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Nothing in an MMO is hard!! Say what you really mean. Only the people that can spend 10 hours a day in a game should get the best gear. I don't have a job so I should get the best gear.


Pushing buttons is not hard. Yes, there needs to be time sinks, but to claim "I'm in the top 85% is BS, you just have more time.


So marathon runners have no skill because all they do is jog along. Anyone can jog after all, even if they are horribly out of shape.


Who cares if one can do it for days and the only can only do it for a few seconds, they are exactly identical and should get the same medals.



As someone who played the old games, where grinding meant something, and i dont mean EQ like games where you got to a cap 'eventually' and really just needed to hang in there and you would get there, i mean the games with no cap, where the game was to stay ahead of the rest, to keep your place on the ladder, and to try and overtake the person ahead of you, forever being chased by the person behind you. I can say that grinding is in fact HARD, you have to condition yourself for it, not just your body but also your mind, there are things you can do to keep your stamina up. People have died grinding.

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Again then i call you a lier, mmo's at the very top are hard. The timing, refexes and co-ordination required are immense.


You can post a blanket statement like "all mmo's are easy" but then those in the know, know you to be full of it.


Go try some sport then we can speak of "timing, refexes and co-ordination required"

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You have not completed all of wow's content, pre nerfed.


You did not kill C'thun, or pre nerfed Magtheridon. WoW at the very top is aimed at the elite players, you can say it isnt but this only tells me you have no clue what you are talking about.


Sure WoW nerfs content when new content is released, but thats not what you are saying..


Really? Because they sure looked dead to me. Perhaps they just got bored with us and decided to play dead for fun? BTW, I also beat all of WoW's content in Vanilla and BC both. WoW was always aimed at heavily at casual players. That's what pulled in most of their player base.

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WoW at the very top is (the hardfest .5% of the game) aimed at the elite, the hardest of hardcore gamers.


Skill, co-ordination, teamwork and reflexes are all required to server first content.


If your telling me your 7yr old sibling is in server leading guild then he is one gifted kid.


No mate. Maybe I wasn't clear (my bad).


I'm saying that WoW can be played by 7 year olds. Played. P L A Y E D. Not mentioning the elitist few that base self worth on what they can 'achieve' in a computer game. I'm talking about the other 10.2 million WoW players (WoW has 10.3mil total as of december 2011).


WoW dumbs the genre down. Why? to allow everyone (yes, even my dainty 7 year old cousin) the chance to play.


If TOR follow suit I can't complain from a business standpoint. I hate dumb games. I want complexity. I am in the minority though and so I know I won't find complexity in TOR. That's ok. I'll live.

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elites playing mmorpgs......... noo


mmorpgs traditionally has been for the guys who fail at FPS skill based games. mmorpgs are not about skill they are about time invested. The guy with no life gets to win because he has the "I win" gear or build or sword that wins pvp for him because its overpowered.


MMORPGS have always been I played longer then you therefore i win by default. This is not elite and does not make you pro.

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So marathon runners have no skill because all they do is jog along. Anyone can jog after all, even if they are horribly out of shape.


Who cares if one can do it for days and the only can only do it for a few seconds, they are exactly identical and should get the same medals.



As someone who played the old games, where grinding meant something, and i dont mean EQ like games where you got to a cap 'eventually' and really just needed to hang in there and you would get there, i mean the games with no cap, where the game was to stay ahead of the rest, to keep your place on the ladder, and to try and overtake the person ahead of you, forever being chased by the person behind you. I can say that grinding is in fact HARD, you have to condition yourself for it, not just your body but also your mind, there are things you can do to keep your stamina up. People have died grinding.


You didn't just compare marathon with pressing hotkeys in order.... no, you can't have, really.

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So marathon runners have no skill because all they do is jog along. Anyone can jog after all, even if they are horribly out of shape.


Who cares if one can do it for days and the only can only do it for a few seconds, they are exactly identical and should get the same medals.



As someone who played the old games, where grinding meant something, and i dont mean EQ like games where you got to a cap 'eventually' and really just needed to hang in there and you would get there, i mean the games with no cap, where the game was to stay ahead of the rest, to keep your place on the ladder, and to try and overtake the person ahead of you, forever being chased by the person behind you. I can say that grinding is in fact HARD, you have to condition yourself for it, not just your body but also your mind, there are things you can do to keep your stamina up. People have died grinding.


Their wasted days makes baby tauntauns cry.

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MMORPGS have always been I played longer then you therefore i win by default. This is not elite and does not make you pro.


only in games with caps, such as this one :D


Im still going to be hyper-elitist ultrahardcore and claim that wrapping my wrist in an ace bandage very tightly to stop the pain so i could continue to push my heal button so my group could continue to farm exp was actually me being awesome and suffering and enduring and EARNING my place.

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only in games with caps, such as this one :D


Im still going to be hyper-elitist ultrahardcore and claim that wrapping my wrist in an ace bandage very tightly to stop the pain so i could continue to push my heal button so my group could continue to farm exp was actually me being awesome and suffering and enduring and EARNING my place.


You were very specific on what bandage you used.... You work for Ace this is just a ploy to try to make us want to be hardcore and wrap our wrists in your product. for shame sir, for shame.

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You didn't just compare marathon with pressing hotkeys in order.... no, you can't have, really.


I compared pressing keys with putting one foot infront of the other.


I compared the endurance required to grind 18 hours a day 7 days a week nonstopped with running a marathon.


And while grinding, you also get to 'the zone', though i call it grindstate. Only happens several hours in, long past the casuals tolerance for grinding. Time stops meaning anything, your body no longer hurts, you enter a grind trance and feel the entire universe.

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I compared pressing keys with putting one foot infront of the other.


I compared the endurance required to grind 18 hours a day 7 days a week nonstopped with running a marathon.


And while grinding, you also get to 'the zone', though i call it grindstate. Only happens several hours in, long past the casuals tolerance for grinding. Time stops meaning anything, your body no longer hurts, you enter a grind trance and feel the entire universe.


Is this a sarcastic/ironic post or you REALLy saying that sitting in front of a PC, grinding is the same as running in reasonable time 42Km???


Also, while one would run a marathon for many reasons, why THE FRACK would one want to grind 18 hours a day????? Are you korean?

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I compared pressing keys with putting one foot infront of the other.


I compared the endurance required to grind 18 hours a day 7 days a week nonstopped with running a marathon.


And while grinding, you also get to 'the zone', though i call it grindstate. Only happens several hours in, long past the casuals tolerance for grinding. Time stops meaning anything, your body no longer hurts, you enter a grind trance and feel the entire universe.


i call it...crack;)

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So most of the top 5% of the playerbase and some haters have moved on.


The high achievers and "other game" fans have not resubbed.


What we have now is the 90-95% at the top of the tree, (raiding, pvping etc)


How long before this 90-95% group of players begin to post the same things? I feel the game is aimed at the 40-45% player mark. They should raise the difficulty level and final endgame achievements to the 80%+ mark.


So only the top 20% get the very best stuff, the best titles, the best rewards. If not then you will slowly see the high end players whittle away. Nothing cheapens a game more than welfare loot, and welfare titles etc. (When you can aquire something so easily it loses all its luster)


You will still see trolling and hating posts until you hit that 50%ish mark and then we will only see fawning and bum kissing posts. By then ofc it will be too late and the game will either be F2P or dead in the virtual water.


I place myself roughly in the 75-85% area, i feel i owe to the SW IP to give them maybe 2-3 months to get their shizz in order.


However, not listening to the hardcore has already had a toll, i just hope BW takes heed.



98% of all statistics are made up. Unfortunately 74% of people will accept 86% of them as being fact. Only 3% of people know how many of the people will leave because its hard to tell when only 6% of the actual players use the forum. The in game population still has 93% of the number of players it did before with 96% of hardcores I know still around.

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So most of the top 5% of the playerbase and some haters have moved on.


The high achievers and "other game" fans have not resubbed.


What we have now is the 90-95% at the top of the tree, (raiding, pvping etc)


How long before this 90-95% group of players begin to post the same things? I feel the game is aimed at the 40-45% player mark. They should raise the difficulty level and final endgame achievements to the 80%+ mark.


So only the top 20% get the very best stuff, the best titles, the best rewards. If not then you will slowly see the high end players whittle away. Nothing cheapens a game more than welfare loot, and welfare titles etc. (When you can aquire something so easily it loses all its luster)


You will still see trolling and hating posts until you hit that 50%ish mark and then we will only see fawning and bum kissing posts. By then ofc it will be too late and the game will either be F2P or dead in the virtual water.


I place myself roughly in the 75-85% area, i feel i owe to the SW IP to give them maybe 2-3 months to get their shizz in order.


However, not listening to the hardcore has already had a toll, i just hope BW takes heed.


The challenge and balancing of end game will certainly get tougher as the game progresses. When WoW first launched every single person could clear their endgame raids that could find a group of 40 people. I think as you see this game mature and the team gets in develop new content mode you will see a tier of raiding (possibly) nightmare mode that caters to the best of the best. Very few people are getting through all the hardmode FP's right now and even fewer are raiding. Once all of the bugs are fleshed out I see end game identity becoming a major focus for Bioware, it already has all the elements there but it just needs refinement.

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So marathon runners have no skill because all they do is jog along. Anyone can jog after all, even if they are horribly out of shape.


Who cares if one can do it for days and the only can only do it for a few seconds, they are exactly identical and should get the same medals.



As someone who played the old games, where grinding meant something, and i dont mean EQ like games where you got to a cap 'eventually' and really just needed to hang in there and you would get there, i mean the games with no cap, where the game was to stay ahead of the rest, to keep your place on the ladder, and to try and overtake the person ahead of you, forever being chased by the person behind you. I can say that grinding is in fact HARD, you have to condition yourself for it, not just your body but also your mind, there are things you can do to keep your stamina up. People have died grinding.


Marathon runners have no skill. It is a great accomplishment to run a marathon, but the only thing it takes, is the time to devote to running. No, I have not run a marathon, just a half marathon (13.1 miles), know why, it's because I did not have the time to devote to running. It's running. Anyone can do it. Same with this game.

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Is this a sarcastic/ironic post or you REALLy saying that sitting in front of a PC, grinding is the same as running in reasonable time 42Km???


Also, while one would run a marathon for many reasons, why THE FRACK would one want to grind 18 hours a day????? Are you korean?


Ever heard of a metaphor?

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