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Quitting a warzone should cost you valor


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One issue I am getting annoyed with is the large amount of quitters in warzones. I notice it most in the Alderaan Civil War, probably because a few minutes into that you know the end result (either one side is dominating, or it is a good fight). There is nothing that chaps my hide more than someone who is spamming orders on the Ops channel only to drop group the second that the enemy caps two turrets to our one. It tends to happen less in Voidstar, simply because there are two rounds. Huttball has the same problem, but since the game ends when you score 6 goals, it is far less common if you are getting romped on simply because of how quick the game finishes.


Here is my suggestion: if you leave a warzone, you are docked valor points (nothing crazy, just like minus 100-200 valor). Just a big enough amount to dissuade you from doing it, but not too much so that if you are just getting face planted every time you leave the spawn room and can't take it any more, you can leave and try another zone with a minor penalty. I know that the biggest issue would be those who crash to no fault of their own, and I wouldn't want to punish someone just because they were bugged out or their computer crashed. Not being a computer programmer, I am not sure if there is a way to differentiate from someone who voluntarily quits versus someone kicked (I would assume there is since you select 'leave warzone' to quit').



The other possible solution would be to put you on a timer for entering a warzone if you voluntarily quit (once again, not outlandish, just 5 minutes would be enough to make someone actually think about it). If you knew that by quitting this warzone you wouldn't be able to queue for 5 minutes, you might stick it out and take the loss like a man/woman.


Just my opinion. I was wondering what everyone else thinks about this problem?

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Valor lost = worst idea ever. If I get disconnected, my power goes out, I need to leave the game for a RL emergency, or even if I just don't like the way the game is going, I better not suffer any harm to my valor. Just dumb.


As for a debuff that makes it so you cannot requeue, sure. I don't know if 5 minutes is the right amount of time though. The amount of time would need to be such that you would get less valor from getting the debuff than from playing in a lost match. In other words, what would give more valor...playing a lost match or waiting 5 minutes for a fresh match? Once that is figured out, a good number can be set for such a debuff.

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O, and just thought of something. Perhaps the debuff can stack. Maybe you can leave once and have nothing done, but leave another withing 30 minutes and you get a debuff. Leave another and you get a more harsh debuff, etc.
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O, and just thought of something. Perhaps the debuff can stack. Maybe you can leave once and have nothing done, but leave another withing 30 minutes and you get a debuff. Leave another and you get a more harsh debuff, etc.


I would assume that there is a keylog recorded when you manually select "leave warzone" that could tie to the valor loss / debuff punishment to avoid punish those who lose power or CTD through no fault of their own. As it currently stands, you almost have an incentive to quit a game that you don't think you will win, especially if you are a Republic player who gets almost instant queues.

Edited by Bolbis
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I agree with the initial assertion, that people who actually quit should be penalized in someway (I'd prefer a lockout actually)


But the problem with this is that the game is VERY VERY VERY unstable right now and there's a LOT of warfronts suffering from people being booted, not loading properly in the first place, and otherwise getting borked by the game.


About 1:10 warzones over the past few days when I load in I never leave the splash screen. I can hear Baron Deathmark speaking, I can hear my footsteps if I push forward. But no load. Just the splashscreen until I get auto booted from the game for inactivity.


Additionally people crash from warzones a lot as well. Particularly when force jumping across certain areas...seems buggy.


Until those things are fixed I'd be hard pressed to advocate for any penalty for people leaving a warzone.


But in a perfect world, yes, people should be encouraged to PLAY and discouraged from metagaming for points.

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In general I agree with the OP – people who leave early should be penalized. In general, I don’t think it needs to be a big penalty…I think they should end with -1 valor for the match.* Later on, when stats are tracked, they should get a “loss” as well.


Regarding the multiple whines in the thread:


1)***** I have a 29 PT and a 15(!) sniper.* I* do fine in huttball.* Saying that they are unbalanced to jedi/sith is silly, IMO.* There may be some balance issues, but nothing you can’t overcome.

2)***** I have a 3-year old.* I will accept a penalty gracefully if RL forces me to leave my team.* RL>game, so I’ll take the game penalty over the real life penalty.

3)***** CTDs happen, and you can’t tell the difference between that and turning the router off.* If you are an honest player, a couple CTDs won’t ruin your PvP career.




P.S. AFK’ers?* They should be shot, drawn and quartered, and then penalized.* I despise parasitical behavior.

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