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Random server-side disconnects during Warzones INCREDIBLY punishing.


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So after disconnecting from the server for some unknown reason having nothing to do with my hardware or internet connection, I am placed back into the location I accepted the warzone queue from.


Now, this would be fine and dandy if not for a few problems:


1. The disconnect has nothing to do with anything on my end.


2. Rewards aren't given until the very end of the warzone, and player kills count for literally nothing. This means that if you aren't in to see the scoreboard, it's like you weren't there... regardless of how much you contributed to your team's success.


3. As if to just stick a finger in the gunshot wound and twist it, my warzone button does nothing when I reconnect to the server after being disconnected for reasons having nothing to do with my internet connection or equipment. I have to completely exit the game and restart for it to work.


4. Load screens are horrendously long for some machines (hardware capability not at all being the determining factor here) which has nothing to do with my equipment or internet connection, so I have to wait for one of those behemoths if I queue from anywhere else but my ship, since I have to exit and re-enter the game completely for the warzone button to work.


Having made the previous 4 points, I propose a grace period of 1-2 minutes for mid-Warzone disconnects during which the victim is placed right back into the Warzone without losing a step.


I'm not sure what's worse; the fact that this is the way the system works, or the fact that we've had no communication or acknowledgement of fault from those that have any say about it.


On a side note, I'm sorry that I had to keep insisting that the problem has nothing to do with anything on my end... people are quick to falsely point out that any problem they don't have is not a problem, so I kind of had to pre-empt that.

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Yes, its been happening more and more these past two days for me.... and thats why Im here NOW...


I just got kicked out of a WZ that had two minutes left. Not only did I get kicked, I was taken to Char select... I quickly go back in ( mind you Im in the forever to load HOTH) by the time I get in, I quickly click queue in hopes to get back into my wz ( which Im pretty certain had ended by the time my load time finished).. ONLY to see that I have to LEAVE the Warzone--- What.. leave Warzone?


I couldnt even do THAT.. as many times as I clicked leave WZ ( while im in Hoth mind you)

it did nothing... so what do you know, I had to RELOG just so I could queue up again.../sigh such a vicous circle

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This happened to me 3 times last night, booted back to the char selection from a wz. It started doing it since 1.1


Infuriating when you have lots of points racked up and when on course for a win.


Legions of lettow server

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Yep happened to me couple minutes ago. It didn't lag before I got disconnected and several others in my group experienced the same. It happened during Voidstar. We were quite winning the game then suddenly BHAM! Everything gone. Happened the same yesterday when I was grouped for Mandalorian Raiders. All groupmembers got disconnected. \



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Yes this happened to me last night when we were actually WINNING Voidstar. The reps on my server never wins Voidstar.


Since the patch the game has felt clunkier and the ability delays doesn't feel improved at all. I'm still trying to fire buttons to no avail. Also the Fleet is still laggy as ever.


I know it's only part 1 of the 3 patches that aims to optimize the game but wow, I got my hopes up and I'm fairly disappointed.

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This needs addressed seriously. Just ran 2 wzs and got the eject to splash screen at 2min left during winning matches.


Yet ping rate is fine and no packet loss of any kind, 23 latency at the most.


Somehow it NEVER disconnects when my team is losing.



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I had a couple yesterday that were aggravating. Head to Ilum, and que up WZ, while in WZ i get the crazy can't rez bug where it won't let me click anything to return to medcenter.


SO I eventually get booted back to fleet.


Like a fool I make the trip back to Ilum, and join another WZ and the same thing happens.

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This does kind of suck, it often happens to me in the last minute or so of a mission. I mean disconnects happen, but getting all of your rewards at the conclusion of a match seems not entirely reasonable. It'd be nice to see this change after they add some manner of punishment/lockout for folks who leave mid-warzone.
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This has also been happening to me and my guild mates a lot more. The funny thing is, it's only when we are winning. Never happens when we are destroyed. It's also weird how we all run different rigs and OS and live in different parts of the US, yet we all have the same issue. I figured it was a fluke, then I read threads like this and everyone seems to be having these problems when they are winning. Definitely seems like someone knows a way to crash people.
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