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Sudden Flood Of Conversations (BH, no spoilers)


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So last night, I completed a major part of the BH story arc at level 34. When I got to my ship, Mako took me through about EIGHT conversation segments, which, based on the dialog and references, SHOULD have been spaced out over my last ten levels, or more. Instead, I got them all at once.


Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know what causes it, and how to trigger conversations "at the right time"? Does it have anything to do with my skipping all the Nar Shaddaa quests except my class quest? (I'd outleveled NS by the time I was done with Balmorra.)

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I've tried figuring this out myself. I believe, and this is only my opinion, that dialogue with companions is spaced out according to your character level, progress through the class story, previous dialogue or companion quest achievement, AND affection level with that particular character. So sometimes you're going to hit all the factors except for ONE and it holds back all dialogue until that one single factor is achieved.


I had something like that happen with my Corso during the Beta, anyway. I had him at a spectacular affection level and my character was leveled out to a certain point. But I hadn't been able to complete a companion quest until I'd leveled up a bit. Then I got like 7 dialogue conversations in a big dumping, so to speak. Post-launch I was a bit more prepared and I just asked for a guildie to help me get the companion quest knocked out earlier than I had before. I got all the dialogue at a better pace the second time around.

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I wonder if there's triggers involved due to something like "OnEnterSpaceport()". My typical playstyle is to quest for several hours on a world, then use fleet pass to go to the fleet, sell stuff on the GTN, queue up missions, and log off; when I log back in, I fly back to the world I was questing on. It occurs to me I rarely go INTO the planet's spaceport, so a conversation that is "I want to talk to you when we get back to the ship" might, oddly, not trigger properly, depending on how it was coded.
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Conversations are limited by Chapter(and occasionally story event), so based on your level I'm guessing you just hit Chapter 2. So the moment you got to Chapter 2, all conversations that require you to be at least on Chapter 2 that you had enough affection to trigger were triggered at once.


Expect something similar when you hit Chapter 3 following the events following Hoth(or at least I think it is Hoth, wow I'm slipping if I can't remember the final planet of Chapter 2 x_x). I personally got about a level and half of experience from companion conversations alone when I hit Chapter 3 on my SW because I had previously maxed everyone's affection.

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mako has a trigger around the end of act 1 that unleashes a flood assuming you have been building affection. really most of the conversations should just be blended together.


Current affection is high 5000-ish, just finished Act I, so, yeah.


I think the story would be more effective if it had been revealed in smaller bits, so it felt like a sub-plot in an ongoing series.

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