTEAD OF 3K MINIMUM FOR LESS AMMO (assuming before you did 2 grav rounds instead of doing full auto which equal the same time with no alacrity) I WANT IT WHERE DO I SIGN!!! MOVEMENT SPEED REDUCTION!!!!!


At that point I expect any commando who didn't know this to pass out from the possible awesomeness that is uncontested full auto

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If you want to spam grav round and just that then a lot. If you want to be more complex then not at all

No, spamming grav rounds with alacrity is terrible and bad. You run yourself out of ammo much faster and will get less over-all grav rounds out in a 5 minute period. Alacrity is not a DPS stat.

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