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Thanks For The Fast Fix to Ilum BW!


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I am wondering where all the love from the haters is after BW quickly put a tourniquet on the Ilum issue. Sure, it isn't where it needs to be fully, but they addressed the issue within 24 hours. For all the posts that I saw that ended up as vitriol fueled diatribes, I thought I would see more people really happy with how fast they performed triage on the issue.


I have played a lot of MMO's, and this problem(while not fixed fully) was fixed faster than a lot of other games I have seen in the past. Sometimes I have seen issues span weeks in other games.


I think because they fixed it so fast, there should be some of the people that were screaming in caps offering, at the very least, gratitude for how they handled it. Where are the posts in all caps saying how happy you are that they took care of the issue that many of you treated like the end of the world with all of your dramatic prose and flair.


I will offer thanks to BW for you. Thank You BioWare for caring enough about your game to address that awful issue so fast.


If you were a person who freaked out at BW or just a person who appreciates the fast fix, feel free to leave your thanks or apologies below.

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I am wondering where all the love from the haters is after BW quickly put a tourniquet on the Ilum issue. Sure, it isn't where it needs to be fully, but they addressed the issue within 24 hours. For all the posts that I saw that ended up as vitriol fueled diatribes, I thought I would see more people really happy with how fast they performed triage on the issue.


I have played a lot of MMO's, and this problem(while not fixed fully) was fixed faster than a lot of other games I have seen in the past. Sometimes I have seen issues span weeks in other games.


I think because they fixed it so fast, there should be some of the people that were screaming in caps offering, at the very least, gratitude for how they handled it. Where are the posts in all caps saying how happy you are that they took care of the issue that many of you treated like the end of the world with all of your dramatic prose and flair.


I will offer thanks to BW for you. Thank You BioWare for caring enough about your game to address that awful issue so fast.


If you were a person who freaked out at BW or just a person who appreciates the fast fix, feel free to leave your thanks or apologies below.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. The problem went untouched for the better part of a day. I think we may have different definitions of "fast".


And, in case you haven't been paying attention and missed it the first few times players posted this link, now players are abusing Ilum like this instead:


Seriously, unjustified praising posts like yours are more dangerous to the health of this game than any complaint thread could ever be.

Edited by Apax
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I am wondering where all the love from the haters is after BW quickly put a tourniquet on the Ilum issue. Sure, it isn't where it needs to be fully, but they addressed the issue within 24 hours. For all the posts that I saw that ended up as vitriol fueled diatribes, I thought I would see more people really happy with how fast they performed triage on the issue.


I have played a lot of MMO's, and this problem(while not fixed fully) was fixed faster than a lot of other games I have seen in the past. Sometimes I have seen issues span weeks in other games.


I think because they fixed it so fast, there should be some of the people that were screaming in caps offering, at the very least, gratitude for how they handled it. Where are the posts in all caps saying how happy you are that they took care of the issue that many of you treated like the end of the world with all of your dramatic prose and flair.


I will offer thanks to BW for you. Thank You BioWare for caring enough about your game to address that awful issue so fast.


If you were a person who freaked out at BW or just a person who appreciates the fast fix, feel free to leave your thanks or apologies below.


Addressed the issue? Any melee character is still severely gimped for getting honor because they are most vulnerable from having to rush directly into the zerg instead of just AOEing from afar or healing people. Please, Ilum is still the worst world PvP I have ever experienced in an MMO, especially considering BW is basically sanctioning sending random zerg groups around a map throwing bodies at each other. I would much rather be trading rockets with people....

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I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. The problem went untouched for the better part of a day. I think we may have different definitions of "fast".


And, in case you haven't been paying attention and missed it the first few times players posted this link, now players are abusing Ilum like this instead:



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I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. The problem went untouched for the better part of a day. I think we may have different definitions of "fast".


And, in case you haven't been paying attention and missed it the first few times players posted this link, now players are abusing Ilum like this instead:


Hey Nubs have you ever tried coding, it take a while, your lucky it got done in a day.

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How does one foresee an unforeseen bug?


Testers have a bit of a different mentality then most players. Sure they have a better understanding of what they should do to brake something but they had little pvp updates in that patch. They had no reason to go to ilium and look around.


And even if they did they don't get paid to have the mentality of trying to win by any means just play a normal game.

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I think the OP has a point. Yes, it was about 8 hours before an actual response was made, and it was nearly a full day before the solution was put in.


But that is fairly quick when they could have just said, "See you patch Tuesday!" And despite my predictions to the contrary, they actually do appear to be investigating the spawn-point valor farmers.


Was it as good as a shut down and adjustment after 4 hours? Was it as good as an early rollback before damage was too severe for a rollback? No. But it is more effort than I gave them credit for.


Thanks BioWare Austin. Please try harder next time though.

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Hey Nubs have you ever tried coding, it take a while, your lucky it got done in a day.


So during the weeks that testing occurs on the PTR, the devs just sit back and relax until the sith hits the fan when it goes live?


"It take awhile" is probably the most moronic excuse I've ever heard to any issue on this forum. Please go back to camping treasure chests with your level 11 and leave the discussion for the adults who actually have a clue.

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So during the weeks that testing occurs on the PTR, the devs just sit back and relax until the sith hits the fan when it goes live?


"It take awhile" is probably the most moronic excuse I've ever heard to any issue on this forum. Please go back to camping treasure chests with your level 11 and leave the discussion for the adults who actually have a clue.


What testing on the PTR? I don't know anyone who would manually level a 50 there, so there is little to no testing of endgame stuff until we get character copy or premade 50s.


What was it you said about the adults who have a clue? :rolleyes:

Edited by Daeada
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And, in case you haven't been paying attention and missed it the first few times players posted this link, now players are abusing Ilum like this instead:


LOL, the whole concept of PVP is a joke on MMO's. There's been so many posts over the last few months from "hardcore" PVP'ers talking about how there is no meaningful PVP in this game....yadda, yadda, yadda....blah, blah, blah. The fact is that the majority of the PVP'ers obviously don't want meaningful PVP. Instead, they are all about using PVP to grind and/or farm gear and loot...plus the griefers. That's it. No one forced players to trade objectives, camp spawn points, trade kills....and the last two exploits came into action extremely fast. This stuff came into play because most PVP'ers are all about getting the best gear and loot and don't care about actually PVP'ing.


You want real open world PVP? Make Ilum a factionless free-for-all with no grouping allowed and only rewards for player kills (sure guilds could coordinate but it wouldn't be the straight empire over republic slaughter it is now without factions coming into play) and add an arena section where people can battle 1-on-1 with no companions, 1-on-1 with companions or 4-on-4. You know what would happen, the same thing as show in this video clip. It would take longer than 24 hours, but I bet within a week you'd have all the PVP'ers sitting around one area with some informal system of trading kills set up and no arena play either. There'd be one ring-leader keeping track of the order as players stepped up to be killed and then switched rolls to kill the next person. PVP, as a concept, is a joke in MMO's.

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Hey Nubs have you ever tried coding, it take a while, your lucky it got done in a day.


It takes a day to take a zone offline until a problem can be fixed?


It takes a day to come up with an official response beyond "we're looking into this"?


And with this new problem shown in that video link, it's been over a day now since players have been trading valor. Any new excuse theories you'd like to share?


By the way, if you had paid attention to the development of this game you would know that one of the features they praised in this engine was the ability to push changes to the servers quickly and easily without even needing to take them offline.

Edited by Moitteva
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This wasn't a fix. It was a half measure. The damage is done. Unless Bioware is willing and able to remove the valor, some of which has been reported as being as high as 300K and the gear gained, there has been no fix.


Worry less about others and just have fun. it's likely a lack of skill that's the problem not others having more valor.

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Worry less about others and just have fun. it's likely a lack of skill that's the problem not others having more valor.


I have no doubt that is the issue you encounter, however it's not mine. But Thanks. I'll worry about balance and what I pay for. You worry about you.

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It takes a day to take a zone offline until a problem can be fixed?


It takes a day to come up with an official response beyond "we're looking into this"?


And with this new problem shown in that video link, it's been over a day now since players have been trading valor. Any new excuse theories you'd like to share?


By the way, if you had paid attention to the development of this game you would know that one of the features they praised in this engine was the ability to push changes to the servers quickly and easily without even needing to take them offline.


I have a mirror you can borrow if you're interested in looking at a real "nub". Think things through next time before making comments like the one quoted.


You have no way of knowing how fast a zone can be taken offline and what the impact of that would be on other parts of the game. The total number of lines of code for a game like SWTOR must be enormous making it extremely complicated to 'just' rush in a solution that would probably cause even more problems.

Perhaps it was not worded that tactful by Skorpius, but he has a point. Changing the code is not as easy as you claim it is otherwise they would have fixed it within the hour.


Also.. not everyone is level 50 and pvp-ing on Ilum. They have to take into account the number of people impacted by the problem and the number of people that would have been impacted by the suggested rollback/valor reset. Unless you have that information you cannot begin to judge their course of action.

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How does one foresee an unforeseen bug?


Testers have a bit of a different mentality then most players. Sure they have a better understanding of what they should do to brake something but they had little pvp updates in that patch. They had no reason to go to ilium and look around.


And even if they did they don't get paid to have the mentality of trying to win by any means just play a normal game.

This bug should have been seen in normal testing by the qa dept. How hard is it to run to the enemy base and see if you die?

Edited by Knewt
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You are right, haters will be haters.


Based on most of the people responding in this forum have absolutely no freakin' idea what it means to code or fix bugs.


They did get things fixed, and they rolled back the people who exploited. I couldn't be happier. If people are going to hold grudges, who cares?

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You are right, haters will be haters.


Based on most of the people responding in this forum have absolutely no freakin' idea what it means to code or fix bugs.


They did get things fixed, and they rolled back the people who exploited. I couldn't be happier. If people are going to hold grudges, who cares?


Where did you read they rolled back those who exploited this mistake? It is my understanding they suggested they would look into certain people.


You say here they rolled back the valor gains, where exactly did you see that and please link your source. Thank you.

Edited by Tinasa
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