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So today, it finally happened.


For the first time, one group of raiders didn't invite me because i'm a sentinel.

i have all full gear champion or collumi, i am know how to play, and i don't "NEED" drops.


They keep searching for DPS, even though i should be one, and they replied that they were looking the composition of the team, even though they hadn't a sentinel in their ops.

I know because one friend of mine was already inside the ops.


Any one of you take that hit already?

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No way, they are simply fools. Challenge them to a duel, kick their asses, and bid them good day.


You have NO DOWN TIME ON YOUR DPS.... which happens to be the same as the other DPS classes. That has a little bit of value in a boss fight, eh? Ever heard a Consular/Trooper/Smuggler complain about being out of resources? Doesn't happen to you.



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I haven't taken that and don't expect to honestly. I'm sorry to hear that cause Sentinels are not broken, bad etc etc qq. My raid raids with 2, good comp? No, does it work? Hell yea were good players. A good sent can really work ppl over, inspiration by itself is amazing and almost needed for some fights. Their lose imo.
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I'm usually the first dps to be invited when the party gets going (also a Sentinel) - at first it was because I was the only level 50 dps in the guild on at the right time...




Since then it's kept happening - we're in the bizarre situation of having a surplus of tanks, plenty of healers but relatively few dps in our guild but even if we got flooded with smugglers and commandos tomorrow I'm confident I'd be able to hold down a place for the following reasons:


1. I have no downtime - I can do facemelting dps until I fall over and die. Sometimes you have to run out of melee, sure, but so far it's never been long enough that it's stopped me ripping things apart - even then I can usually fire off a Bladestorm as I'm running out.


2. Inspiration and Transcendence. Both are MASSIVE buffs which, at the right time, can push a close fight over the edge and let you win. With Valorous Call you can even pop one after the other or double Transcendence if you need to.


There's also the issue of player skill - learn what you can and can't do, learn where you're best used and get really good at doing those things. Every class has it's own tricks and learning how to use yours effectively makes a big difference to how other players view you.


Lastly there's attitude - sometimes you can get a place for what you bring to the group as a person as much as for what your character can do.


I don't mind people telling me to l2play - I'm always learning to play! It's called getting better and practising :p

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I'm usually the first dps to be invited when the party gets going (also a Sentinel) - at first it was because I was the only level 50 dps in the guild on at the right time...




Since then it's kept happening - we're in the bizarre situation of having a surplus of tanks, plenty of healers but relatively few dps in our guild but even if we got flooded with smugglers and commandos tomorrow I'm confident I'd be able to hold down a place for the following reasons:


1. I have no downtime - I can do facemelting dps until I fall over and die. Sometimes you have to run out of melee, sure, but so far it's never been long enough that it's stopped me ripping things apart - even then I can usually fire off a Bladestorm as I'm running out.


2. Inspiration and Transcendence. Both are MASSIVE buffs which, at the right time, can push a close fight over the edge and let you win. With Valorous Call you can even pop one after the other or double Transcendence if you need to.


There's also the issue of player skill - learn what you can and can't do, learn where you're best used and get really good at doing those things. Every class has it's own tricks and learning how to use yours effectively makes a big difference to how other players view you.


Lastly there's attitude - sometimes you can get a place for what you bring to the group as a person as much as for what your character can do.


I don't mind people telling me to l2play - I'm always learning to play! It's called getting better and practising :p


This is a great post. I've been playing mmos for ~7 years and roughly stick to the same class as a main, the amount of stuff that I keep learning through them is amazing. And with this game still being new I don't think people know our true potential, and when they do Sents will be in some demand, to a point cause of the raid sizes. I always try to be the best at whatever it is, confident attitude and skill to back it up without cockyness is amazing. Again your raid is missing out, keep your head up there as said before man (:.

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RDPS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melee.


Unless it's a scrapper because they are downright broken and outdps everything with just sucker punch and backblast.


Inspiration is nice, but it is also only 4 people affected.

Edited by DoomedtoDie
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DPS is not dependent on a resource like Force or Energy that can run out.


focus runs out. and needs to be in melee range to regen.

Pacing yourself properly means no down time for other specs. They don't need to spam builders to regen.


And melee out, melee out. We have WAY WAY more down time then other dps.

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I'm the guildmaster so...no. But then when you're building the groups, have the friends list of good available pugs, admin powers to the teamspeak, and whatnot you can kind of play w/e.


Disregarding me being a sentinel (as in lets say I'm not and building an ops group) would I bring a sentinel? I can't help but feel I'd probably be about 30% more likely to check their gear/ask them their rotation than any other class.

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