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SWTOR endgame is an absolute disaster

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Only ONCE were players auto-leveled to 50 and it bugged out and was never done again. So the only "testing" was done by people insane enough to level all the way to cap in a brief testing phase and hope others did the same. They reported the bugs mentioned, of course, but they were never officially commented on.


Not true at all. The first attempt failed, yes, but they actually brought the high level server up several times (I played on it quite frequently). Also, though I am not quoting it, I will comment on the guy who stated it took longer to level in Vanilla WoW. The only reason it took longer was at launch in WoW you had to actually read the quest text to get a vague idea of the direction you needed to go. Nowadays, people won't stand for that and need to be handheld everywhere(though personally I loved that back in the day. Made you really get invested in the world imo).


Also, I find it hilarious that a hair over a month after the game's official launch people are whining about endgame. This is what WoW and WoW's crappy rush to endgame shortened leveling experience has done to people. Are there bugs? Heck yeah. My guild was stuck on Pylons NMM for 2 hours and finally called it quits cuz it kept locking the other night. Is BW obligated to fix this? Sure. Are they obligated to fix it right this second? Nope. Their priority, as much as I wish otherwise, is to smooth out the leveling process as there are still many more people in that process than not. That's the way it goes with any mmo. I'm sorry if you and your guildmates spacebarred your way to level 50 and jumped into raiding vying for your prescious (and worthless) world and server firsts. Not only is this a new mmo, the devs at BW are new to designing and maintaining mmos period. There will be growing pains. If anyone is looking for perfection, you are in the wrong genre.


Now, if the issues at hand are not addressed in another month or so, yeah, I'll give some ground to the complainers. But as of right now, most of this stuff is just ranting by people worried about some arbitrary accomplishment that means nothing, no one cares about, and should be left in that other mmo that keeps getting mentioned. Give the game time to come into its own.

Edited by Deviantsoul
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You mention that you have been playing MMO's for 15years, i guess this is the first MMO you have been playing at Launch beacause from my own experience, and partipation in multiple betas and day 1 relase (Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, Rift, EQ2, Lineage, Lineage2, WAR and i could keep going...) this is by far one of the best launch i had the chance to see in thse past 15 years.


Since it's the closest of them all and that pretty much everyone and his mother as been playing it ill go with Wolrd of warcraft. First of all the game as been out for a solid 7 years, and still they fail on EVERY major patch server are down for 10hour more then it was expected in the begining. But still ppl would get over it only to rage the next couple days untill some fix were applied to correct some bugs


At launch their was no end game content, no Battlegrounds and **** loads of bugs. I remember doing 40 Mans LBRS or UBRS because this was the only thing do to. When MC first came out, the bugs were ordendous and barely playable. But again this was new ppl raging everywhere crying like 90% of the haters are doing right now allover the forums.


Ok SWToR might now have the potential of being the best MMO ever, BW might not have what it takes financaly to support the game the way Blizzard did. But yes atleast their is End Game content, we have Warzone both are bugged as hell but so far im enjoying it, we cleared 16HM, moslty fighting bugs and not bosses but well we went through it.



So true ^^, thou i agree there are alot of bugs that should have been fixed on release since they worked in beta,. im lovin every minute of swtor and not rushing it,. i have a tank lvl 50 with 560 expertise,. and nice endgame pve gears, (still plenty to do).


If people play Sw:tor like they play WoW since TBC (most bugs fixed in classic) its a rush to lvl cap, and skip everything inbetween, so they wouldnt know if wow is bugged or not.. then they come to sw:tor rush to end game spacebaring thought all the story line and forget to enjoy it,. then 4 weeks at lvl 50 they doing dailys/pve-pvp 20h a day every day and burn themself out and start complaining there isnt enough endgame content.. 150h of story line per class,. 8 classes,. if you've completed all, then damn u have no life what so ever!.

Edited by smokebuds
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Hey guis, I've been playing mmos for 20 years, I'm outraged there's bugs within a few months of launch!




It's pretty easy to spot who's never played an mmo at launch before. What, did you think SWTOR was going to be the one mmo that is released completely bugfree?

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3. The brand new raid Kraggas palace which just released a few days ago is hilariously bad. First off the very first boss, Bonethrasher cannot be tanked and has a very fast enrage timer which means tanks on the fight are useless. This means most guilds trying to get him in HM/NM mode HAVE to sit out tanks (and often melee DPS due to punishing mechanics) if they wanna kill him. Wats funny is the very next boss fight has two bosses which requires TWO TANKS on HM/NM mode. Better hope your guild has extra people who like sitting outside the zone and wont get to fight certain bosses! Also whoever itemized Kraggas palace has no understanding of the game or is downright lazy as all the bosses in Kraggas commonly drop loot which cannot be used by the classes it goes to (this may just be a normal mode issue though). My Bounty Hunter for example, recieved light armor pants with willpower on them ***! Does Bioware even test this stuff?


4. Finally the worst raid boss ever created is Soa, the final boss in EV. This may be the single most bugged raid boss I have ever seen. This encounter has so many bugs it would take me 5 pages to explain them all in detail so here are the worst ones. Just last night on hard mode we encountered these ones. After a wipe, sometimes the floor in Soa's room would be half missing and you would have to reset the raid and run back. On the final phase the tank has to kite Soa and get pillars to drop on him so his shield drops and he becomes vunerable. A number of times the pillar would hit him but his shield stayed up! Because of this our guild failed 3 times to Soa and turned what would have been a win into another wipe. We were unable to get beat him because of this garbage yet again. Finally many guilda re reporting Soa after patch 1.1 isnt even dropping loot except for mounts and craft junk. Bioware again is sitting on their hands and taking their sweet time with all of these issue.






Firstly, the enrage timer on Bonethrasher is fine, as longas your dps aren't bad. It's a DPS check, not a generic zerg. Secondly, the mechanics on bonethrasher are fine with as many melee as you wish to bring, as long as said melee aren't awful. Thirdly, while I don't know if you mean 8 or 16, normal, hard, and nightmare sorno/jorg can be done with a single tank (and in 16 man the loss of a dps for a tank isn't as much of an issue anyways). In terms of SOA, we have never had the pillar not break his shield. We have, however, had the tank miss position the boss, and the pillar missed (make sure your tank isn't covering his *** and blaming a **** up on bugs).


I do agree with the loot tables on several bosses being screwed up is a little annoying.

Edited by Avia
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They still have not fixed the many bugs in Eternity VAult, it is becoming quite outrageous now.


list of bugs still present in Hard mode/ Nightmare mode:


1. Loot still bugs out from time to time in both EV and Karaggas palace.

2.(EV) 4th boss encounter sometimes bugs out and resets in the middle of it.

3. SOA resets from time to time during the encounter.

4. SOA mindtraps players during phase transitions.

5. Lightning balls on SOA can fly and kick your *** during phase transition, they also evade and get stuck ACTIVE(and can not be blown up) if their target has been mindtraped or if the target gets thrown in the air by SOA

6. Sometimes SOA still throws out Mindtrap in transition phases, which means insta wipe.

7. SOA floor tiles sometimes do not reset and are just gone, resulting in a wipe.


Those are bugs that are still present in Eternity Vault, just at the top of my head, i am sure that i can remember a few more if i would spend my time on it.


Eternity Vault is just so horribly riddles with Bugged encounters, and the most buged one out there is SOA, can not believe that they did not test him before they released the game (cause if they had tested him they would not have released him in the current state, its a freakin joke)

Edited by Miothan
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To the OP


Mass Effect comes out march 6th

You can feel free to leave to go play that for a while

ME3 should last you about 4 days


Next is Terre Online that launches in May in the US

Hot girls may hold your razor sharp attention span for maybe a month



After that, maybe you could go learn to code

Then you can make your own game up

Since obviously you are a clear expert on what it takes to design and market a game.


That way we can all get the "Perfect" game

Edited by Warstrike
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I know this post will lead to flames made by people for whatever reason take every negative comment about this game like it's a personal attack on them but here it goes...


Anyone defending all the major flaws in this game is a bit ridic. This game was clearly rushed and in the end is going to cause the downfall of this game. There is nothing about this game as well that sets it apart from other MMO's as well other than the Star Wars concept. Neither the PvE or PvP is innovative in any way and quite frankly both are a bit lackluster and filled with major game crippling bugs.


A $200 million dollar budget 2011 MMO should be much much better than this product. Just the game engine alone is garbage.

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SWTRO endgame is fine. The problem is professional raiders without jobs.


Fanboi detected.


Denying that there is a major problem with bugs doesnt mean its a "great game"


Not much else to do at lvl 50 when you have all you need from hardmode flashpoints and dailys other than do Operations (if you want to progress your character) and that is when you will notice all of the crappy bugs (also exists loads of them in Flashpoints)

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this game for sure is not as fun as it used to be im giving it to march then i think im gona quit march will be the new 1.2 update lets hope will be VERY GOOD WITH NO BUGS if not im sure ALOT ALOT of people will unsubscribe


i honestly think way more then 50million was spent on voice acting im guessing the voice acting was awsome was very happy with that but still i think way to much money was spent on the voice acting then the actual game with bugs and all the non sence that is coming out with every new patch they release. The raid desinger and end game desiner does not realy know what he is doing i think seems like when the new 1.1 patch came out they didnt care if it was rdy tnhey just released it cause of they thought people would end up quiting the game due to there subscribtion running out this game will die bye march or even april if stuff does not get fixed

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I have not experienced many bugs myself inside the Operations in their current state. What i found, on the other hand, is that the 3 difficulties should be renamed as follow: Free loot mode, easy mode and normal mode.


In my opinion it is pretty bad design when you down a boss in hard mode on the first try without prior knowledge of the fight. There is absolutly no feeling of victory and/or accomplishment in this game. Downing a boss in a hard mode OP felt the same way as killing that random unnamed elite dude back on coruscant that nobody cares about.

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i think ppl who whine about bugged bosses in Raid instance in a Vanilla state game keep forgeting the unlimited buggs 70% of WoW's bosses.


Let me remind you


C'thun we all know this one

Vashj numerous ones

Lurker this one actually did Sprout when he wwas in the water

Algalon not be able to enter Ulduar for the rest of the week cause it 1shoted every1 from the Entrance

And many others that needed hotfixes in order to be killed.


You honestly expect Raids be fully unbugged at this point?

If you were whining about difficulties ok i can understand tht cause any1 who has made decent raiding on wow he will find them joke compare to WoW's one.

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i think ppl who whine about bugged bosses in Raid instance in a Vanilla state game keep forgeting the unlimited buggs 70% of WoW's bosses.


Let me remind you


C'thun we all know this one

Vashj numerous ones

Lurker this one actually did Sprout when he wwas in the water

Algalon not be able to enter Ulduar for the rest of the week cause it 1shoted every1 from the Entrance

And many others that needed hotfixes in order to be killed.


You honestly expect Raids be fully unbugged at this point?

If you were whining about difficulties ok i can understand tht cause any1 who has made decent raiding on wow he will find them joke compare to WoW's one.


Absolutely right, especially that the said bugs didn't prevent bosses being killed, only some titles to be earned(and still, some have them). and nice to see that you are sharing the same concern as me about the difficulty of raiding in its current state.

Edited by Cynistra
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Absolutly right, specially that the said bugs didn't prevent bosses being killed, only some titles to be earned(and still, some have them). and nice to see that you are sharing the same concern as me about the difficulty of raiding in its current state.


yea in terms of difficulty id Say Normal = LFR, Hard Mode = Normal, Nightmare = Heroic

if we can compare em with wow thats the order.

I hope they will change the style of raiding on next Tier to feel like more challeging atleast.

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yea in terms of difficulty id Say Normal = LFR, Hard Mode = Normal, Nightmare = Heroic

if we can compare em with wow thats the order.

I hope they will change the style of raiding on next Tier to feel like more challeging atleast.


Even on NMM there is no sense of progression, that is my biggest problem with the raiding system. You have 3 difficulties, yet there could be only one and it would feel the same.

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Even on NMM there is no sense of progression, that is my biggest problem with the raiding system. You have 3 difficulties, yet there could be only one and it would feel the same.


well tbh since there is no build in Warnings for boss abilities and some of em are completely random it will make this worse if they add more abilities or phases in NM mode.

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3. The brand new raid Kraggas palace which just released a few days ago is hilariously bad. First off the very first boss, Bonethrasher cannot be tanked and has a very fast enrage timer which means tanks on the fight are useless. This means most guilds trying to get him in HM/NM mode HAVE to sit out tanks (and often melee DPS due to punishing mechanics) if they wanna kill him. Wats funny is the very next boss fight has two bosses which requires TWO TANKS on HM/NM mode. Better hope your guild has extra people who like sitting outside the zone and wont get to fight certain bosses!


Dual Spec, or Multi Spec would go a long way to help this problem out, no idea why on earth it's not in game yet...

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I also believe half the stuff you are saying is a problem was fixed in the last patch just from reading patch notes


Apparently so since all I really seen: "Was, would, did"... big wot for a bunch of past tense ranting.


But yea, I remember in a previous MMO everything was perfect from day 1 and every single new content release worked perfectly as advertised as well...

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Dual spec is needed but your DPS has to be hilariously bad if you're hitting enrage on HM Rancor. LOL @ having to sit out tanks. Sure, it might be optimal but 100% not needed unless your DPS players are horrendously bad. The Bounty Hunter and Droid fights on Nightmare can be solo tanked, especially if you have Marauders or Snipers that can rotate their -accuracy debuff on the bosses (which, I might ad, trivializes many fights that are already easy. See: Droid boss in EV and his Salvo vs accuracy debuffs). Edited by Exertim
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going right past all the bug rants about endgame content which will be fixed really soon like most of the important bugs have been, ill be going straight to boss fight mechanics and content. I am glad this game did not turn into what WoW has with end game content. Instances and Raids that are too easy for a 10 yr old. Content wise..... how can anyone say that there is nothing to do? I really can not understand that. Do you want to Raid??--- Do the two raids till ur blue in the face, its not like you went there once and got all ur gear... Don't want to raid but want to group up????----- Do one of the MANY HM FPs to get gear till ur blue in the face. Want to do PVP???----- Go to illum for world pvp or do Warzones for commendations to get better gear. Want to solo???? ---- Do dailies on different planets for commendations which can be exchanged for gear. Don't want to do any of those??? ----- why do you play MMOs??? ----- oh right, go back to WoW coz that's different -_- Edited by Vladone
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going right past all the bug rants about endgame content which will be fixed really soon like most of the important bugs have been, ill be going straight to boss fight mechanics and content. I am glad this game did not turn into what WoW has with end game content. Instances and Raids that are too easy for a 10 yr old. Content wise..... how can anyone say that there is nothing to do? I really can not understand that. Do you want to Raid??--- Do the two raids till ur blue in the face, its not like you went there once and got all ur gear... Don't want to raid but want to group up????----- Do one of the MANY HM FPs to get gear till ur blue in the face. Want to do PVP???----- Go to illum for world pvp or do Warzones for commendations to get better gear. Want to solo???? ---- Do dailies on different planets for commendations which can be exchanged for gear. Don't want to do any of those??? ----- why do you play MMOs??? ----- oh right, go back to WoW coz that's different -_-


Something tells me you're one of those that killed stuff in WoW after several nerfs etc. Fun fact: SWTOR is many, MANY times easier than WoW.


Just saying.

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