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Stupidity at it's finest


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Your guildie can buy it, then you send him back his money. You lose only a tiny bit of money that way; he can even send you back the difference.


The listing fee is there to prevent abuse of the GTN by turning it into a defacto bank.


Unless he can't get there in time and the item is lost

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Unless he can't get there in time and the item is lost


Then you delist it, and ask him to make up the difference to you. Or consider the cost of delisting part of your gift to a friend.


Whence came the idea that any action one takes ought to be undoable without consequence?


You know what it costs to place things on the GTN; when you do so, you accept the risk that you might wish to remove it early and eat the difference. If you're THAT worried that you might need to take an item down, and this happens to you often enough that it actually cuts into your credits in a meaningful way, then forego the GTN and spam the trade channel. (/2, I think.)

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Then you delist it, and ask him to make up the difference to you. Or consider the cost of delisting part of your gift to a friend.


Whence came the idea that any action one takes ought to be undoable without consequence?


You know what it costs to place things on the GTN; when you do so, you accept the risk that you might wish to remove it early and eat the difference. If you're THAT worried that you might need to take an item down, and this happens to you often enough that it actually cuts into your credits in a meaningful way, then forego the GTN and spam the trade channel. (/2, I think.)


Well, here's where the problem lies with it (as it happened today). Making my next business move I bought the 4 barrels at 14.1K each. All good so far, I'm going to sell the for 16.5K which 500 credits under the next price. Getting everything all set up and about to put them up for sale, but, I'm not sure how but the price reverted back to the recommended sale price (14.1K) and I had to pull them all off losing 1.85K per barrel. Thus killing any profit I would've made, so I still have to sell them to break even.


I can live with the payment to get put the item up for sale. But I should get my deposit back if I take the item off

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If you're that good about playing the GTN you wouldn't care about the fee's since you'd be making a fortune.


Speculate to accumulate, you put a deposit down in order to make money the next day, i don't see the problem with that.


It keeps people from trying to game the market, if you're serious about selling an item you'll accept the deposit, if you want to exploit the market like you are then you take the consequences.


For 90% of GTN users this isn't a problem, maybe try selling a real product instead of making paper profits. It's strangely accurate to real life, bankers who make money from upselling other peoples work just end up destroying the system eventually.


You're the star wars version of Bernie Madoff :p

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Well, here's where the problem lies with it (as it happened today). Making my next business move I bought the 4 barrels at 14.1K each. All good so far, I'm going to sell the for 16.5K which 500 credits under the next price. Getting everything all set up and about to put them up for sale, but, I'm not sure how but the price reverted back to the recommended sale price (14.1K) and I had to pull them all off losing 1.85K per barrel. Thus killing any profit I would've made, so I still have to sell them to break even.


I can live with the payment to get put the item up for sale. But I should get my deposit back if I take the item off


So, all pretense of lowering the price for others has totally gone out of the window now, eh?


Also, I love that you dismissed out of hand the comparison with Ebay. You said 'Ebay is a web-site'. What the heck do think GTN is? It's a terminal for a Network just like Ebay. In fact, exactly like it. You list things and people all over the galaxy can see them and bid on them, just like Ebay.


I really hope people continue to post the barrels at lower and lower prices. That would be justice.



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So, all pretense of lowering the price for others has totally gone out of the window now, eh?


Also, I love that you dismissed out of hand the comparison with Ebay. You said 'Ebay is a web-site'. What the heck do think GTN is? It's a terminal for a Network just like Ebay. In fact, exactly like it. You list things and people all over the galaxy can see them and bid on them, just like Ebay.


I really hope people continue to post the barrels at lower and lower prices. That would be justice.




They sell em low, I'll buy them. Give them money, keep them in business. Sell it a slightly higher mark up under the next highest one. Make a profit, people get a barrel at good price. Everyone is happy. Also, I've come to terms with the deposit (still think it should be lowered) but if I pull an item, I should get my deposit back. If you keep the deposit how it is, and add that. I'll be happy

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If you're that good about playing the GTN you wouldn't care about the fee's since you'd be making a fortune.


Speculate to accumulate, you put a deposit down in order to make money the next day, i don't see the problem with that.


It keeps people from trying to game the market, if you're serious about selling an item you'll accept the deposit, if you want to exploit the market like you are then you take the consequences.


For 90% of GTN users this isn't a problem, maybe try selling a real product instead of making paper profits. It's strangely accurate to real life, bankers who make money from upselling other peoples work just end up destroying the system eventually.


You're the star wars version of Bernie Madoff :p


If I was Bernie Madoff I would have people invest in me and tell them I'll get your items made eventually and never make them the I'll run away with their money. I got my first "real" product as you call it (of course they're all real because after I buy it it's mine to do with as I please.


I'm not exploiting the market, I'm buying low, selling slightly higher, yet slightly under the next salesman, giving the people who sell cheap money, giving myself money, and giving other people barrels at a moderate price they think is fair.

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So, today. I decided to check the Galactic Trade Market to see how much I could sell an Advanced Skill Barrel 22, which I can make. I saw the lowest one was 15K. With it being that cheap, I decided to buy it and sell it for 17,500 so I could initially make, a 16.6% profit.


However, there is something in place that I find completely stupid. I had to pay 2300 something credits to put it up on the market (the details didn't really go through my head until recently) but I only made 200 credits off the sale. Why do I have to PAY something to sell something? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of selling stuff?


In my honest opinion, this should be removed. I can already see some of the comments in the future that will attack me..


No, clueless.

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No, clueless.


You can call me all the names you want, I don't care. You have to say something really bad to hurt my feelings. Anyways, I was "clueless" that you got most of your deposit back. Please read some more of my recent posts on this page and page 10. My opinion has changed a little bit

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Well, here's where the problem lies with it (as it happened today). Making my next business move I bought the 4 barrels at 14.1K each. All good so far, I'm going to sell the for 16.5K which 500 credits under the next price. Getting everything all set up and about to put them up for sale, but, I'm not sure how but the price reverted back to the recommended sale price (14.1K) and I had to pull them all off losing 1.85K per barrel. Thus killing any profit I would've made, so I still have to sell them to break even.


I can live with the payment to get put the item up for sale. But I should get my deposit back if I take the item off


First, let me distance myself from those criticizing you for buying low and selling high. As described, you're not cheating, using exploits, botting, farming, yadda yadda, or doing anything else that's unethical or immoral.


Now, I want to be sure I understand your next point: Are you saying that the price you posted for sale wasn't the price that the GTN actually took? If so, this is a bug and should be reported; it has nothing to do with the fact there's a listing fee, per se. It sucks you got bit due to a bug, and maybe a CSR could help you with it, but that's not an argument against the listing fee.


OR, are you saying that after you posted, you saw other items for sale for less, and you want to pull your items off because now you won't be able to sell them for what you intended and thus lose the small fee that's charged when an item either sells or expires? If so... no sympathy here, pal. You play the market, you take the risks. If you misread what the value would be, tough; try again.


I do, honestly, sympathize if a glitch cost you money by causing items to list improperly, and I do think that, if it can be proven to be bugged, that you should be reimbursed. However, that's really irrelevent to there being a listing fee at all, as such a fee serves several valuable purposes and, by discouraging frivolous items and defacto capping prices (you can't list an item if you don't have money for the listing fee), it makes the GTN much more functional. (And it needs all the help it can get, poor thing... it obviously was a low priority in terms of UI design and testing.)

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First, let me distance myself from those criticizing you for buying low and selling high. As described, you're not cheating, using exploits, botting, farming, yadda yadda, or doing anything else that's unethical or immoral.


Now, I want to be sure I understand your next point: Are you saying that the price you posted for sale wasn't the price that the GTN actually took? If so, this is a bug and should be reported; it has nothing to do with the fact there's a listing fee, per se. It sucks you got bit due to a bug, and maybe a CSR could help you with it, but that's not an argument against the listing fee.


OR, are you saying that after you posted, you saw other items for sale for less, and you want to pull your items off because now you won't be able to sell them for what you intended and thus lose the small fee that's charged when an item either sells or expires? If so... no sympathy here, pal. You play the market, you take the risks. If you misread what the value would be, tough; try again.


I do, honestly, sympathize if a glitch cost you money by causing items to list improperly, and I do think that, if it can be proven to be bugged, that you should be reimbursed. However, that's really irrelevent to there being a listing fee at all, as such a fee serves several valuable purposes and, by discouraging frivolous items and defacto capping prices (you can't list an item if you don't have money for the listing fee), it makes the GTN much more functional. (And it needs all the help it can get, poor thing... it obviously was a low priority in terms of UI design and testing.)


Well, what happened was (going on my best memory of the subject). I put how much money in I wanted to sell it for first, then right clicked the item so it would go into the box, not realising the price reset I put it up for sale, also no realising that you have to set the price each time you put a new item in the box. Grant it, you could say this is my fault, but mistakes happen. That's why I argue towards getting your deposit back after you pull the item off the market

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So, today. I decided to check the Galactic Trade Market to see how much I could sell an Advanced Skill Barrel 22, which I can make. I saw the lowest one was 15K. With it being that cheap, I decided to buy it and sell it for 17,500 so I could initially make, a 16.6% profit.


However, there is something in place that I find completely stupid. I had to pay 2300 something credits to put it up on the market (the details didn't really go through my head until recently) but I only made 200 credits off the sale. Why do I have to PAY something to sell something? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of selling stuff?


In my honest opinion, this should be removed. I can already see some of the comments in the future that will attack me..

If you're talking the deposit... you get that back regardless of whether it sells or not.
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. Grant it, you could say this is my fault, but mistakes happen. That's why I argue towards getting your deposit back after you pull the item off the market


So, your whole argument is based on the fact that you didn't check your price before you posted? On being charged a deposit on a single item, for the default price?


Sorry, but this sounds to me like one of the biggest non-issues ever. If the item doesn't sell, you get your deposit back. Sure, you have to wait, but it was your mistake. At the risk of sounding harsh, suck it up and take some responsibility for your own actions. It's not the game's fault, and the game can't fix all your mistakes for you. Learn and move on.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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So, your whole argument is based on the fact that you didn't check your price before you posted? On being charged a deposit on a single item, for the default price?


Sorry, but this sounds to me like one of the biggest non-issues ever. If the item doesn't sell, you get your deposit back. Sure, you have to wait, but it was your mistake. At the risk of sounding harsh, suck it up and take some responsibility for your own actions. It's not the game's fault, and the game can't fix all your mistakes for you. Learn and move on.


I do take respoonsibility for my own actions. One of the biggest believers in that. However, this shouldn't have occured in the first place or it should be less painful because the deposit value is too high in my opinion, and several other people's opinions in this thread. As long as it's still on the market, it's MINE. I shouldn't have to pay because I decided I want to keep it/resell it at the correct value I believe it's worth

Edited by FalcoLombardi
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Yes, only partially solved. If I didn't take it off the market, and they all sold. The outcome would be the same, no profit


kinda your bad tho for choosing that listing price and not fully understanding the mechanic... sucks but it happens no one is perfect and we all make mistakes... but now you know so it shouldn't happen again


now you know and knowing is half the battle!!! the other half is red and blue LAZORS

Edited by Liquidacid
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