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This MUST stop, Bioware!


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Okay, I've waited patiently and now I've decided to make a post and get these vids to the right audience, the devs & CSR's. (as per CSR recommendation)



Ilum used to be interesting, if you could throw an ops group of like-minded pvp'ers together, you could actually get out and get some kills. After the Republic/Empire were wiped out, you could then destroy their siege weaponry and get credit/buffs to do the dailies/weeklies. But this lead to taking turns with the opposing faction which is totally lame and helps no one but those exploiting it.



A step in the right direction in theory, but now Empire (and I'm Empire) would all huddle up inside the enemy base and farm them as they came in on the speeder. I did not partake in this "pvp". Since all the republic were getting farmed as they came in, there were virtually zero republic roaming the zone which led to legit players not finishing their daily. (myself included)


1.1a (hotfix)

Sounds like a great idea! However, leave it to the exploiters to screw things up even worse for all of us who actually enjoy pvp, REGARDLESS of reward. Now we wait outside of their base and yank each other back & forth, killing them or getting killed by turrets. I told everyone to back off and let them out to give them a fighting chance. A little later apparently the reps/imps have worked out a deal and were at a capture point AOE-kill trading!


Since I refuse to participate in this, I'm shunned and left out to fend for myself. No biggie right? Wrong. I get a group together and we search the zone for reps to kill that are not participating in the kill trading. They just aren't there, and certainly not in any appreciable numbers enough to complete the daily. Any reps that join get into the trade killing ops group and quickly farm their valor ranks up and up, just like the empire.


This is pathetic and needs to stop NOW. I took video recordings of this going on last night in hopes that SOMETHING will be done. I've also seen many others getting fed up with this and also made recordings of this going on. I hope this does some good.


Bioware, please put your foot down and either suspend or ban these exploiters and players "gaming the system". They're ruining it for the legit players and now we're getting left in the dust of this "gear grind". It's going to make it to where you must practically exploit in order to keep up with these guys. I refuse, I'll simply stop pvping before I resort to that. And for me, that is a HARD decision being the guild leader of PVP guilds in nearly every MMO I've played. Fight with honor people!







So, pretty pathetic eh? I say ban them, suspend them and maybe even roll all of this pvp stuff back. I have 6 peices of Champ/Centurion gear and am rank 31 (from real pvp and hard work) but would gladly give all this up for a real fix and fresh start. Those that have skill would agree with me.

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I dont believe it, a reasonable imp. I 100% agree to the idea of a rollback of either valor or gear or both and don't say I don't have anything to loose 54 valor rank full champion gear. The 10-49 no expertise warzones are much more fun anyway.
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I understand how you guys feel, I really don't want to start back at square one. But I'm sure we can all agree on one thing, the exploiters need to be reprimanded. And maybe a rollback to the 16th-17th before these problems got even worse.
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How can you blame players for doing what the system encourages them to do? BW didn't put any systems in place to discourage farming the same person over and over in a raid.


Where are the diminishing returns for repeated killing of the same player?

Where are the diminished valor values based on how big your group is?


Don't punish players for stupid, lackluster game design.


For the record, I was valor 57 before 1.1 and several of my guildies were 60. Am I happy that there are now massive numbers of VR 60s on both sides? I don't really care--they still need to get their battlemaster gear, which isn't easy with only 2 bags a day. Especially with the new token system, which actually makes it slower getting the gear.

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Dude i got to rank 55 legit. I aint startin over again. Rollback everything to the day before the patch.


No reason to punish the ppl who don't deserve it.


What about the valor i got in WZ....i hate laggy Ilum so i only been there to get my quest and maybe a rank at most two, so most my valor since b4 patch i have gotten with my 50+ WZ these last days...do i have to loose them coz bio fu**** up?


its no way they can fix this without someone have to pay....and honestly i dont think they will bother to do anything....they have ruined SW universe for me...i only used to hate Skywalker and Anakin but now BW and EA just FU the rest with this poor excuse for an mmo...

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Your argument seemed decent then a saw it get personal and more personal and more. Then you close it with a spiting comment if you have skill you will want a roll back well i certainly don't suck and i think a roll back would be stupid a and a bad business decision. You really suck at making a point due to making it personal never make an agrument personal when you do you lose it by default.
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How can you blame players for doing what the system encourages them to do? BW didn't put any systems in place to discourage farming the same person over and over in a raid.


Where are the diminishing returns for repeated killing of the same player?

Where are the diminished valor values based on how big your group is?


Don't punish players for stupid, lackluster game design.


For the record, I was valor 57 before 1.1 and several of my guildies were 60. Am I happy that there are now massive numbers of VR 60s on both sides? I don't really care--they still need to get their battlemaster gear, which isn't easy with only 2 bags a day. Especially with the new token system, which actually makes it slower getting the gear.




When people were saying Ilum trading was lame before 1.1 and OMG it's gonna be awesome, world pvp. I would just point out, um you can just kill trade, same thing.


What I have been proposing and think would be a good solution. A battle like tb/wg every 2hrs. Whoever hold 3/5 wins. Daily would be 1 win, weekly 3 wins. Min is 25, so if rep is out numbered more then 25 imps can't zone. If you zoned into 1 already, then you have less likely chance to get into later one.


Otherwise, it will just be win trading. TBH even a battle like that could be win traded if rewards are better for winning every other. Example, look at TB when if you won by capturing (not defending) the honor gain was ridiculous. So horde/ally would just win trade.


So any system has it's downside.

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Your argument seemed decent then a saw it get personal and more personal and more. Then you close it with a spiting comment if you have skill you will want a roll back well i certainly don't suck and i think a roll back would be stupid a and a bad business decision. You really suck at making a point due to making it personal never make an agrument personal when you do you lose it by default.
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Will this roll back effect everyone? If so then that's not right. I'm level 35 and currently around 23v rank. I find it easier to farm Valor rank in Warzones so I spend quit a few of my grind in WZ and at the moment I got 1k merc and wz commendations and I haven't even reached 50 yet.


You cannot seriously suggest that I should lose what I've worked so hard for just because some selective few are exploiting the game engines somewhere else. By the time I reach 50, I'll probably have around 40v rank and enough PvP junk to last me a life time.



To lower level grinders, If you really want the PvP gear grind easier, try doing some of your levelling in WZs. You'll gain the experience on how to PvP by changing your game style every time you get a new skill. You'll really get to know your character and their shortfalls.

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The time to roll-back as 3 days ago, 1 hour after the first in-base camping began.


If they rolled back now, they'd blow their own heads off with a shotgun to compliment their shot foot.


Just based on how poorly they dealt with this situation ("Durr, guys, it's almost quitting time... we're gonna go home, sleep, and then deal with Ilum tomorrow morning. Just don't play until then"), you know there's a total lack of cohesive development leadership at Bioware and, like every game any of these folks have ever touched, it will be doomed to fail. It just opened bigger than any of them and, sadly, will die harder than any of them.


I hate to say it, but if there's one thing Blizzard does right - it wakes people up. If people are being corpse-camped without *any* options, they'd have taken down the servers immediately for a hotfix. I'm not sure how hard it is to hotfix turret damage from 6000 a shot to 60,000 a shot, but is this really something they needed almost 24 hours to do?

Edited by McVade
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