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How much play time is healthy?


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It's going to be different for everyone, of course. It depends on how many real life responsibilities you have.


But here is the litmus test: The moment you turn down an opportunity to interact with real people (friends, family, club meetings, work) in order to play the game, you've crossed the line into unhealthy.


I have too many close friends who entered this stage in WoW when they didn't come to parties because they had to raid with their guild. The words "have to" is another bad sign. When you HAVE TO play a game because it entails obligations, that's a big red flag.



you are so wrong here. I treat raiding in wow like anything else in real life. If i was in a bowling league//dart league whatever its an obligation because there are people counting that i show up. Doesnt matter if its in RL or in a game you can have obligations online and its not unhealthy in any way. Hell in WOW i only play the hours that i raid. So im only in game like 2 times a week for raid times. Thats it. Nobody is going to count on you in any group if you dont treat it like an obligation. Especially if your in a guild trying to get through content.

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you are so wrong here. I treat raiding in wow like anything else in real life. If i was in a bowling league//dart league whatever its an obligation because there are people counting that i show up. Doesnt matter if its in RL or in a game you can have obligations online and its not unhealthy in any way. Hell in WOW i only play the hours that i raid. So im only in game like 2 times a week for raid times. Thats it. Nobody is going to count on you in any group if you dont treat it like an obligation. Especially if your in a guild trying to get through content.


Yes, I've heard the old pick-up-game analogy before. I'm sorry, but a game in which you sit at home on your computer is not an even comparison with a game in which you interact with other human beings and exercise. Anything that causes you to stay at home when there are opportunities to be out is unhealthy.


Now don't mischaracterize me. I don't think playing a game is any better or worse than reading, knitting, or whatever other private hobby you want to pursue. And if anyone is regularly passing up social action to sit and home to do any of those other things it is just as unhealthy.


I wouldn't be surprised if people who go out more use better spelling and grammar as well...

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8 hours work, 1hour of transportation from work to home. 1.5 hours workout, 1.5 hours hygiene and eating, 6-8 hours of sleep.


Leaves around 6 hours of gameplay.


Take a 10-15 min break every hour to rest your eyes and you should be fine!!


In the end, you get a 5hours of "healthy" gameplay.

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