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Y u no like us bioware?


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Ravage, Force Choke, Ability Delay, Force Camo, horrid synching, bleeds broken and cleanse-able are just some of the issues still effecting Marauder.


Bioware question, what the hell did you actually fix this patch for PVP other than 50 brackets?




Edit: And *** is up with the resolve bar? Christ the resolve bar is worse off than it has ever been before.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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From my understanding, BW has actually done a good job of reading the forums and making note of things to be fixed. I'm also lead to believe that since there are larger bugs with the Mara class in general, it takes more work to fix. Wouldn't you agree? More work = more time needed to fix the issues. The class is definitely playable and enjoyable (at least to me and those of you who are using it to its full potential, not saying I am) if done correctly despite the broken pieces.


The fixes will come, we will get tweaked. I read earlier (sorry, no link) that BW had already mentioned that they were looking into the Mara Adv Class (and I think Sent was mentioned as well since they are 98% synonymous).


Give it time bud, the game's been out for just over a month. :cool:

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Ravage, Force Choke, Ability Delay, Force Camo, horrid synching, bleeds broken and cleanse-able are just some of the issues still effecting Marauder.


Bioware question, what the hell did you actually fix this patch for PVP other than 50 brackets?




Edit: And *** is up with the resolve bar? Christ the resolve bar is worse off than it has ever been before.


Besides the resolve bar those are only problems for a some people. I have never had my force choke not work. My camo works great saved my self at 1% a few times last night when my council member bugged out.


Whats next marauders need a buff because they can not solo the mob on council. The class is not broken. It may have its problems for some but the class is most certainly not broken.

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Hey man, you forgot to mention that our stuns don't work in PvP, two of our abilities don't work in PvP (or on raid bosses for that matter) and the fact that we seem to be one of three ACs that don't have a knockback (I'm preeeeety sure that Operatives and Snipers don't have a knockback but Operatives have moronic burst, stealth and heals. Snipers aren't that great in PvP but they're range so Snipers > Marauders). Our mobility is also godawful.


The only halfway decent thing about this AC is that our CDs are actually quite good (except for CotF, 20min CD for a lacklustre ability? Rofl.) Marauders are the red headed step child of Swtor, I'm pretty jaded coming from WoW and playing a Hunter for 6 years (Hunters were the red headed step child in WoW). It appears I have rolled the wrong class again, it won't happen in GW2. Hopefully.

Edited by Tyestor
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(Hunters were the red headed step child in WoW). It appears I have rolled the wrong class again, it won't happen in GW2. Hopefully.

Really? Back in the first year, warriors were getting constant nerf ****. Our buttholes were sore from the constant nerf gang bang. And when is GW2 finally coming out? Christ man, it's only been like six years.


I think marauders just got some bad luck. Maybe the marauder dev team sucks or something. Maybe they had high turnaround in that group. Who knows. We've got bugs, but to me that's it. I think the class is actually the most fun of the 4 I've tried so far. I got bored of the others pretty quick. When they get around to fixing kick, pommel, and ravage for PvP, and of course the ability firing lag, we'll be even more impressive.

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Hey man, you forgot to mention that our stuns don't work in PvP, two of our abilities don't work in PvP (or on raid bosses for that matter) and the fact that we seem to be one of three ACs that don't have a knockback (I'm preeeeety sure that Operatives and Snipers don't have a knockback but Operatives have moronic burst, stealth and heals. Snipers aren't that great in PvP but they're range so Snipers > Marauders). Our mobility is also godawful.


The only halfway decent thing about this AC is that our CDs are actually quite good (except for CotF, 20min CD for a lacklustre ability? Rofl.) Marauders are the red headed step child of Swtor, I'm pretty jaded coming from WoW and playing a Hunter for 6 years (Hunters were the red headed step child in WoW). It appears I have rolled the wrong class again, it won't happen in GW2. Hopefully.


Snipers have an AOE knockback/CC,while in cover. Carry on.

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They buffed assassins. That make you feel better/worse?


I heard the AOE snare doesn't even work. Not so much of a buff then. We're pretty much the same as we've always been. We also suffer from the lag issues you guys have as well.

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