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Why do we get the darth title and not...? (SPOILERS)


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were never acknowleged as a darth at any point in the game our title in game is the emperors wrath even in the loading screen its emperors wrath and lord what ever your char's name is we were originally never given the title darth we did get emperors wrath but complaining that we didnt get drath bw went outside the class story took away the one that made sence and gave darth why not have both titles so we could atleast have the one that makes sence looking at torhead sith warrior has the least class titles there was no reason to take it away to add darth and why not fix things such as the loading screen to say darth instead of lord.

Edited by Meluna
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If I remember correctly it was a change that was made late in the Beta so they had not gotten around to fixing all of the occurrences of "Emperors Wrath" to Darth. Personally I like Darth better, but that's just my preference. From an immersion stand point Darth makes more sense. Emperors Wrath implies a single person so how many people would you see running around with that tie and think, well that doesn't make sense. But given there are multiple NPC's with the Darth title, to have other people running around with Darth XXXX makes more sense, since you aren't the only person in game playing as a SW. It's possible they took that into consideration when they decided to change it. Edited by Hyfy
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In the storyline which revolves around your character you are the only Wrath.......just as the inquisitor storyline they are the only descendant of Kallig so it makes perfect sense and I for one would have preferred it to stay then be changed to Darth, now we share a title with a different class, not a unique one anymore.
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In the storyline which revolves around your character you are the only Wrath.......just as the inquisitor storyline they are the only descendant of Kallig so it makes perfect sense and I for one would have preferred it to stay then be changed to Darth, now we share a title with a different class, not a unique one anymore.


But there is no title that say Kalligs descendant. Which would again denote you as a one off as "Emperors Wrath" also does. So no it really doesn't fit, especially in the case of immersion.

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were never acknowleged as a darth at any point in the game our title in game is the emperors wrath even in the loading screen its emperors wrath and lord what ever your char's name is we were originally never given the title darth we did get emperors wrath but complaining that we didnt get drath bw went outside the class story took away the one that made sence and gave darth why not have both titles so we could atleast have the one that makes sence looking at torhead sith warrior has the least class titles there was no reason to take it away to add darth and why not fix things such as the loading screen to say darth instead of lord.


Phew! That's one long sentence.

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I believe Emperors Wrath was taken out because many playing the Sith Warrior felt cheated that the at the time, only the Inquisitor got the title Darth. Which as a Sith is the most iconic title for us. Same applied to Jedi Knights not getting the Master title.


Personally, I prefer Darth over Emperors Wrath. As stated, it is more iconic.

Edited by Darth_Victus
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If every BH gets "Grand Champion of the great hunt", I want Emperor's Wrath


Maybe those mandalorian fanatics have a Great Hunt like every two days or so, in which case it would make sense you see many Champions of it ;)

That said, the same could apply to the Emperor's wrath...a different one every...hour:D

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Maybe those mandalorian fanatics have a Great Hunt like every two days or so, in which case it would make sense you see many Champions of it ;)

That said, the same could apply to the Emperor's wrath...a different one every...hour:D


This is basically what I was getting at too. From an immersion standpoint it just doesn't fit. Where Darth not only makes more sense but seems to be what a lot of people wanted and preferred.

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If I remember correctly it was a change that was made late in the Beta so they had not gotten around to fixing all of the occurrences of "Emperors Wrath" to Darth. Personally I like Darth better, but that's just my preference. From an immersion stand point Darth makes more sense. Emperors Wrath implies a single person so how many people would you see running around with that tie and think, well that doesn't make sense. But given there are multiple NPC's with the Darth title, to have other people running around with Darth XXXX makes more sense, since you aren't the only person in game playing as a SW. It's possible they took that into consideration when they decided to change it.



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If they did that then chapter 3 wouldnt make any sense


Im just saying what happened. Bioware, late into Beta changed the title option from Emperors Wrath to Darth, and never changed the conversation options to Darth instead of EW, which would then make complete sense. They only half assed it when they changed it was the point I was making. Otherwise if they had done it correctly and completely, the story would make sense still.

Edited by Hyfy
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Im just saying what happened. Bioware, late into Beta changed the title option from Emperors Wrath to Darth, and never changed the conversation options to Darth instead of EW, which would then make complete sense. They only half assed it when they changed it was the point I was making. Otherwise if they had done it correctly and completely, the story would make sense still.


hes meaning that changing it from ew to darth they would need to redo the last chapter because it wouldn't make any sence

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hes meaning that changing it from ew to darth they would need to redo the last chapter because it wouldn't make any sence


And that goes right back to where I said they only half assed the change they made. Whether it was due to lack of time, resources, or motivation to do so can be argued but was still not done in full like I had said.

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  • 2 months later...
I totally agree we should of got both titles. I still would prefer Emperor's Wrath over Darth any day. I don't see how they couldn't get around to fixing a classes story in the first place that's sad. It even says it all in the Interlude after completeing the SW story. They'd also have to go back and redo the fight in front of Dark Council to because not once did they mention you being a Darth in the cutscene but hey thats just my 2 cents.
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