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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In YOUR opinion: Will subscription rates drastically go down?


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Yes, they will drop drastically. Before 1.1 It was 8-16 huttballs against other Imps before playing against repubs. Today, 5 hours of pvp during primetime I played against repubs every single match even when taking breaks almost all was the same players. I'm also on a server where Ilum was dead even on 1.1 day because we always had such few republic players. The fleet pvp area which always had 40+ people was pretty much empty. Also almost every single warzone had not enough players warnings and this was something I haven't seen since early start.


Hopefully, for those staying Bioware will be on the ball about server mergers and not take months like almost all MMOs do.


Hit the nail my friend, same thing is happening on my server, at least for the PvP. I play on a RP-PvE server, but still had a very, very strong PvP community. Today I only played 4 warzones, each ended early because there was not enough players. The Fleet PvP zone had FOUR people running around when it used to be 30-40 people.

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I think any player base leaving ripples to everyone else. PvPers, not all but most, do other things than PvP such as PvE, FPs, socialize and even RP. When server population goes down people lose interest in the game because they don't have people to do other things with.


Of course, but that would be a slow decline and not drastic.

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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


not just go down but mainly from Rep players and their pvp ones too.


so balance issues? well it will get worse

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Of course, but that would be a slow decline and not drastic.


But a decline is a decline. This game is a baby and should be rising in subscriptions not having one giant boom of cancels, which is the PvP community, and than have it slowly effect everyone else.


This **** is like a Nuclear bomb...:eek:

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Give the game time, it is the early months of release and things get fixed.



Ah yes, stuff like being able to do emotes on mounts. All kidding aside, I do think numbers will drop a bit, despite alot of people thinking the republic whiners are such a small minority.

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Give the game time, it is the early months of release and things get fixed.



I, personally, will be giving the game time. I enjoy other things than the PvP.


However, many people are leaving still and if not for just 1.1 its because they have lost faith in

- The DEVs doing something right with a patch

- The DEVs fixing the patch instantly

- Believing that something like this will just continue to happen with new patches

- Not listening to the community and fixing the issues that actually need to be fixed.


It saddens me because I want this game to grow and want the servers to remain populated and booming. If not, I would have just waited for them to come out with a KOTOR 3 I can play by myself.

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I, personally, will be giving the game time. I enjoy other things than the PvP.


However, many people are leaving still and if not for just 1.1 its because they have lost faith in

- The DEVs doing something right with a patch

- The DEVs fixing the patch instantly

- Believing that something like this will just continue to happen with new patches

- Not listening to the community and fixing the issues that actually need to be fixed.


It saddens me because I want this game to grow and want the servers to remain populated and booming. If not, I would have just waited for them to come out with a KOTOR 3 I can play by myself.


I do too, But you have to realise the 50's and other players BEGGED for the patch earlier. They brought it upon themselves. :/ I remember WoW's rocky as heck release, by the 4th month everything was mostly fixed.

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I do too, But you have to realise the 50's and other players BEGGED for the patch earlier. They brought it upon themselves. :/ I remember WoW's rocky as heck release, by the 4th month everything was mostly fixed.


I don't think anyone was expecting it to be this bad, with this many people taking advantage of a broken patch.

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I'm not sure a large overall number of players will leave the game over the latest PvP gaffs. Damage may be done, however, when you consider WHO is leaving. It's the Republic players that are fed up to the point of quitting, or the Empire on the few servers where the population is actually imbalanced in favor of the Republic.


This is the real issue. It's not that some people may leave, as the overall number will be relatively small compared to the million+ subscribers. But having the current underdogs jump ship, now that might hurt the game. We're already seeing ridiculous faction imbalances across almost every server that are outright ruining some player's enjoyment of the PvP aspect of the game (not a single person I know in RL will roll Republic for fear of completely unbalanced PvP, especially as BioWare promises more and more open world PvP content. And that was before the 1.1 patch went live. I'd need a miracle now to convince them. :rolleyes:)



Edited by Macheath
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Population is going down at least to 50% in just another month imo.


I also think its going to be around that number. People who try out the game and don't like it will quit plus the massive amount of Republic players and in some servers Imperial players who are just fed up that BioWare is not addressing the proper issues are going to leave.

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They wont. The vocal minority on forums matters little in the grand scheme of things. Majority of players are still enjoying quests and story and will keep subscribed, and other will come as well, which will compensante for the loss of beforementioned vocal minority on forums.
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But a decline is a decline. This game is a baby and should be rising in subscriptions not having one giant boom of cancels, which is the PvP community, and than have it slowly effect everyone else.


This **** is like a Nuclear bomb...:eek:


But you asked if it would be drastic and I don't think it will be. Probably enough for BioWare to take notice, but not enough to cripple the game as a whole. It's only been about a month since launch. The picture won't become clearer until the game has more time to mature (6+ months).

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I am in a republic guild with over 350 members and not a single person is quitting. None of my RL friends are, none of my in game friends are, PvP is going in cycles right now. I went 1/15 last night, but went 5/9 tonight (didn't play as long).


Rome was not build in a day.

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I've already unsubscribed after the first free month and all but two of the people I levelled with have too - really wanted to like the game and enjoyed the pre endgame stuff immensely, but the animation/latency bugs/control responsiveness are beyond crippling. Kick etc being blocked by animations is just gamebreaking.


I hope they fix this though, definitely interested in another look when (if? it seems very core) gets fixed.

Edited by depth_mil
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