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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please return the action bars to how they were


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Please don't just revert it. The basic idea was a good one, and provides more information than we had previously. Now I can tell whether something's on cooldown, and if I'll be able to use it after that cooldown. Great idea in theory.


Unfortunately, not such a great implementation. The gray/not-gray part is a good idea. Just make the cooldown something a bit clearer. Some kind of clearly-visible timer over the button would be perfect.

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I second this, every abilitiy with 30 or more seconds CD is impossible to see, you keep hitting the damn thing because it looks like it's off CD but it's not, you have to mouse over the frigging thing to see that it's still actually on cool down, really great in a frantic pvp situation or doing a difficult operations boss that require good timing and rotation.
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I honestly can say I hardly noticed the difference

Also this is the same for all players, so you are not at any disadvantage.

Surely if it makes the game more challenging, that’s a good thing right ?



gotta love idealism based on logic. we should all play with our eyes closed that'll be even more challenging.

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I honestly can say I hardly noticed the difference

Also this is the same for all players, so you are not at any disadvantage.

Surely if it makes the game more challenging, that’s a good thing right ?



Honestly, this says more about your skill in the game than anything else, anyone who is not "bothered" by knowing if something is off cooldown or not does not really rely on cooldowns to play the game, in other words you are not really playing any of the challenging content that require you to play with skill.


Try say a hardmode flashpoint where you have 2 minutes to beat a boss before he enrages and kills everyone, see if that works with your causual point and click playstyle.

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Please don't just revert it. The basic idea was a good one, and provides more information than we had previously. Now I can tell whether something's on cooldown, and if I'll be able to use it after that cooldown. Great idea in theory.


I had all that information before they changed it... now I have less because it's hard to tell when some things are still on cd. It was working the way it was before, I never had any problems.

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I had all that information before they changed it... now I have less because it's hard to tell when some things are still on cd. It was working the way it was before, I never had any problems.


Possibly because whichever class you play doesn't have any abilities with variable costs? I have to admit to finding the current system far superior.


The only refinement I would advocate is that items on their own cooldown should still be faded out. Only items that are available or only unavailable due to GCD that should be bright.

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I had all that information before they changed it... now I have less because it's hard to tell when some things are still on cd. It was working the way it was before, I never had any problems.


No, not really. All you knew before was whether you could use an ability or not. There was no indication as to why you couldn't use it. Now there is.


A more visible timer would give you both.

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No, not really. All you knew before was whether you could use an ability or not. There was no indication as to why you couldn't use it. Now there is.


A more visible timer would give you both.


This reasoning is strange to me, you have a resource bar, be it focus, heat, ammo or whatever it may be and you learn how much your abilities cost, managing your resource is a big part of playing your class so how does the appearance of icons change that? For me and I am guessing for alot of people that is totally irrelevant because we look at our resource bar to determine what actions I can and should take as to not run it into the ground.

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This reasoning is strange to me, you have a resource bar, be it focus, heat, ammo or whatever it may be and you learn how much your abilities cost, managing your resource is a big part of playing your class so how does the appearance of icons change that? For me and I am guessing for alot of people that is totally irrelevant because we look at our resource bar to determine what actions I can and should take as to not run it into the ground.


I agree. If you know how your abilities work you should've been able to tell why abilities weren't able to be used the way it was before. If the gray bar was moving down the ability then you know it's on cooldown. If it's blacked out and I can see that it's off cd and I'm high on heat, then I know that's my problem. If it's blacked out and off cd and it's an ability that requires the target to be incapacitated, then I know that's the problem.


I don't see how the change they made would make that any easier. It just made it harder to tell when some things are still on cd. I don't mind the cyan bar, but they should at least black out the unusable abilities again.

Edited by DarrkLore
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I really hope they change this back, or at least give us the option to choose. As a 33 JG, tank specced, my abilities and rotation are highly situational. I need to be fast and be able to rely on knowing what's off of CD, or what's available due to procs (riposte), stuns (pommel strike), or how much focus I've built up. I found myself struggling last night because the new CD animation can be barely visible (say if there is one or two seconds left), which would lead me to try that ability and fail.


It just feels particularly hard for classes that have to build up their useable "energy", in this case focus, in order to trigger certain abilities.

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I have to admit, I like the display better. It was easier to notice when an ability came off cool down when the button was grayed out. Hopefully when the add the additional UI customization they have been working upon, the ability to determine these kind of setting will be included.
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They absolutely need to change it back. I can't even play because of how frustrating it is. A buddy and I both canceled our subscriptions and let them know we won't come back until they change it back.


If you both cancelled because of that....






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This change with not fully blacking out skills that are on still on cooldown is very ... inconvenient.


It was better when skills that are still on cooldown stay fully blacked out until they are up. Now you have to rely on a small cyan line scrolling down and when it approaches the bottom border of the skill its very difficult to tell when and if the skill is actually up as the line tends to blend in with the button border.


As a melee class this is even worse as I am constantly watching 10+ skills at once to see when they are up.


I've actually been killed a few times already because I would hit a button and move on to the next attack to find the skill I needed previously wasn't up yet, even though it looked like it was. So it didn't activate as I needed it to.


If not fully blacking them out, then perhaps some animation that "flashes" the button to grab your attention.


However, it was better when the skill stayed fully blacked out and the line scrolled down.




customizable UI with a toggle for number text countdown in the box would be the winning choice

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