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Level 50 PVP bracket = HORRIBLE!


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so the majority of posts were in favor of a bracket system and then when it gets implemented the majority of posts are about how it sucks.


i do not envy bioware.


No kidding, but at least 90% is from the 50s so maybe soon Bioware will see majority of players prefer the removal of expertise. Then the 50s could return to the 10-49 brackets without the sub 50s QQing and all will be well.

Edited by Daraco
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50 bracket is great. I can now enjoy a competitive pvp war zone environment while leveling without having to worry about getting face rolled by geared 50s all the time.

I didn't mind the 50's being in the bracket, I used it as a measure of getting to know my class better the more (albeit a very slim amount) I whittled their hps down.

The thing I didn't care about is the 50's on my server talking about how godlike they are in pvp then finding them mainly farming kills off of the lowbies. I always call them out about it in general, sometimes shuts them up. I guess they have to get their kicks somehow.

But on the other hand it is nice to have a better chance at living a hell of a lot longer. Got unstoppable a few times on something other than a ranged hiding behind a group.

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It's not about gearing up. It's about people sucking at PVP.... don't try to gear up in PVP if you do not know 'theHell you are doing. Seeing 50s run the wrong way in Huttball, ask how to pass, etc.


It would not be so bad if I wasn't geting screwed by the RNG. Missing several pieces at valor 54 (keep in mind our server didn't do the Ilum exploit).


Instead of /rage, try /mentor.

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So, what I was thinking a level 50 bracket would do, is put all the people who suck at PVP into another bracket. Wrong! The undergeared n00bs who queue in the 50 bracket are some of the worst PVPers I have ever seen in my life. I hate them. In fact, I would rather have level 10s on my team, than some scrub 50 who thinks that PVP is the easy ticket to gearing up.... then proceeds to get curb stomped match after match and quit every time.


so cos they suck they shouldn't be in your team? LOL stop complaining about everything and GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE TO LEARN, ffs


you can only hope for rated warzone, untill then **** please

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50 bracket is great. I can now enjoy a competitive pvp war zone environment while leveling without having to worry about getting face rolled by geared 50s all the time.


Until you are 50, never pvp'd until then, and now really can't because everyone else takes no damage against your expertiseless gear and stomps your *** no matter how good you are.


Atbh, expertise needs to go. Or the tiers need to be broken by expertise score, in which case, expertise is useless. So irrelivant, so once again might as well go.

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Um, it was far easier for the 50s already in battlemaster gear to gear up than new 50s.


New 50s have to face people who drastically outgear them and stomp their faces in due to expertise gear. The people who are already battle masters did not have to deal with that. New 50s will have a more difficult time getting medals (valor/commendations) in warzones than the already geared people who 2 shot them and then think they are amazing and skilled because of their ability to do so.


Illum dailies and weeklies for the already battle masters involved them standing around for 5 minutes trading nodes with the other faction for free upgrades. That is no longer possible.


Always refreshing to see someone point out to the idiots who think they are "leet" because they have gear that they are winning nothing but the grind race.

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sorry but the bracket was needed. lower levels were tired of being 3 shotted because the 50s had abilities the lower levels did not, granted your stats got boosted to the 50 level but it didnt do anything to someone fully geared and with all of their skills. IN Bioware's eyes i can see them saying we are damned if we do and damned if we don't
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sorry but the bracket was needed. lower levels were tired of being 3 shotted because the 50s had abilities the lower levels did not, granted your stats got boosted to the 50 level but it didnt do anything to someone fully geared and with all of their skills. IN Bioware's eyes i can see them saying we are damned if we do and damned if we don't


I'm sorry, but the 1 ability you get at 50 doesn't change this at all. I was 36 against 47s today. Same deal. Its not an issue. Expertise is. It needs to go

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So, what I was thinking a level 50 bracket would do, is put all the people who suck at PVP into another bracket. Wrong! The undergeared n00bs who queue in the 50 bracket are some of the worst PVPers I have ever seen in my life. I hate them. In fact, I would rather have level 10s on my team, than some scrub 50 who thinks that PVP is the easy ticket to gearing up.... then proceeds to get curb stomped match after match and quit every time.


Carry harder, I heard it helps improve skills.


Group with newb just means you got to work double if you want to win, when you can solo carry a team to victory that is when you can start calling yourself pro-pvper and start posting stream on the internet.


Or we can ask BioWare to put a new queue matching making system that take valor level in to consideration and increase the queue even longer.

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I agree, the 50 bracket had made it pretty much impossible for me to get wins as a stolo player trying to gear up pvp gear.... i think they did a stealth bag nerf too, ive opened 10 bags post patch with nothing but worthless centurian tokens
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It is very easy to gear up at 50.


There are 2 daily quests and 2 weekly quests that yield 20 champion bags after completing a week's worth.


In addition, participating in warzones and earning medals yields warzone commendations as well.


After a week, you should be adequately geared to fight other level 50s unless you have really bad luck with champion bags.


In addition, try to organize with other players prior to queueing a warzone solo.


Others will experience the same on the other side (Republic, if you are Empire) so its a level playing field for the most part.


So far 76+ hrs in Q and not a single 50 wz. Ilum is dead. Might be easy for you to gear on a high pop server, but its impossible for some.

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I wouldn't have that much of a problem with a 50 bracket really, even though I think they should've given it just a wee bit more time before implementing it.


The major issue I have with PvP was the introduction of expertise from the outset of release. I understand the need for seperate pvp/pve gear sets and a specific stat for each. You don't need this though in the very beginning. Theres so few people who hit level cap that fast that people running raids in pvp gear isn't an issue because they'll obviously be hardcore players and understand it's not gonna last. But having an expertise stat from release just rewards the people who have tons of free time to just grind out pvp gear.


The other thing I think bothered people the most was that most the time they were playing against 50s decked in champ and battle master gear it isn't just 1 of them. Its usually a premade of 4 running together. And when you play against folks like that it's pretty likely they atleast have a basic plan, if they arn't in vent/mumble/TS talking it out as the warzone goes on. So they've got a big enough advantage without the gear. So its not surprising when you (assuming you're a exceptional level player) are just getting absolutely roflstomped.

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Expertise is not the problem.



The problem is that level 50s with crap gear and no skill come in trying to PVP... and the reality is that level 10s are better for the team than they are. PVP is the ultimate bloodsport and being good takes a lot of dedication. When you set out to take down another player, you are essentially going after the toughest prey in the game. People aren't treating it as such. They are saying "herp, EZ g3aRz fTw" and then proceeding to cause repeated losses for their team.


By the time you reach 50, if you don't already know every Warzone and have your spec locked on, as a minimum, then how dedicated of a PVPer are you? If you get to 50 and then decide that you love PVP, that is one thing, but people who are here for PVE and just do PVP without a clue of what to do and without the dedication to learn it... these people are just wasting everybody's time.

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I've noticed an extreme drop in skill at least on the imperial side on my server after the bracket has been implemented. And as a sniper, that really really hurts.


I have a routine of inspecting people(don't ask me why I just do) and when I see someone wearing the wrong stat gear I just want to scream, and I've seen that more and more lately.


I've slowed down on PvP with my sniper because It's near impossible to finish my daily let alone weekly now. The lowbie bracket seems to be much more competitive ATM

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Raiding is something to do @ 50 too, and yet it's not OK to show up in a raid and not know what to do or how to work your abilities? Why not?


Look man, there are literally dozens and dozens of ways to get good at PVP... one of them is to NOT show up as a level 50 with zero practice and then quit the WZ the second your team falls behind. This is an epidemic on my server and it needs to stop. I will gladly give tips and info to anybody ready and willing to learn... but these people who just try to do WZ's as a stepping stone for PVE gear? They are trolling us, and they need to stop!


lol at all you crying 50's. I told you weeks ago about the pansy 50's who thought they were great, but everytime the warzone started heading south they would cry and blame lowbies and Rage quit. Yall laughed at me and told me to stop whining. Well look who's laughing now. Being 50 doesn't make you good just like being a lowbie didn't make you bad.

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L50 bracket is awesome on my server. I get to play with a bunch of people who know what they're doing, and never think to myself "oh look, 2 lowbies guarding a point, mine now!"


So far it seems the imperial opposition has become a bit weaker, and we seem to be winning more than 50%. Might just be an anomaly, haven't played that many yet since patch.

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What annoys me the most, is that I try to coordinate attacks on Alderaan or Voidstar and people completely ignore it, going on suicide missions, doing their own thing.


Then they also have the balls to tell you to shut up.


I hate how commendations are given.


For example, on Alderaan you can slice and capture a turret and then you get medals just by standing next to the turret. Now, what is the point of defending a turret when you are down by 100 points with 5-10 mins to go? There is no point - you cannot win. What's worse the opposition know that those medal farmers are not going to leave their turrets and just sit and defend their own. Meaning the rest of us are trying to capture them but are always outnumbered 2-1. Sometimes you get lucky and you beat the odds, but you may get little commendations or medals for playing the right way as you are constantly dying.


Like in a hutball you have a team who is organised, while the other team is just out for kills. The team who is out for kills may have top 8 players in damage or kills, but the opposition wins 6-0. How does that work out? I don't see how this is an enjoyable game, if certain people don't play the game, then why don't BW give the option for players to play in a deathmatch mode if that's what they want to do, rather than spoiling it for everyone else.


You tell people pass the ball, but they just hold on to it. I bet they don't even have the pass option on their action bar. You tell people to run forward to receive a forward pass and they all sit back waiting for the ball carrier to magically get through half a dozen players.

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50 bracket is great. I can now enjoy a competitive pvp war zone environment while leveling without having to worry about getting face rolled by geared 50s all the time.


HAHA.... once you hit 50(assuming you are republic) prepare to be face rolled again. Granted you wont always lose, it will be the majority of the time. The main culprit. Expertise. So as long as you can stand getting the crap kicked outta you till you gear up. You'll have FUN. lol I recommend saving all your comms so you have a little hope once you pop 50.

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Expertise is not the problem.



The problem is that level 50s with crap gear and no skill come in trying to PVP... and the reality is that level 10s are better for the team than they are. PVP is the ultimate bloodsport and being good takes a lot of dedication. When you set out to take down another player, you are essentially going after the toughest prey in the game. People aren't treating it as such. They are saying "herp, EZ g3aRz fTw" and then proceeding to cause repeated losses for their team.


By the time you reach 50, if you don't already know every Warzone and have your spec locked on, as a minimum, then how dedicated of a PVPer are you? If you get to 50 and then decide that you love PVP, that is one thing, but people who are here for PVE and just do PVP without a clue of what to do and without the dedication to learn it... these people are just wasting everybody's time.


Oh maybe... JUST MAYBE. Pve solo was engrossing and fun enough for some people to just get into pvp or fp or other side items till end game level.

And maybe, just MAYBE, they would like to play and learn pvp at the level cap without elitists being jerks and expertise kings facerolling them no matter how skilled in general they are at pvp in other games. A forced que level 50 bracket is not good for the game or pvp community in the long run.

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