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Faction Imbalance - Fact or Myth?


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I'm pulling your man card for knowing what a bustle is. I had to google it.


Can't pull my man card for that. Here's why.




::Kate sits on Doc Holiday's lap::

Holiday: "Kate, you're not wearing a bustle..."(Holiday looks at his fellow card players) "How lewd."


So I'm sitting there going "*** is a bustle?" so I Googled it.

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Can't pull my man card for that. Here's why.




::Kate sits on Doc Holiday's lap::

Holiday: "Kate, you're not wearing a bustle..."(Holiday looks at his fellow card players) "How lewd."


So I'm sitting there going "*** is a bustle?" so I Googled it.


OK, I'll give it back. I never bothered to look up bustle after I saw that movie, mostly because I was in high school when it came out and had no clue what the internet was and google didn't exist yet . :p Tombstone is, however, one of the greatest movies of all times and is probably the most quotable movie ever. Kudos to you sir.

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There are many ways they could lessen the faction imbalance. They could give the bonuses or perks to the faction with the least population.


IMHO, the first step is to balance the classes. There are some Imp classes that have advantages over their "mirror".

Edited by Brad-
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If you don't understand math even this little, I doubt it's worth anymore time trying to prove anything to you. There were multiple 'snapshots' which all showed severe imbalance at different times. One by itself isn't valid, multiple at different times/servers is proof. (not EXACT) but enough to send someone to the chair if you were in court.




That's not even remotely true. A 'snapshot' as you call it, of ONE specific area, regardless of how many times it's taken, will never be enough to constitute proof. Is it possible that there is a faction imbalance? Absolutely. Do these 'snapshots' make it so? Not a chance. As was pointed out, you need full numbers, for the ENTIRE server, taken over a much longer period of time. I would even say that 2 weeks is too short a window, and say that a 1 month window would be the minimum to get a real feel for it. And that month shouldn't be the first month of the game, because things are too new. With people just starting, there is a higher probability of flux in the first month both in terms of players deciding they want to try another class, or simply dropping their subscriptions, to develop an accurate data set.


Any decent lawyer, who is appearing in the court you're describing, would have his client sitting in a restaurant, sipping champagne at the end of the day based on the evidence you have presented thus far.

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There is definitely faction imbalance, but there is nothing BioWare/EA can do about it without restrictions to gameplay.


Well they COULD do something about it... but the question is whether it would actually help or just peeve people off more because they can't pick the side they want.

Edited by DarrkLore
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OK, I'll give it back. I never bothered to look up bustle after I saw that movie, mostly because I was in high school when it came out and had no clue what the internet was and google didn't exist yet . :p Tombstone is, however, one of the greatest movies of all times and is probably the most quotable movie ever. Kudos to you sir.


Despite the fact thet I did see the movie in the theater, I've seen it many a time since then in the comfort of my own home with the internet and Google close at hand.

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There are many ways they could lessen the faction imbalance. They could give the bonuses or perks to the faction with the least population.


IMHO, the first step is to balance the classes. There are some Imp classes that have advantages over their "mirror".


What kind of bonus or perks?


The class balance thing...ugh. There is the "lore" aspect where they did it correct vs. the gameplay thing of "I want exactly what he's got". That is kind of the point of the whole light vs. darkside thing though, Jedi don't have the same exact abilites Sith have. Sith abilies are supposed to be more powerful offensively while Jedi are supposed to be more powerful defensively. But that is a whole new can of worms...

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