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Cancelling my pre-order


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Don't players like the OP have anything better to do than complain about their sense of entitlement? He ordered 3 collector's editions, good for him. Does he think that EA/Bioware are going to move a whole mountain aside for his personal convenience? Did he bother to check the forum stickies that demonstrate they are sending waves of emails?


It would be the same as if I took the whole week off from work this week, thinking that since I preordered in November I was ENTITLED to EGA just because I'm a happy SWTOR fan. Then blaming EA for a lost week of productivity because they didn't focus on ME.


What if there WAS no EGA? Gosh darn it, then we all would have had to wait till the 20th. Oh wait, some of us might do that ANYWAY?


Go practice your Force Levitation or try reading the large number of Star Wars novels out there. Yes, they are books, but they can still be fun!

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So the game launches for everyone on the 20th. Early access is UP TO five days and starts according to Bioware on the 15th. Tomorrow will likely be the last day of wave invites and everyone will be playing.


I fail to see how this is such a bother for people. Nowhere were we promised to play on the 13. It never said 7 days early, it said 5. If you pre order, you will for sure get 5 days of early access and then will also be playing on the 20th with non pre orders..


I just dont see how people are getting so riled up over this.

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Guess I will go back to Skyrim ! Friends of mine who bought way after me are in today and I am sitting here in the forum ************ and moaning ... there is no justice even in gaming lol

I enjoyed the beta and now want a chance to play the game and yes, like everyone else ! I do not want to wait until the 20th

Let me in <knock... knock>

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So the game launches for everyone on the 20th. Early access is UP TO five days and starts according to Bioware on the 15th. Tomorrow will likely be the last day of wave invites and everyone will be playing.


I fail to see how this is such a bother for people. Nowhere were we promised to play on the 13. It never said 7 days early, it said 5. If you pre order, you will for sure get 5 days of early access and then will also be playing on the 20th with non pre orders..


I just dont see how people are getting so riled up over this.


1) They are partially or fully illiterate.


2) They have an unearned sense of entitlement because they were given everything they ever wanted as a child (think Cartman on South Park).

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Guess I will go back to Skyrim ! Friends of mine who bought way after me are in today and I am sitting here in the forum ************ and moaning ... there is no justice even in gaming lol

I enjoyed the beta and now want a chance to play the game and yes, like everyone else ! I do not want to wait until the 20th

Let me in <knock... knock>


You seriously need to have your head checked. You are absolutely insane....

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Agreed with some previous posters. Your reasoning for giving them your money is that you obviously want to play the game. They got to the first week of October today in the last wave so they're moving along well. If you entered codes Dec 1 you MIGHT get in the last wave tomorrow but more likely you'll get in Friday. That's not the end of the world, is it?
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Boy is the OP gonna feel silly when he still gets invited to the EGA in the next day or two. If you've registered your code, you WILL get access. Doesn't matter if you've cancelled.


So basically you're just throwing a tantrum. You'll still log in- play- then buy the game again.

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Boy is the OP gonna feel silly when he still gets invited to the EGA in the next day or two. If you've registered your code, you WILL get access. Doesn't matter if you've cancelled.


So basically you're just throwing a tantrum. You'll still log in- play- then buy the game again.


He won't feel silly. He'll be pissed because something about him makes him entitled to being in earlier than that. He should have been playing the release version of the game for at least 4 months now.

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Everybody cares, im afraid not.


Hmm I think you mean Everybody cares not...



I care though, the days before launch are the best for entertainment. If people want to vent, let em. The process is a bit unusual, I see what BW is trying to do, and I see why people are upset.


I didn't preorder until late Nov, but I knew the consequences of that, so I'll pass the time reading the forums. OP if you want to cancel, go ahead man, but you'll regret it later, no matter how mad you are at the moment.

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I wish People could think more like you, these forums would be so much better without all the Qq ing. StarWars is being released the 20th, so go AFK , go get drunk, go do whatever u want come back the 20th and you can play. simple solution.


I totally agree with this :D though i would be glad about see when i get in exactly and i guess few other peoples think same. For now i only just can wait and hope i get in with the next wave. I dont whine about it, its looks like a great game, i want to play with it and i dont really care when i get in i know i gonna play with it and i just go with this. Hmm... and i dont think i can cancel my preorder (dont want anyway), and i still gonna get the benefits from it though (not meant the early access there).

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*looks at date*


Still 6 days before the 20th. 6 is greater than 5 I thought :rolleyes:. This is not a grindfest race to "Server first" kind of game. You don't get an achievement for it, no one strokes your epeen. I got in day one and played a few hours and then continued my life as usual. I absolutely love the game, but why should I care if people are higher level than me? For all of you "hardcore" endgamers you can relax, I am sure the first raids will be around for awhile and other ones will come after :). Not to mention, no matter who you are just be happy you get to play the game within a week.

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They're still figuring it out, it's touch and go. Also, up to five days early is a pretty general idea. It's really not as bad as it seems.


I don't know if this is true, but it shouldn't be. It would be easy to use statistics to figure out how to stagger the launch. They already have 2 waves done, so they should know how they are doing the rest. It's not hard to figure out and they know what they are going to do.


Now, why they aren't telling us, well, I can't figure it out. Does it offer them some kind of competitive advantage to hide the numbers? Nope, using statistics, I bet Blizzard already knows how many customers it can expect to lose to this game and how they expect to fight back.


I think the only reason they don't tell us is because once you know how many are in the que and where you are at, it will only cause people to be angrier because they will perceive it as longer and perhaps cancel their preorder.


However, people are already angry at the que regardless of where they perceive themselves to be at. All I can say is it is a shame Bioware made us the subject of a social experiment without our consent.

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Agreed with some previous posters. Your reasoning for giving them your money is that you obviously want to play the game. They got to the first week of October today in the last wave so they're moving along well. If you entered codes Dec 1 you MIGHT get in the last wave tomorrow but more likely you'll get in Friday. That's not the end of the world, is it?


actually if the world worked on the economic principles you describe here


yes it actually could be the end of the world

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So many things have been crossing my mind since creating the post in my "rage". It is not that I am not in the game yet... I fully only expected 1 maybe 2 days of EA because of the issues I experienced with the pre-order codes.

SWTOR has stated they are not wanting to overload the servers...

What happens on the 20th when EVERYONE is logging in at the same time? Are they saying the servers can't handle the load?

Yes, I want to play the game. The game itself is great! What I am questioning is the ability of EA/Bioware/Lucas to back up the game with service.

If customer service is not strong enough to handle the biggest MMO launch in history and EA/Bio/Lucas aren't willing to give basic answers to basic questions; what can I expect in the future when there is a real issue?

Setting appropriate expectations is a must for a community like this. All it takes is for them to give approximations... don't give people a week long period of "maybe". Gamers (yes everyo0ne posting here is one too) tend to plan for and around activities in a game. Can one person "bashing" me in this thread say they have never scheduled time in their life to raid, or quest, etc.? I "get" that things comes up... I expect hiccups... communicate to me whats going on (in any issue) and things calm down.

Does EA/BIO/Lucas have what it takes to back the game up; both technologically and service wise?

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How does on go about cancelling their pre-order? This early access fiasco is crazy.

I spent nearly 500 USD on three Collector's Editions and you can't even give a general idea as to when we will get early access to the game.

I would not care if I was only getting one day... the not knowing and hovering over my email every day is ridiculous!

Ya know communication goes a long way in resolving issues and we can;'t get through to customer service on the phone, tweets contain no real information, and I can't get an email from you either...

Give me a reason to give you my money or I take my money back!



I pre-ordered in October, but codes were all kinds of messed up and I did not receive an actual working code until December 1.

No one has seemed to of yet give me a reason to give SWTOR my money (in purchase of the game and then subscription fees) when they can not seem to manage basic communication to its customers! If they can't manage that, how am I to expect them to successfully manage a large scale MMO?!:mad::confused::confused::mad::(


When the length of EGA was announced, they stated it would be 5 days long. When asked, they clarified that people would get a minimum of 1 day. Thus, even before they extened the EGA for two days, there was an indication that the stages of release would take as long as 4 days to complete. Add to that the fact that there are at least 900,000 and possibly 2 million or more pre-orders and that pre-ordering has been going on for almost 5 months. The fact that you only registered your codes 13 days ago means that the vast, vast majority of pre-orders were registered before you.


Given all that, why are you even bothering to "hover over your email" during the first two days of EGA? The chances of you getting in before the last wave or two is almost nil, and they have already given indications that it may take as long as 4 days to get every one in.


The problem here is your extraordinarily unrealistic expectations, not the way Bioware is handling this.

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