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THANK YOU for fixing follow!


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Guess most people are too busy whining to thank Bioware for correcting a big bug in a really quick amount of time.


The amount of fixes in this patch are incredible! Really looking forward to whats in store next week!!!

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My favorite part is people who are bads complaining about ability delay, and don't seem to realize the queue ability option in the preferences menu.


Well tbh it seems that in most cases it's a question of certain skills being bugged and that causes massive delays that can't be fixed with the ability queue. I've yet to experience such a delay but from what I've seen on videos and read on the forum I very much doubt it's just one of the many lies or insane exaggerations that have been rampant on the forums since the start. Hopefully Bioware will fix those bugged skills soon.

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My favorite part is people who are bads complaining about ability delay, and don't seem to realize the queue ability option in the preferences menu.


Shouldn't you be playing the game? I mean, after all, it is flawless and you love it. How long until you roll over and let them stomp on the other side of your head?

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Guess most people are too busy whining to thank Bioware for correcting a big bug in a really quick amount of time.


The amount of fixes in this patch are incredible! Really looking forward to whats in store next week!!!


I think this post was.... Oh nevermind.

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Shouldn't you be playing the game? I mean, after all, it is flawless and you love it. How long until you roll over and let them stomp on the other side of your head?


He's not welcome on the forums of a game he enjoys? Man this place is overrun with trash, isn't it?

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My favorite part is people who are bads complaining about ability delay, and don't seem to realize the queue ability option in the preferences menu.


We who are having the issue aren't talking about actual ability delay. Its something totally seperate.


I wish it wasn't labled like that when it was brought up. Animation delay, skillm delay, button delay, ability sticking, ABILITY LOOPING..


Something else either way it does exist stop being a derp.. mmmkay thanks..

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My favorite part is people who are bads complaining about ability delay, and don't seem to realize the queue ability option in the preferences menu.
Got to love people who blatantly ignore problems with the game. Listen, you can go test out the delay yourself.


Go and start mounting on your speeder and move forward as soon as the cast bar reaches the end. You wont be able to mount up, you'll just end up walking forward. You have to wait for the abilities animation to finish, which means you have to wait 1 second for a .5 second cast to finish. This is because the Animation takes priority over the cast bar, and thus, you have a delay.



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