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What Class Has The Best Story In Your Opinion??


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Heard raves about the imperial agent story, have not tried it though. Playing as a Trooper all the way to the (almost) end (read the spoilers anyway so I know what would transpire as if it is not so obvious) I would say stay clear from it unless you want to go through a cliche soldier story.


Thx for posting.. yeah I've also heard the Imperial Agent has an amazing story, so will probably roll that at some point, but for my next character, I wanna go Republic. I was thinking Smuggler... how the Smuggler's like their story??

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Ive only played smuggler up to Nar Shadda, but from what I've seen of it, it seems to get a little dull once you get your ship. Basically turns into a jump through hoops A-G to get a bit closer to riches.


However, it could pick back up again later on.

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I really love the Imperial Agent story.


I ran into a few spots where I went: "Oh. Umm. Didn't expect that. But dang, that's fantastic!"


If you decide to try it out, prepare by thinking first about how you'd like the toon to develop. Then be carried away by the story. :eek:

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Thx for posting.. yeah I've also heard the Imperial Agent has an amazing story, so will probably roll that at some point, but for my next character, I wanna go Republic. I was thinking Smuggler... how the Smuggler's like their story??


I played smuggler/gunslinger till lvl 25 (I re-rolled to a trooper) and it is pretty much a "do a series of quests, get expensive item and get rich and popular" kind of deal, not sure if this will change beyond act 1, I plan to continue with my gunslinger and hope it gets better.

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I played smuggler/gunslinger till lvl 25 (I re-rolled to a trooper) and it is pretty much a "do a series of quests, get expensive item and get rich and popular" kind of deal, not sure if this will change beyond act 1, I plan to continue with my gunslinger and hope it gets better.


Getting rich and popular doesn't sound that bad to me :) lol

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as far as smuggler goes, yeah, once you get the ship its a treasure hunt for the rest of the chapter, but I finished to unlock legacy last weekend, and I was pleasantly surprised by the ch. 1 ending, even if a bit cliche. Looking forward to rest of the storyline.


i've enjoyed the trooper storyline so far as well, although I'm just up to Nar Shaddaa.


loving the James Bond/spy feel of the Imperial agent, and I'm just on Balmorha. there's some points where dealing with authority figures was a little wacky. anyone else notice if their agent changes voices based on the "mission"? talking with some terrorists last night, and my Chiss got a happy surfer tone - was waiting for the dude :)

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as far as smuggler goes, yeah, once you get the ship its a treasure hunt for the rest of the chapter, but I finished to unlock legacy last weekend, and I was pleasantly surprised by the ch. 1 ending, even if a bit cliche. Looking forward to rest of the storyline.


i've enjoyed the trooper storyline so far as well, although I'm just up to Nar Shaddaa.


loving the James Bond/spy feel of the Imperial agent, and I'm just on Balmorha. there's some points where dealing with authority figures was a little wacky. anyone else notice if their agent changes voices based on the "mission"? talking with some terrorists last night, and my Chiss got a happy surfer tone - was waiting for the dude :)


Yeah if I hadn't already rolled a Sith Warrior, I'd be doin Imperial Agent for sure.. as I'm told the story script is amazing (was mentioned in the Art & Making Of SWTOR Book that I have)

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I love the Smuggler story. It's just plain fun to play. I believe it's the personality of the character that really makes that story come to life, so that even as you're doing mundane smuggler business to line your pockets, you're laughing so hard over the smuggler's antics you're literally falling out of your seat. I laughed more through the story than any other one, leaving me just adoring my cute little girl of a smuggler.


Plus, I've been told the guy smuggler is even better. So if you roll guy toons, you should have even more fun than I did, hehe.

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I think the Bounty Hunter storyline is excellent. Chapter 2 and 3 are especially good.


Yeah I'd love to roll a BH too.. too many classes I wanna play.. not enough time! Think I'll roll in this order (If I have time to play them all!)


Sith Warrior < Love the story so far, currently on Hoth lvl 38


Imperial Agent


Bounty Hunter

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I love the Smuggler story. It's just plain fun to play. I believe it's the personality of the character that really makes that story come to life, so that even as you're doing mundane smuggler business to line your pockets, you're laughing so hard over the smuggler's antics you're literally falling out of your seat. I laughed more through the story than any other one, leaving me just adoring my cute little girl of a smuggler.


Plus, I've been told the guy smuggler is even better. So if you roll guy toons, you should have even more fun than I did, hehe.


Yeah rollin a male Smuggler.. who works it with the ladies.. lol


If you've read the Han Solo Trilogy by A.C. Crispin, you'll know what I mean! Absolutely the 3 best SW books you can read imo

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Agreed. Star Wars pro fiction's often little better than hack fanfic but the AC Crispin series is brilliant.


FYI the SW storyline gets better and fast. Belsavis is epic enough as it is but the SW's story makes it easily the best planet for story imo.


SI is... interesting but annoying if that makes sense. It totally pays off in the end though. Question is, do you want to play 50 levels for 5 mins of cutscene?

Edited by Lexandar
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Agreed. Star Wars pro fiction's often little better than hack fanfic but the AC Crispin series is brilliant.


FYI the SW storyline gets better and fast. Belsavis is epic enough as it is but the SW's story makes it easily the best planet for story imo.


SI is... interesting but annoying if that makes sense. It totally pays off in the end though. Question is, do you want to play 50 levels for 5 mins of cutscene?


lol.. not really.. SI just doesn't really interest me much


Can't wait to get to Belsavis! So far I've liked Alderaan the best (can't really judge Hoth yet, cause I just got there)

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I actually found the smuggler story incredibly boring, playing it directly after the Jedi Consular. I believe this pretty much puts me as a direct opposite to most people, but the smuggler story just felt so drawn out and uninspired. Great, I get to sleep with someone on every planet, that was pretty much the highlight for it. There was no sense of having a real impact on anything, not even myself, as the story progressed. The entirety of chapter 3 especially was a big disappointment for me, as though I was STILL doing my prologue or something. Doesn't help that I didn't find the lines all that great (not to say the Consular lines are much better, they tend to be very clichéd, but the nature of the story at least made up for that), so I've no idea where everyone else found the need to fall off their chairs with laughter.


All this emphasises however is how much it comes down to the person. I've only played Jedi Knight and Trooper to around the 20 mark, whereas the Consular and Smuggler are both 50, and I'd currently rate them as Consular > Trooper > Jedi Knight >= Smuggler. I'm lead to believe that Jedi Knight particularly picks up around the 30+ mark though, and trooper I've heard people say both gets better and worse depending upon what you like, so that could change.

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As a 42 smugs, I feel the tone of the character is good, the voice is good, but the villains and events that you actually go through are a bit dumb. The first villain is a total moron, and I never felt threatened by him, just incredibly annoyed. Like a little kid who grabs the football and then makes everyone chase him to get it back. That’s really the impression I got from the first major antagonist. The next ones are a bit better, but a problem I’m seeing is that you (MINOR SPOILER ALERT) never really meet the villains, or see them face to face (so far…I’m only a 42). Or just see them be bad. They just talk to you via holo call and act condescending…I haven’t yet gotten the impression that I’m dealing with a Vader, Maul, Palpatine or Jabba-tier villain. Just a bunch of Imperial rejects. They don’t even have fascinating personalities…just your basic “I’m better than you and I’ll hurt you real good” types you’ve seen in a million action movies.


As far as what you’re doing, (SPOILER ALERT) you basically spend Act 1 getting the necessary items to get a treasure that’s very anti-climactic. Act 2 (where I’m at so far) involves you basically being a hired soldier for the Republic…and it gets a bit funny, as these professional Republic soldiers are constantly telling you how amazing you are and how they’d be goners without you…even though they have boatloads more equipment and manpower.


All in all, there are a few cool moments but a bit underwhelming…don’t be expecting some grand drama, but a light hearted adventure.

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If you gonna a class with the republic ive gotta say the jedi knight.

You really get to do big things and you really feel like a hero.

Ive just cleared the story last week but id really loved it.


Im now doing my bounty hunter(lvl 38) but i think its a bit of a disappointment....


Ive leveled together with a friend, he was a concular and i the knight.

So i got to look at both storys but i feel like the consular was like a grade lower then the knight.

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If you gonna a class with the republic ive gotta say the jedi knight.

You really get to do big things and you really feel like a hero.

Ive just cleared the story last week but id really loved it.


Im now doing my bounty hunter(lvl 38) but i think its a bit of a disappointment....


Ive leveled together with a friend, he was a concular and i the knight.

So i got to look at both storys but i feel like the consular was like a grade lower then the knight.


Well.. having done the Sith Warrior, I'd rather some something with a different gameplay style (for now), but that's good to hear, as I might even get around to trying a Jedi Knight down the road.. Ideally, I would play all 8 classes through if I had enough time.


Does anyone know details on how the Legacy system works in terms of leveling.. Does it help you level your Alts faster?? It would be great if you could play all other classes from your main, by just doing the story

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No word yet on legacy...supposedly its going to be special, though...


Well I think a great incentive (for me anyways), is to have your legacy exp count towards your regular exp in terms of leveling. That way, the more characters you roll, the more exp you'll get.. and it will make lvling your alts much faster, so you can mainly just get by doing story quests.


That would give me reason to keep playing through all 8 of the class stories

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