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bioware taking an 18 hour break


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This comment is independent of how you think a company should work or what level of service you're used to from other similar games who have a lot more re$ource$ to work with. cough cough coughcoughcoughwowcough


Companies have a limit to their resources. Money can't be thrown out to fix problems. If you have a bug, you can't just throw a million dollars at it and have it go away in a few hours to make customers happy. Lots of the time, money can't even fix problems. Like hiring applicants. If only so many qualified people are applying, having all of the money in the world won't matter if you're trying to staff certain departments 24/7. It is literally impossible because you can't make qualified people apply.


Just something else to think about while arbitrarily complaining that BW should be able to fix X and Y in Z time.

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This comment is independent of how you think a company should work or what level of service you're used to from other similar games who have a lot more re$ource$ to work with. cough cough coughcoughcoughwowcough


Companies have a limit to their resources. Money can't be thrown out to fix problems. If you have a bug, you can't just throw a million dollars at it and have it go away in a few hours to make customers happy. Lots of the time, money can't even fix problems. Like hiring applicants. If only so many qualified people are applying, having all of the money in the world won't matter if you're trying to staff certain departments 24/7. It is literally impossible because you can't make qualified people apply.


Just something else to think about while arbitrarily complaining that BW should be able to fix X and Y in Z time.


Oh yeah, cause poor EA is gonna go broke from being so honest and hard working. :rolleyes:

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Why don't you read previous info before creating a thread? BW have already stated they have a 24/7 staff running for at least the first month of the game and after that will have 24/7 on call staff permanently... a large percentage of people who got access today haven't logged on yet, there letting all the people who got acces today choose servers and start playing so then BW can assess how full the servers are and if they need to add more. They are doing this so the game lasts for the long haul, they are not focusing on shoving everyone in and dealing with population sizes retrospectively.
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They are not taking an 18 hour break, Read some of the bioware posts and you will notice that they do it purposely. To be able to check the stability of the servers they leave it running for a long time to detect spikes and see where they need to add remove servers ect.


I cannot believe the people can complain so much! It was announced UP to 5 days, Tomorrow is 5 days, so it isnt even 5 days yet and already people complain.


THIS IS NOT THE LAUNCH, the Launch is the 20th! so stop complaining for F sakes

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once again bioware takes an 18 hour break, can you guys imagine what this game is going to be like during christmas break, god help us all


true sign of arrogence is why you refuse to admit youve made a mistake!


But did you really expect anything different?


If they were going to fix this mistake, they would have done so yesterday when it was obvious the mistake was made!


Stick to those guns boy

Going down with the ship is always so cleaver in the end

(and for the mindless trolls out there, no Im not saying TOR is failing from this screw up, just adds yet another black mark to Biowares ever growing list of black marks)

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Oh yeah, cause poor EA is gonna go broke from being so honest and hard working. :rolleyes:


People are treating this as if it can be fixed with some pocket change. Want updates? Hire a few people. Want EGA for all? Just buy a few more servers and consolidate later. And specifically for this thread, want BW to run 24/7? Hire an additional 20, 40, 60, 100 workers for billing, tech support, customer service, and/or in-game support.


I think that would easily cripple many companies. If it doesn't bankrupt them right away, they'll have a long, hard, and probably impossible fight to stay afloat.

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They spend 200 million to make the game but it will bankrupt them to spend enough to let everyone who bought it actually play? Wow , what are you smoking.


Nah some of us paid them some extra cash so we could watch the tears of the mental midgets who can't comprehend or read basic english.


It's hilarious.

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