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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners.


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That's not a flaw, it is a minor bug that isn't game breaking, especially not a month into release. Try again.



Error 9000, havent had a full day of play since the 23rd December.


I am lucky if I get 30 minutes of play time without being disconnected non stop for 15 minutes.


Now please don't say it's my machine or firewall, I turned all firewalls off (yeh first ever game I have been asked to do that) 1000's of others suffer from this.


This is game breaking, oh and never have a prob running 2 accounts of rift on the same machine on max settings in a raid especially with fps.


Also have 50 meg broadband.


So sorry, you don't need anymore. Facts are this, just because you are fine jack, doesn't meen everyone else is.

Edited by Elgarr
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Some of it certainly is the community. If enough people say the game is broken and dead, you'll likely start believing it.


If the game was not broken then no one would complain. Its firmly in Bioware hands. You can not please everyone all the time but unless they address the big issues that affects the most it will kill the game.


A great game will not just go away a poor maintained game will.

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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners. Every damn day I log in here expecteing to see an actual conversation about the game and all I can see is “BW will fail”, “here is why I am unsubbing”. That and the rampant various doom saying is intolerable! In my head any bit of bad news relating to BW in regards to systems going wrong or patches not working is met with glee by the haters on the forums.


They love making entire threads about how the game will fail. They revel in make believe conspiracy theories and heresay. Now you may ask “hey Moroder if the game fails how is this their fault?”. Simple- If i was thinking of trying ToR and decide to have a look at the forums. If i seen the amount of bile and verbal excrement on the forum about how supposedly bad the game is, there is no way I would subscribe. I guarantee you that has happened at least once since the games launch.


Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer.


I don’t want to be playing in a graveyard in the next 3 months because , the minority that takes so much pleasure in the downfall of a game have made the voice heard.



A long long time ago in beta many months ago... when there was only a few of us.. the general beta forums actually were amazing.


Granted this was about 1k of people and all seemed rational and actually wanted to help make the game better and get things tested.


That was the only time things seemed logical. Then the weekender testing.. ended that and this now live.


I admit in all my years of gaming and seeing forums for a game/product I have never seen anything so insane and unreal in the things said and done here on these.


To be honest, I think BW should close them and actually lock out and warn people 3 times tops. Being civil is somewhat needed and by far this is not going on here.

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If the game was not broken then no one would complain. Its firmly in Bioware hands. You can not please everyone all the time but unless they address the big issues that affects the most it will kill the game.


A great game will not just go away a poor maintained game will.


^ this

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No one takes the doomsayers seriously. I could hardly care less what some of the frequent complainers have to say about the game, the only person's opinion about it that I care about... is my own.


The game is fun for me, and I'll continue playing it as long as it is fun, regardless if it reaches the pop level WoW once had or not. If your having fun, play it, stop worrying about what a bunch of angsty forum trolls have to say about it.


I agree 100% my opinion is the only one that matters to me, doom and gloomers, I think go from game to game doing the same thing they will never find a game they like because the game is never tailor made for them. Throw in the in the instant gratification generation, along with folks that set expections way to high, the Dev's can never win...:mad:


Sure TOR has problems, nothing that won't go away in a few patches, all new mmo's go through the same new launch growing pains nothing new here, in fact I have not encountered one bug that has kept me form playing, just a few annoying ones..:)

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I would blame EA and also Bioware.


EA for pushing the game out too early.


Bioware for some clearly bad coding and this is what surprises me more because a lot of the main developers came from other mmos.


I can understand some of the blame would be aimed at the doomsayers and whiners but if someone is clearly stupid to not try the game first and come to their own conclusion then what can you say.

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If this game fails it falls squarely on BW. They created the game they're the ones responsible for the success or failure of this game.


This isn't true. In today's age, kids simply cannot be pleased. There will always find faults in a game simply because it doesn't have every single thing that they want in a game. All of the kids on here whining about 1-2 things could love the rest of the game.


Gloom and doom gets every game. It didn't get WoW because there was no other MMOs really. Now any MMO that comes out has to live up and compare to all the ones before it. Its a constant uphill struggle.


They could have given us interior housing decoration, population balance mechanics, faction vs faction enabled for every warzone, 8 raids and 50 flashpoints. Guess what? Kids would still be here qqing about the color of their companion's gear to getting 59 fps instead of 60.


Its never ending.

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This isn't true. In today's age, kids simply cannot be pleased. There will always find faults in a game simply because it doesn't have every single thing that they want in a game. All of the kids on here whining about 1-2 things could love the rest of the game.


Gloom and doom gets every game. It didn't get WoW because there was no other MMOs really. Now any MMO that comes out has to live up and compare to all the ones before it. Its a constant uphill struggle.


They could have given us interior housing decoration, population balance mechanics, faction vs faction enabled for every warzone, 8 raids and 50 flashpoints. Guess what? Kids would still be here qqing about the color of their companion's gear to getting 59 fps instead of 60.


Its never ending.


If only us "kids" were able to play the game for long enough to see all these wonderful things you mention!

Edited by Elgarr
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This isn't true. In today's age, kids simply cannot be pleased. There will always find faults in a game simply because it doesn't have every single thing that they want in a game. All of the kids on here whining about 1-2 things could love the rest of the game.


Gloom and doom gets every game. It didn't get WoW because there was no other MMOs really. Now any MMO that comes out has to live up and compare to all the ones before it. Its a constant uphill struggle.


They could have given us interior housing decoration, population balance mechanics, faction vs faction enabled for every warzone, 8 raids and 50 flashpoints. Guess what? Kids would still be here qqing about the color of their companion's gear to getting 59 fps instead of 60.


Its never ending.


Then maybe developers should insist on a paradigm shift going forward. The "it worked in the past so it will work in the future" way of doing things isn't working anymore.

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This isn't true. In today's age, kids simply cannot be pleased. There will always find faults in a game simply because it doesn't have every single thing that they want in a game. All of the kids on here whining about 1-2 things could love the rest of the game.


Gloom and doom gets every game. It didn't get WoW because there was no other MMOs really. Now any MMO that comes out has to live up and compare to all the ones before it. Its a constant uphill struggle.


They could have given us interior housing decoration, population balance mechanics, faction vs faction enabled for every warzone, 8 raids and 50 flashpoints. Guess what? Kids would still be here qqing about the color of their companion's gear to getting 59 fps instead of 60.


Its never ending.


Totally agree. Its actually not fun to be in these forums any more (was it ever?). I know in the back of my head that the whiners in question dance with glee and rush to the copy/paste everytime they see a bad article about the game. I actually think that a lot of them hope it goes titanic so they can say i told you....then move on to their next MMO.

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Apparently many people in this thread have a lack of a healthy respect for "word of mouth"


A game can easily be blackballed by players whether warranted or not.



The failure of an MMO doesn't always rest squarely on the shoulders of the developer. In fact many MMOs have failed recently that were overall decent foundations but were never given the chance to develop post launch like older titles were such as Everquest, WoW, DAOC, FFXI, ect...


Players who trey to "spread the fire" by proclaiming a MMO to fail when it could just as easily succeed are just as much to fault than any oversight the developer might have had.



There's a simple truth to a MMO launch. it's never the full product. It always takes 3-6 months, maybe more, for any MMO to mature, it was true in Everquests time, In WoW's time and even true today.


The difference today is there are many spoiled gamerbrats who think every MMo needs to come out with every bit of feature and polish as WoW a game that has had 7 years to get all of those feature and polish built up.


And when an MMO doesn't have all of that, (because NO new MMO has all of that) "gamers" start blackballing the game, flooding forums and comment sections of articles with negativity and repeated flame wars. Would-be players see this **** storm and think "Whoa something must be wrong here." anbd they rethink their choice.


Fact: Most people listen to what they "hear" about something. Few people are of free mind to make their own decisions based on their own personal likes.


Fact: Most people are more concerned about what other people "think" about the choices they make than they do about whether or not they actually like something enough to not care what others think.


Fact: Most people are likely to buy or not buy a product based on a friend or aquantence's recommendation.


Fact: Word of Mouth advertising is hands down the most effective method of advertising. ESPECIALLY on the internet.



Oh and...


Fact: Most people who complain about a newly launched MMO don't know their asses from a hole in the ground about MMOs, the genre, the market or how new MMOs are supposed to be handled.

Edited by HavenAE
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I blame the people who instead of pointing out flaws decided it would help to instead boost Biowares ego by telling them how great everything was, when it isn't.


See how this works?


These are my favorite people. God forbid somebody actually enjoy a game More importantly, god forbid people actually realize that it's a new launch and expect there to be issues. SOme of us aren't whiners, we were raised better than that.

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Honestly, doomsayers and whiners do in fact influence the lifespan/direction of the game. Unfortunately, they only influence the game negatively, as all they ever seem to do is spout "fail" and compare x > y. They never provide solutions, or rationals for their opinions. All this achieves is pollution of these boards, leaving useful constructive posts drowned in the cesspool.


These types of people will never be satisfied, as they really have no idea what they actually want. If they ever found a single game that fulfilled all of their needs, they'd be playing it, not complaining about other games.

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