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Powertech Tank vs Sith Sorcerer for PvP


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Powertech tanks are interesting and I have always liked the tanks role and am wiling to try it out. It also has the ability to leap to people and grapple people which I find very useful and amusing.


The Sith Sorcerer whoever is super OP and I really enjoyed playing it to lvl 18ish (unfortunately I wasn't playing on a PvP server at the time). I am thinking of going for this build if I do:




And if you have any builds please let me know! :p

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Sorcerers are op at low lvls, they get most of their abilities very early on, but by 50 they're pretty balanced.


If you don't like the sorcerer play-style and you're only in it because you think it's overpowered, don't roll one.


Vanguards on the other hand are a pretty interesting class, probably the least played on my server but the few that I have seen at 50 do quite well, but then again there are only about 2-3 who pvp actively so I can't really tell you.

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The above poster is right. Sages (sorc) are balanced once people are 50 and geared.



IMO, i think powertechs were overlooked by most players because they don't fit a traditional MMO archetype. They have a unique play style that is very rewarding, but poorly understood. Having said as much, i think as more skilled PTs hit the warzones we're going to see an sudden rise in their population. They are wrecking balls. Hitting 400k in single target damage is not uncommon. I rarely aoe since the burst is so high, its more tactical to just remove a player rather than tickle their group.


Powertechs can grapple and taunt in any spec


They can heal themselves (not much but it has saved me).


They have two stuns, 1 of which is an aoe, the other ranged.


And when TD is timed with a RS, expect health bars to drop. Most opponents run away at that point, but we get a spammable snare so that usually fails.


Even though we're strongest in melee range, we do have the option to hold back with the group and still dps with a punch. I often work the pillars in civil war, pot shotting until I have an opportunity to grapple a healer into my lair - muahaha.


Tank specs can jetcharge every 15 secs, less if you get the set bonus. Hutball ..forget about it, PTs are the undisputed queens/kings of that game.


Downsides may be


DPS spec is squishy and requires good timing to avoid a quick demise.


Tank spec is durable but requires a pocket healer to really shine.


Only 1 of the 2 dps trees is currently viable.


Any well geared class with armor pen is going to eat you for lunch.


If anyone thinks I'm exaggerating, go roll a PT or wait for another pvp addict to do so and you'll be surprised.

Edited by Sowwy
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The above poster is right. Sages (sorc) are balanced once people are 50 and geared.



IMO, i think powertechs were overlooked by most players because they don't fit a traditional MMO archetype. They have a unique play style that is very rewarding, but poorly understood. Having said as much, i think as more skilled PTs hit the warzones we're going to see an sudden rise in their population. They are wrecking balls. Hitting 400k in single target damage is not uncommon. I rarely aoe since the burst is so high, its more tactical to just remove a player rather than tickle their group.


Powertechs can grapple and taunt in any spec


They can heal themselves (not much but it has saved me).


They have two stuns, 1 of which is an aoe, the other ranged.


And when TD is timed with a RS, expect health bars to drop. Most opponents run away at that point, but we get a spammable snare so that usually fails.


Even though we're strongest in melee range, we do have the option to hold back with the group and still dps with a punch. I often work the pillars in civil war, pot shotting until I have an opportunity to grapple a healer into my lair - muahaha.


Tank specs can jetcharge every 15 secs, less if you get the set bonus. Hutball ..forget about it, PTs are the undisputed queens/kings of that game.


Downsides may be


DPS spec is squishy and requires good timing to avoid a quick demise.


Tank spec is durable but requires a pocket healer to really shine.


Only 1 of the 2 dps trees is currently viable.


Any well geared class with armor pen is going to eat you for lunch.


If anyone thinks I'm exaggerating, go roll a PT or wait for another pvp addict to do so and you'll be surprised.


err, pts have zero burst, or damage for that matter.


it takes me a good 20-30 seconds of beating on someone (provided im not being kited/cced, ie the guy is afk) to kill something.


and the tank spec is not durable at all in pvp as most of the defensive talents are rendered useless in a pvp environment and unlike the other tanks pts have no oh crap buttons. while pts are suppose to be mitigation tanks in pve, mitigation does not work in pvp when most damage goes right through your armor.


not to say that shieldtech (or hybrid) isnt useful in pvp, just not for killing things. Jet charge makes a huge difference (and is fun) gameplay wise and im currently using a hybrid shieldtech spec.


i spend most WZ protecting healers, running huttball, or defending a node.

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err, pts have zero burst, or damage for that matter.


it takes me a good 20-30 seconds of beating on someone (provided im not being kited/cced, ie the guy is afk) to kill something.


and the tank spec is not durable at all in pvp as most of the defensive talents are rendered useless in a pvp environment and unlike the other tanks pts have no oh crap buttons. while pts are suppose to be mitigation tanks in pve, mitigation does not work in pvp when most damage goes right through your armor.


not to say that shieldtech (or hybrid) isnt useful in pvp, just not for killing things. Jet charge makes a huge difference (and is fun) gameplay wise and im currently using a hybrid shieldtech spec.


i spend most WZ protecting healers, running huttball, or defending a node.




No burst? How are you playing the class? Do you have full pvp gear? I'm sure you have good reason for your opinion, but it couldn't be more different than mine.


Upon running in plant TD, incid missle, flame for snare then RS which should fire just as TD explodes. Without trinkets or stim both TD and RS can crit for well over 4k, coupled together, thats a nasty punch delivered in just a few GCDs. If RNG is on your side, punch will reset RS which is just a mean thing to do at that point.


How does that not qualify as burst?



There's a difference between durable and invincible. If you're missing a pocket healer then tank spec won't be a magical experience, but with one, you can stand in the pocket for a long time just grinding people down. And yes I mean the hybrid spec, full shield is pointless for pvp.


Its not like I'm inexperienced, I'm rank valor rank 62 with full champ/BM gear. And not all classes drop the same. Sentinals hurt and tanks can be a slow kill, but sages troopers etc. can be twisted into a pretzel.


If you're comparing to ops/scoundrels, just stop there. That class needs a review, but PTs are definitely competitive with the others.

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No burst? How are you playing the class? Do you have full pvp gear? I'm sure you have good reason for your opinion, but it couldn't be more different than mine.


Upon running in plant TD, incid missle, flame for snare then RS which should fire just as TD explodes. Without trinkets or stim both TD and RS can crit for well over 4k, coupled together, thats a nasty punch delivered in just a few GCDs. If RNG is on your side, punch will reset RS which is just a mean thing to do at that point.


How does that not qualify as burst?



There's a difference between durable and invincible. If you're missing a pocket healer then tank spec won't be a magical experience, but with one, you can stand in the pocket for a long time just grinding people down. And yes I mean the hybrid spec, full shield is pointless for pvp.


Its not like I'm inexperienced, I'm rank valor rank 62 with full champ/BM gear. And not all classes drop the same. Sentinals hurt and tanks can be a slow kill, but sages troopers etc. can be twisted into a pretzel.


If you're comparing to ops/scoundrels, just stop there. That class needs a review, but PTs are definitely competitive with the others.


im not 50 yet, which is why im not asking for any pt changes. but at 46 my most powerful ability, rail shot, crits for 1.2k in warzones. most classes abilities HIT for that much (not talking about 50s)


and any spec with a healer is durable. pt are significantly less durable on their own than many others (but not all), especially compared to the other tanks as their tank advantages in pve actually work out in pvp.


dunno, ive yet to see a single PT break out of the bottom 25% in damage, granted you rarely see them.


pts have their advantages, but durability and damage are not it. dont have to worry about resource management (even using every ability as it comes off CD, ive never overheat unless i get a lucky series of procs or spam aoe), and decent mobility (as hybrid. without jet charge mobility is laughable).


pts are good if you want to play a class that can be at an opportune location when your team needs it. not to mention a good decoy for mercenaries as it is hard from a glance to tell the difference. its not like the sith where you can tell what class they are by what lightsabre they are using (and lightsabers are hard to miss)

Edited by Ryotknife
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I have a level 41 Powertech tank and he is probably one of the most un-fun characters that I have ever played in PvP. You pretty much AoE taunt, Guard, and have nothing that you can really spam to do damage.


I re rolled and now I have a level 50 Assassin tank (since it's pretty much the only viable spec when you don't have good gear, as all the other 50s farmed lowbies to get their gear and now I'm ****ed since I just hit 50 2 days ago and do **** damage to everyone) which is very fun. Wither, Shock, Force Lighting, and Thrash all have low cooldowns (Thrash is spammable). Plus I can stealth.


So far for me, Assassin tank is much more fun than PowerTank.

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46 is close but not quit there yet. Trust me, wait till you get champ gear and everything changes - its just the way I described.



I have a level 41 Powertech tank and he is probably one of the most un-fun characters that I have ever played in PvP. You pretty much AoE taunt, Guard, and have nothing that you can really spam to do damage.


I re rolled and now I have a level 50 Assassin tank (since it's pretty much the only viable spec when you don't have good gear, as all the other 50s farmed lowbies to get their gear and now I'm ****ed since I just hit 50 2 days ago and do **** damage to everyone) which is very fun. Wither, Shock, Force Lighting, and Thrash all have low cooldowns (Thrash is spammable). Plus I can stealth.


So far for me, Assassin tank is much more fun than PowerTank.


Different strokes for different folks, of course. I rerolled my PT after an assassin and never looked back.

Edited by Sowwy
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46 is close but not quit there yet. Trust me, wait till you get champ gear and everything changes - its just the way I described.





Different strokes for different folks, of course. I rerolled my PT after an assassin and never looked back.


there is no way with champ gear that im going to be doing 4-6x my current damage in warzones.......


maybe 2x, and probably not even that in relation to the health increase everyone gets from champ gear on top of the mitigation from expertise (especially since the whole purpose of pvp gear is to SLOW DOWN pvp so that people cant be instagibbed). it is not going to change at 50 nor with champ gear, at least no where even in the vicinity to the levels you described.


not unless pts have some sort of insane scaling that triples what warriors in wow could muster.

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Then just call me a liar and be done with it.


Of course, while we've both been lvl 46, only one of us acutally has a lvl 50 geared PT. In other words, one is speculating on the class, the other is qualified to speak on the class.

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Dont exaggerate the dmg lol, 400k? maybe when you could face an entire lowbie team. I roll a lvl 50 vangaurd full champ gear (cept bracers.....damn rng), shield spec, and i dish out miserable dmg, but ive seen the dps spec and its not much better. I have a pve tank spec, and geared 50s just run me over. I have 5 oh $h1T buttons (2 defensive cooldowns, 2 biochem, and relic) that i have to pop all at once if i want to survive more than 10 seconds against a group, useful for stopping surprise attacks on nodes but not much else, and i have 21-22k health with fort stim. Bioware did a piss poor job on pvp already, and tanks somehow got a even worse pvp experience.


Roll Sorc. Being able to heal yourself and spammable aoe in pvp is gold. If a enemy team has a good Sorc healz and we have none, its gg. Guarding a healer is the ONLY good thing a Vanguard/PT can do, and other classes have that too. Exploiting harpoon is the only thing that is truely fun for our class, whether pulling someone into the fire, or using that glitch that causes some1 about to score in huttball to instantly die and drop ball :D



Ok one good thing for tanks is the amount of medals. I get around 10 medals a match, 9-13 if i win, 8 to 10 if i lose. Healers have to really work for their medals

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Dont exaggerate the dmg lol, 400k? maybe when you could face an entire lowbie team. I roll a lvl 50 vangaurd full champ gear (cept bracers.....damn rng), shield spec, and i dish out miserable dmg, but ive seen the dps spec and its not much better. I have a pve tank spec, and geared 50s just run me over. I have 5 oh $h1T buttons (2 defensive cooldowns, 2 biochem, and relic) that i have to pop all at once if i want to survive more than 10 seconds against a group, useful for stopping surprise attacks on nodes but not much else, and i have 21-22k health with fort stim. Bioware did a piss poor job on pvp already, and tanks somehow got a even worse pvp experience.


Roll Sorc. Being able to heal yourself and spammable aoe in pvp is gold. If a enemy team has a good Sorc healz and we have none, its gg. Guarding a healer is the ONLY good thing a Vanguard/PT can do, and other classes have that too. Exploiting harpoon is the only thing that is truely fun for our class, whether pulling someone into the fire, or using that glitch that causes some1 about to score in huttball to instantly die and drop ball :D



Ok one good thing for tanks is the amount of medals. I get around 10 medals a match, 9-13 if i win, 8 to 10 if i lose. Healers have to really work for their medals


It happens on voidstar, premade with healers so I'm not respawning every 20 seconds. use stims fuel trinkets whenever you can, I have mine hotkeyed - I'd make a macro if I could. Still, it happens. Civil War usually around 280-300. I get the 300k medal consistently enough sans a premade, why would 400k be such a stretch with a healer keeping us up? I don't know what its like on your server, but when the better players clash on mine, we dont zerg each other. We pick positions and work in tight groups. Voidstar especially is more a war of attrition then the other map and allows for more damage to be done. BUt the point wasn't self congratulatory, the point is a low dps spec isn't likely to reach those numbers even in a good team. Pyro spec does, therefore is a very, very solid dps option.



There has GOT to be another PT/vanguard out there with a similar experience. I am not the best pvper, just good. And since I am able to do this, despite the critics, there must be others that have matched and exceeded what I've accomplished.

Edited by Sowwy
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Powertech is amazing in pvp. Only level 45 here. Tank specced was amusing. I could definitely annoy people and survive quite awhile but damage wasn't great. Pyrotech specced is incredibly. Once you get Prototype Particle Accelerator... free railshots that vent heat. And hit for 2.7kish on crit. With a couple lucky procs and Thermal Det, I can do some great damage. If I don't get free railshots, things become a bit annoying but that's what cooldowns are for.
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Then just call me a liar and be done with it.


Of course, while we've both been lvl 46, only one of us acutally has a lvl 50 geared PT. In other words, one is speculating on the class, the other is qualified to speak on the class.


lets just play out a hypothetical scenario.


take two players dueling each other. choose two classes that you think are fairly balanced, give them level 49 greens. each person has the same skill level.


imagine how long that fight will last.


fast forward. imagine those same two individuals with top of the line pvp gear, same skills as before.


how long will that fight last.


does the green geared fight last longer or shorter? now i ask this because in many MMOs, the logical thing is for pvp gear to either increase survivability more than damage or have the two increase at relatively the same ratio.


You, on the other hand, are implying that as you increase your gear, your damage increases at a far greater rate than survivability. meaning as the gear increases, battles between top of the line geared players becoming shorter and shorter with burst damage ruling pvp as king.


if that is the case, then pvp will forever be screwed and broken beyond belief.

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I dont need hypotheticals to make a point. Its either a case of you believing me or not. I've not exaggerated in anyway. Everything I've said has happened. I know I'm not alone in my experience, but it seems dps PTs that have a clue, judging from this thread, are a rare thing indeed.



Edit for expanded thought.


Dynamics between classes do change.


For example.


Sentinels become terrifying once they're geared, whereas at lower levels I never thought of them.


Sages however, worked me over. But that also changed once ...gear entered the equation.


I don't understand why it evolved this way and I'm not interested in mathematics or explanations, but things do play out differently now then they once did. Again, im just discussing. Believe me or not, that's your decision.

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sowwy for the record I fully support what you are saying. I have been witness to a geared powertech just absolutely wrecking shop consistently in pvp. They really shine in huttball and I have watched them eclipse 350 k damage in pugs when we were all mixed together. 50's on both sides so it wasn't premades farming lowbies. Thing is I have only seen one player consistently do it. Not too many pvp powertechs out there. Name is Gina and the server is krath. Its a real thing that happens I dont know why there are so many doubters.
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  • 3 weeks later...
err, pts have zero burst, or damage for that matter.


it takes me a good 20-30 seconds of beating on someone (provided im not being kited/cced, ie the guy is afk) to kill something.


and the tank spec is not durable at all in pvp as most of the defensive talents are rendered useless in a pvp environment and unlike the other tanks pts have no oh crap buttons. while pts are suppose to be mitigation tanks in pve, mitigation does not work in pvp when most damage goes right through your armor.


not to say that shieldtech (or hybrid) isnt useful in pvp, just not for killing things. Jet charge makes a huge difference (and is fun) gameplay wise and im currently using a hybrid shieldtech spec.


i spend most WZ protecting healers, running huttball, or defending a node.


Dude your a noob.

Someone was trying to help you and give you good advice.

Then at the end of you say your not even level 50...

If someone who OBVIOUSLY has more experience than yourself you need to listen.

Don't say "There's no way 50 + PvP gear will make that big of a difference."

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, but then again you are still a noob.




Proof since you seem to imcompetant yourself to understand how to Youtube.

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Dont exaggerate the dmg lol, 400k? maybe when you could face an entire lowbie team. I roll a lvl 50 vangaurd full champ gear (cept bracers.....damn rng), shield spec, and i dish out miserable dmg, but ive seen the dps spec and its not much better. I have a pve tank spec, and geared 50s just run me over. I have 5 oh $h1T buttons (2 defensive cooldowns, 2 biochem, and relic) that i have to pop all at once if i want to survive more than 10 seconds against a group, useful for stopping surprise attacks on nodes but not much else, and i have 21-22k health with fort stim. Bioware did a piss poor job on pvp already, and tanks somehow got a even worse pvp experience.


Roll Sorc. Being able to heal yourself and spammable aoe in pvp is gold. If a enemy team has a good Sorc healz and we have none, its gg. Guarding a healer is the ONLY good thing a Vanguard/PT can do, and other classes have that too. Exploiting harpoon is the only thing that is truely fun for our class, whether pulling someone into the fire, or using that glitch that causes some1 about to score in huttball to instantly die and drop ball :D



Ok one good thing for tanks is the amount of medals. I get around 10 medals a match, 9-13 if i win, 8 to 10 if i lose. Healers have to really work for their medals




Level 50 bracket.

No pocket healer.


Maybe you just suck at this game...?

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It happens on voidstar, premade with healers so I'm not respawning every 20 seconds.


To be fair, 400k+ only tends to happen when both sides have decent healers.


On the agreement side i detest fighting good geared PT/Vanguards on my sorc as they are just such a pain but on my juggernaut which is battlemaster geared i love ending up with 1v1's on them as they usually end up in a really good fight with me losing just as much as i win.


Currently i've flipped sides and leveling a Commando with a mate on his sage but i'll be re-rolling Vanguard once it's 50 (regretted choosing commando early on, but i like to stick with things till they're done). I already have a Powertech at 28 ish i think and they really are crap in the mid levels, but i know what beasts it and it's counterpart are at 50 and the specs/gear are filled out.

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