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Suggestion: Add companion armor vendors


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It would be really nice to have a companion armor vendor. Since you only get companion armor sets (the sets specifically designed for a particular companion) in quest rewards, you basically end up on the next level set by the time you get one set put-together. Sort of defeats the purpose of an armor set designed for a companion if you've out-leveled it by the time you can fully obtain it. When you start gaining companions too, you have to pick and choose which companion you want to equip with their armor set too as the rewards usually require you to choose from one companion's set. Also, the amount of quests is set up in such a way that you don't need to run all quests on a planet before moving on so you may end up missing out on part of the set anyway.


Add a companion armor vendor on each planet who sells the pieces for the armor sets designed for particular companions in that level range for commendations and/or credits....or the items could be easily be added to the specialty vendors instead of creating a new vendor.


(EDIT - I"m talking about specific armor sets DESIGNED for a particular companion....not any armor WORN by a companion....edited post for clarity)

Edited by JimG
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Armormechs and Synthweavers would be pretty upset about this (myself included). Looking at my sales, I'd say nearly 75% of the lvl 49 epics I craft are used for companion gear so I'd be losing a huge chunk of my market.


I'm talking about the early armor sets for companions, not end-game gear. The companion sets aren't THAT good and can't compete with blue gear, orange gear, etc. anyway. You could limit it to only vendors on planets up to the mid-30's.

Edited by JimG
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I don't see what's the point, since Companion's gear doesn't necessary have to "required" to wear the other gears.... you know that right?


No, I had no clue, lol.


The "point" is that they designed companion armor sets for each companion and the sets are for particular level ranges (based on their stats). The companion armor sets are basically useless because, even if you acquire the full set, it's pretty much out-leveled by the time you get the full set acquired. So if they are going to be in the game at all, then there should be some better access to them. Obviously you can equip your companion in all orange gear or whatever other gear you want. That has absolutely nothing to do with my suggestion.

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Funny, since I have 4 companions wearing various orange moddable armor pieces. 2 of which are wearing my hand-me-downs.


LOL, I'm not talking about companions being equipped with armor in general. You guys are talking about something completely different. Guess I should have spelled it out more. I'm talking about specific sets of armor designed for a specific companion. For example, Kira has a set called "Folded"......Kira's Folded Hat, Kira's Folded Skirt, etc. I'm talking about that specific set of armor designed for that particular companion and its accessibility. I'm not talking about equipping companions in general or saying you can only equip companions with their specific armor sets.....good lord, lol.


Edited the original post to clarify.

Edited by JimG
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LOL, I'm not talking about companions being equipped with armor in general. You guys are talking about something completely different. Guess I should have spelled it out more. I'm talking about specific sets of armor designed for a specific companion. For example, Kira has a set called "Folded"......Kira's Folded Hat, Kira's Folded Skirt, etc. I'm talking about that specific set of armor designed for that particular companion and its accessibility. I'm not talking about equipping companions in general or saying you can only equip companions with their specific armor sets.....good lord, lol.


Edited the original post to clarify.


ok... so from my understanding, you'd rather want to gear your companion based on their 'own sets of armors' rather than equipping them with higher-end gears that has better stats? Aesthetic is all you want? -- that important huh...... good lord, lol.

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ok... so from my understanding, you'd rather want to gear your companion based on their 'own sets of armors' rather than equipping them with higher-end gears that has better stats? Aesthetic is all you want? -- that important huh...... good lord, lol.


Seriously? Now you're just trolling. At level 18, would I really waste the credits to deck a companion out in all orange gear with blue or better mods in each piece? Maybe you need your companion in all orange gear at the low levels to get through the content though, who knows.


If you think aesthetics doesn't have anything to do with the game then you're in the minority in this game. Guess you haven't seen any threads about character creator options, color of lightsaber crystals, chestpiece matching options, dye kits for armor, appearance tabs, etc.

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Funny, since I have 4 companions wearing various orange moddable armor pieces. 2 of which are wearing my hand-me-downs.


True i do the same, my companions are also in hand me downs (minus the droids)but i'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to buy teh sets i wasn't able to get because i chose X instead of A,B,C,D, or E.

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If you want to talk mismatched, you should see Zenith on my ship - Twi'lek sniper with the cowboy hat, and the headtails coming out of the back of a cowboy hat is just... odd.


The simplest option would be to add this companion gear as rewards to daily Heroics at each level, as for example one of the Belsavis Heroics gives top-end moddable Companion weapons (except for the poor suckers that have AIM-based melee weapons.... sorry Qyzen, no mods for you).

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  • 3 months later...
I'd like to see mod versions of the companion sets be offered in some way, maybe via crafting with the patterns sold by the companion vendors. There are some really cool looking sets that can't be duplicated with other gear currently.
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I figured someone had made this suggestion before I did. I'd like to be able to purchase the companion specific gear as well.


I also like the idea that MaximusRex just posted, that put in vendors that sold patterns for mod-able versions of the gear.

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