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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic Trailer


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AMG, you can make the UI elements bigger or smaller? Sign me up!


I didn't see anything in that video about fixing the combat system/ability delay. If they want me and most of the other unsubber's back, that's the #1 thing they should be addressing followed by fixing the other insane amount of bugs, not adding new content 1 month into the game.

Edited by DJCobbSalad
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yup, kid here, 30 going on 31, game is broken, and if anything, the kids are the ones who are blinded by the brand behind the game rather then it's issues, so shut up.


p.s. have fun playing a dead game, because with instanced zones as is the game is practically empty, lacking any kind of ambiance, when all the people who actually want a working "good" game leave, ye, welcome to a very boring single player sw game.


oh but you have stories and light sabers, k.

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Really? Everyone is supposed to stop complaining about an unfinished game because BW released a trailer where they essentially say, " Trust us, we'll make it better"?


Yeah, right. They had their chance to earn my trust. Slicing 1.0 and Ilum 1.1 proved they don't deserve my blind trust. They have to earn it now.

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yup, kid here, 30 going on 31, game is broken, and if anything, the kids are the ones who are blinded by the brand behind the game rather then it's issues, so shut up.


Oh, hush. Anyone saying he's "going on" his next birthday has no business calling someone "kid" (and frankly, I can't even imagine a real, live 30-year-old doing it).


In any case, the game has flaws, like any MMO, much less a new one. It may be rough around the edges, but it's not "broken."

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Oh, hush. Anyone saying he's "going on" his next birthday has no business calling someone "kid" (and frankly, I can't even imagine a real, live 30-year-old doing it).


In any case, the game has flaws, like any MMO, much less a new one. It may be rough around the edges, but it's not "broken."


Ye you are right, im clearly a kid for telling it how it is, ok good logic, and the game isnt rough its still in alpha. brandboy alert.

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"you can have a guild bank now"


Haha, oh wow, great we get a feature that should have been there from the get-go.


Yep, this is the whiny BS we're talking about.


From the "get-go"??? *&%*(%&^, it's frickin' less than 30 days since this game launched!!!


Give me a break, I've been too busy playing the damn game to worry about some stupid guild bank and/or guild bank tabs, LOL...

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Yep, this is the whiny BS we're talking about.


From the "get-go"??? *&%*(%&^, it's frickin' less than 30 days since this game launched!!!


Give me a break, I've been too busy playing the damn game to worry about some stupid guild bank and/or guild bank tabs, LOL...


These are standard features that even Age of Conan had on release.


How does it feel to play a game with less features and content than Age of Conan on release?

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These are standard features that even Age of Conan had on release.


How does it feel to play a game with less features and content than Age of Conan on release?


Such a comment can only mean you never played Age of Conan on release.


Either that or you're very, very stupid. Pick one.

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These are standard features that even Age of Conan had on release.


How does it feel to play a game with less features and content than Age of Conan on release?


This is laughable , that was a nightmare launch , yeah it had loads of features , but you couldnt play it because it was UBER laggy and UBER buggy, went on for months like that until id had enough.


Even though stuff needs altering/fixing in SWTOR its playable and enjoyable, ill take it like that (for a few months, i shall be wanting the fixing and altering) for now.

Edited by Urko
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Thanks for posting this OP, I haven't had a chance to cruise the whole site and the dev tracker. Unlike most of the people who find everything to complain about I am sure there are nice changes comeing to the game, and more bug squashing. I have patience to see the game develop. I am haveing fun in game and will continue to have fun. I suggest those who are not revisit again in a few months. Might want to give yourself time for your bloodpressure to normalize and play something more calm if you are unhappy, like solitaire.
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Such a comment can only mean you never played Age of Conan on release.


Either that or you're very, very stupid. Pick one.


Unfortunately for him, it is both.


So much attention given to this game from the trolls... and they don't care? I don't believe it for a second. They couldn't possibly lie to themselves any more.


I'm not running to Aion/AoC/Warhammer/WoW's forums and spreading hate... because I don't care. It's ok Purp... we know you love us. You can come clean. I'll see you in game!

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