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Hutta Codex


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I'm missing the Red Blade entry along with Hutt Cartel, looking at the entries, they are shared with other planets so you might have to wait til Nar Shaddaa for the Hutta one, Red Blade seems to be bugged though... Edited by Steelpony
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I'm wondering if there's a mixup with Tatooine on the Hutt Cartel one. I haven't been to Tatooine yet but I'm showing an organization entry on Tatooine in my Planets codex. I wonder if the Hutt Cartel Codex entry is bugged and mixed up with one on Tatooine.
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Yeah I am 31/32 only one I am missing is the Hutt Cartel. I have been all over Nem'ro and Fathra's palaces....any idea where this could be at that I could have missed it??


I'm in the same situation and would really like to put this to bed.

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It's more than just the Hutt Cartel. A large number of the ones from Dromund Kaas havent popped for me and Ive been in the area with the species/items. Selkath, Chevin, Duros, The Phobis Devices, The Blade of the Sith Executioner, Lord Parnax’s Lost Recordings, one of the organizations. No matter what I do i cant get these ones. Worried a lot of the codex is buggy like this.
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Hutt Cartel I'm willing to bet is a double entry. Probably on Nar Shaddaa,Hutta's moon :) For example I got a Tatooine entry from the the Black Death quest . The world that's killing me from codex problems is Korriban. As a BH I find myself unable to complete its codex. Yet the game teases with the empty codex:(
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