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Nerf grav/tracer omg!


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I primarily play my juggernaut and marauder, and on both it seems a little imbalanced when a trooper can sit there and spam one ability while i'm on top of him and he actually has a chance. While most troopers will panic and lose when I interrupt, the good ones simply start healing themselves or using some of their other instant abilities...and having just used my interrupt there's nothing I can do.


The way I see tracer missile/grav round is this: if you've played a warrior, you know what vicious slash is (fallback spammer when everything else is on CD). Now make it hit harder, cost less, and buff most of my other primary abilities, including adding an armor debuff on who I'm hitting. Now make it ranged at 30m, still with no CD. Sounds a little OP right? Change the class to trooper and that's pretty much how it is.


I realize your average reader will see this and say "but warriors are melee idiot"...not the point...if that's all you get from it, go away.

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Every class has their strengths.


commando / merc can stand in spot and do high damage nukes. They trade CC and mobility to do so.


If you stand there and let them shoot you you will die, but if you use your advantage in CC or mobility you won't die.


If you lose a damage trade to a class that specializes in standing still and delivering damage you shouldn't complain. They can't do much else.

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such a l2p issue i play a assasin and mercenarys are the easiest class to kill period.

They stand there not moving using a cast time ability, intterupt..stun do whatever you want and they are easy.

People are just horrible at this game..

If you let a caster blow all their damage into you in any game wow, gw, rift or anything else they will kill you fast, los, intterupt or dont pvp..sweet jesus the noob crying in this game is epic.

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Now make it hit harder, cost less,


Tracer costs more than any other BH attack, and its not even the strongest


(not counting the DoT missle which is rarely used in PvP due to outrageous heat cost, minimal damage increase, and long cast time)

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Blue yoshi was best. Flying>Stomping>firespit>basic as far as yoshis went. I remember that, too. Still take a day to play through that and Star Fox occasionally.


Oh, and on thread... It's really not hard to avoid if you play decently, but since both sides have been stated so many times that there's not much new to add, I'll leave it at that.


I agree with you 100% on the ranking of the Yoshis - flying was always awesome.


I just wish people would give it six months ya know? Give bioware six months to shake out the bugs/classes and if it's still not up to their standards they can leave the game or come back to the forums and offer constructive criticism with actual evidence/logs supporting their statements instead of, "OMGLOLZIGOTHITFORAMILLIONBYTRACERNERFIT."


It's just frustrating when all I wanna do is learn how to play better and other players scream for nerfs. Someone needs to make a, "Leave tracer alone!" video in the vein of Chris Crocker's.

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I die horribly and repeatedly on my merc all the time when I'm PVPing in the arsenal spec.


I'm pretty alright at being positionally aware and using every terrain advantage I can secure for myself, but there's jack diddly hoo-ha I can do to stop a jugg or mar from Charging me; if I can shoot them, they don't have to move far to charge me if that's their interest.


My knockback's arguably more useful for bugging other people by knocking them into hazards or off their target on the catwalks in Huttball than genuinely detrimenting any meleer that's determined to kill me.


So really, in the arsenal tree, if you're -not- spamming tracer missile as often as possible, eehhhhhh...what ARE you doing? Me, I like to change it up so hopefully get people to interrupt something I don't rely on in Arsenal much (like power shot. I'll often start charging a power shot when I'm force charged in the hope my new melee friend will interrupt it and not Tracer)


I'm still having way more fun rolling a bodyguard spec out there, even though it's a rather poorly rewarded role if you're actually playing tactically and not just spamming heals like mad (and not being at all focused on who needs them) or trying to DPS and wasting heat on DPS that could've been spent healing someone that needed it.


If nothing else, I've at least got some new ways to get myself killed.

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Learn to play the Game!!!! Am I the only one to notice that EVERY post the OP puts up is him/her complaining about a class/ability that owns him/her in pvp?


You not being able to run around killing opposing players indescrimenately and have all bask in the glow of your awesomeness, doesn't mean that all opposing classes and abilities that own you need to be nerfed!


If you are having that much trouble at PVP, don't play it. I personally have never liked MMO PVP. I'm just no good at it. Last time I did decent in PVP was LOTRO, and that was a rotation spamming Hunter class. I can admit that I am horrible at PVP without feeling the need to cry out for all other classes and abilities to be nerfed.


Learn to play, get better, or uninstall. Either way stop whining everytime you get owned by someone better than you.

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I have no idea why some people are so fixated on Tracer Missle. It really isn't a skill that stands out all that much in PvP with all the other bullcrap that goes on. If anything. Mercs are too dependent on this skill because if it gets interrupted they can't do much else. DPS Mercs aren't even in the top half of OP classes in group PvP anyway. It's a red herring.
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Fight against BH/Trooper


1) U saw him, he saw you. start RUNning.

2) Does he pursuit you? Yes? RUUUUN.

3) Still in pursuit? Yes?! Damn, RUUUUN!

4) Oh watch, he is killing someone else (why that idiot wasnt running away?)

5) Start killing him, faster! faster! Full combo! he is 85%hp ! faster! 75%hp! faster! He is targetting you! kill him!!!!

6) He bubled. better start running...

7) You idiot! i said start running!

8) Oh, now you dead...


It makes me laugh when BH saying i should keep LOS... even if im melee... how im supposed to fight him from distance? emote him to death?


Who is anti-class for BH? Scoundrell? nope. Jedi Sage? lol. no. Jedi Shadow? no. OH! I know who is. Its Trooper! Wait, wait... trooper is a BH mirror.

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Fight against BH/Trooper


1) U saw him, he saw you. start RUNning.

2) Does he pursuit you? Yes? RUUUUN.

3) Still in pursuit? Yes?! Damn, RUUUUN!

4) Oh watch, he is killing someone else (why that idiot wasnt running away?)

5) Start killing him, faster! faster! Full combo! he is 85%hp ! faster! 75%hp! faster! He is targetting you! kill him!!!!

6) He bubled. better start running...

7) You idiot! i said start running!

8) Oh, now you dead...


It makes me laugh when BH saying i should keep LOS... even if im melee... how im supposed to fight him from distance? emote him to death?


Who is anti-class for BH? Scoundrell? nope. Jedi Sage? lol. no. Jedi Shadow? no. OH! I know who is. Its Trooper! Wait, wait... trooper is a BH mirror.


Any class that knows how to use an interrupt and uses the interrupt for grav round/tracer missle. I really don't see how people can have a hard time with this class when an interrupt locks out a skill for 4 seconds, some classes can spec for 6 second lockout, most have it on an 8 sec cd, some can spec for 6 sec cd, others have it on 12 sec cd and can spec it to 10 sec cd.


You lock out grav/tracer you make the person not be able to build up stacks to make demo round stronger, can't make HIB stronger, and have to resort to charged bolts which is inferior to grav round in every way.

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Fight against BH/Trooper


1) U saw him, he saw you. start RUNning.

2) Does he pursuit you? Yes? RUUUUN.

3) Still in pursuit? Yes?! Damn, RUUUUN!

4) Oh watch, he is killing someone else (why that idiot wasnt running away?)

5) Start killing him, faster! faster! Full combo! he is 85%hp ! faster! 75%hp! faster! He is targetting you! kill him!!!!

6) He bubled. better start running...

7) You idiot! i said start running!

8) Oh, now you dead...


It makes me laugh when BH saying i should keep LOS... even if im melee... how im supposed to fight him from distance? emote him to death?


Who is anti-class for BH? Scoundrell? nope. Jedi Sage? lol. no. Jedi Shadow? no. OH! I know who is. Its Trooper! Wait, wait... trooper is a BH mirror.


Children shouldn't be allowed to post on the forums. The above quote is a good example why.

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Working as intended.



Made me laugh so hard.


But I really have to mention that we might not spam it so much if it wasn't such a staple in the arsenal tree.


First, heat signatures. Stack 5 times, and reduce armor rating by X% (too lazy to look up exact numbers here), so naturally we want to get that stacked and keep it stacked as fast and frequent as possible.


Next, power barrier. Stacks 5 times, reduces damage taken by X%, again something we should try to keep up at all times.


Next, tracer lock. Stacks 5 times, makes rail shot X% stronger, so naturally we want to stack that between rail shots as much as possible.


Lets move on to, barrage. Tracer missile has an X% chance to finish the cooldown on unload and make it Y% stronger. We'd be fools to not be using tracer missile between unloads.


Lastly, heat seeking missiles. Pretty strong attack made even stronger per stack of heat signature applied by what? Tracer Missile.


Rail Shot, Unload, and Heatseeker Missiles are all stronger than Tracer Missile, but only after we've spammed the crap out of Tracer Missile. Should we just spam Tracer Missile? No, that would just be silly since it procs much stronger attacks. But should we cripple ourselves by refusing to use Tracer Missile anytime the situation calls for it (albeit very frequently) just because people wanna call us tracer missile spammers, hell NO!

Edited by Nythain
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im getting kind of fed up reading these people reply with "uhhh just interrupt them"...every time I try to interrupt, the proc is over, i've lost nearly half my health, and the interrupt is wasted.


I've played from both ends, and I will tell you right now, I hate sages and sorcs in any WZ far more than I ever will hate a Gunnery-spec Commando/Arsenal-Spec Mercenary.


What happens if you interrupt a merc/commando using ***-Blaster-Missile/Grav-Round? They have to resort to something less damaging and try to haul *** away from you, heavy armor or not. What happens when you interrupt the droolers spamming TK Throw/Force Lightning? They most likely hit you with a snare they then follow up with that sprint to get far away and go right back to spamming the drooler button.

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I've played from both ends, and I will tell you right now, I hate sages and sorcs in any WZ far more than I ever will hate a Gunnery-spec Commando/Arsenal-Spec Mercenary.


What happens if you interrupt a merc/commando using ***-Blaster-Missile/Grav-Round? They have to resort to something less damaging and try to haul *** away from you, heavy armor or not. What happens when you interrupt the droolers spamming TK Throw/Force Lightning? They most likely hit you with a snare they then follow up with that sprint to get far away and go right back to spamming the drooler button.


You lost your credibility with me when you used the word "droolers" to paint a class with a demeaning color. Having an easy-on-the-fingers rotation does not produce any more saliva in a player nor does it cause any neural degeneration. Granted it requires less twitching, but many people don't play an MMO to exercise twitch acumen.

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You lost your credibility with me when you used the word "droolers" to paint a class with a demeaning color. Having an easy-on-the-fingers rotation does not produce any more saliva in a player nor does it cause any neural degeneration. Granted it requires less twitching, but many people don't play an MMO to exercise twitch acumen.


It does however require a higher tolerance for boredom. Maybe they are practicing so they can become accountants?

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It is the follow-ups of tracer round/grav missile, which are instant, that kills you and racks up the damage numbers. It is NOT a one button-win spam.


Hearing "omg nerf" is just as tireing as hearing "l2 interrupt". It's like a great hickup-machine that has nothing to do with the game or the mechanics. Even though I've never seen a arsenal merc/gunnery commando win against a melee class who can interrupt 1vs1.


Applying Tracer/grav round is the effective way of playing the class because its synergies leads up to the high damage numbers from the class' other skills.


Furthermore the other skills activate instantly and pretty much without any noticable animation and this combined with NO combat log makes it impossible to see if the big number was actually from the tracer/grav round. So all you see (and hear) is the unfortunately godawful rocket insanity animation all the while you get smashed by a critting railshot, just as an example.


If the merc/commando only spams tracer/grav he will be faceraped. Again, it is NOT a one-button rotation. That's just complete bollocks. Instead learn to understand and grasp basic game design and mechanics, then look at how the class mechanics and synergies in turn maximises its effect.


It might be the entire talent tree is fubared, whatever. But rant-nerfing a core ability that is entirely essential to how the intended mechanics of the class is - that is just stupid - especially without any substance in the form of a combat log displaying abilities and damage numbers.



Beside all that there is nothing wrong with the ability. You're getting facehauled because your opponent has truckloads of expertise which is what ups the damage. Another problem entirely and hardly solved by nerfing a single ability. GEAR, and lack of, is what's killing you, because expertise scales the damage pretty damn off the scales.

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I've played from both ends, and I will tell you right now, I hate sages and sorcs in any WZ far more than I ever will hate a Gunnery-spec Commando/Arsenal-Spec Mercenary.


What happens if you interrupt a merc/commando using ***-Blaster-Missile/Grav-Round? They have to resort to something less damaging and try to haul *** away from you, heavy armor or not. What happens when you interrupt the droolers spamming TK Throw/Force Lightning? They most likely hit you with a snare they then follow up with that sprint to get far away and go right back to spamming the drooler button.


Ever heard of a gap closer after they sprint away?

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You lost your credibility with me when you used the word "droolers" to paint a class with a demeaning color. Having an easy-on-the-fingers rotation does not produce any more saliva in a player nor does it cause any neural degeneration. Granted it requires less twitching, but many people don't play an MMO to exercise twitch acumen.


I'm not the first to call them droolers, I just thought it was kinda funny and helped distract me from the anger I feel whenever someone says to nerf grav-round/***-blaster-missile. Are some sorc and sage players droolers? Oh hell yes, but those are also the type who just sit and spam nothing but grav-round and ***-blaster-missile (I watched Tremors 3 a few days ago, can't get it outta my head). Perhaps I should call them noobs who can't learn that spamming anything over and over is a bad idea? Sorcs and Sages just have more ways to deal with being interrupted and suddenly in melee, they have so much going for them that the idea of merc/commando being OP compared to them is just madness.

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And which part of ROOT did you missed?


I mentioned snare, which just slows you down, and Force Charge isn't always up for me. My gap closer as a powertech amounts to Jet Charge or Grapple, and Grapple obeys the Resolution bar. As a Merc however, I have no gap closer, just Jet Boost to create a gap, so if I'm snared or rooted by a sorc/sage, I'm screwed.


Plus, don't sorcs/sages get a talent that increases the range of their Captain Planet Pebbles/UNLIMITED POWAH Lightning?

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